28,342 research outputs found

    Depth, Highness and DNR degrees

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    We study Bennett deep sequences in the context of recursion theory; in particular we investigate the notions of O(1)-deepK, O(1)-deepC , order-deep K and order-deep C sequences. Our main results are that Martin-Loef random sets are not order-deepC , that every many-one degree contains a set which is not O(1)-deepC , that O(1)-deepC sets and order-deepK sets have high or DNR Turing degree and that no K-trival set is O(1)-deepK.Comment: journal version, dmtc

    Self-consistent Green's functions formalism with three-body interactions

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    We extend the self-consistent Green's functions formalism to take into account three-body interactions. We analyze the perturbative expansion in terms of Feynman diagrams and define effective one- and two-body interactions, which allows for a substantial reduction of the number of diagrams. The procedure can be taken as a generalization of the normal ordering of the Hamiltonian to fully correlated density matrices. We give examples up to third order in perturbation theory. To define nonperturbative approximations, we extend the equation of motion method in the presence of three-body interactions. We propose schemes that can provide nonperturbative resummation of three-body interactions. We also discuss two different extensions of the Koltun sum rule to compute the ground state of a many-body system.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figure

    One-particle irreducible functional approach - a new route to diagrammatic extensions of DMFT

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    We present an approach which is based on the one-particle irreducible (1PI) generating functional formalism and includes electronic correlations on all length-scales beyond the local correlations of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). This formalism allows us to unify aspects of the dynamical vertex approximation (D\GammaA) and the dual fermion (DF) scheme, yielding a consistent formulation of non-local correlations at the one- and two-particle level beyond DMFT within the functional integral formalism. In particular, the considered approach includes one-particle reducible contributions from the three- and more-particle vertices in the dual fermion approach, as well as some diagrams not included in the ladder version of D\GammaA. To demonstrate the applicability and physical content of the 1PI approach, we compare the diagrammatics of 1PI, DF and D\GammaA, as well as the numerical results of these approaches for the half-filled Hubbard model in two dimensions.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures, updated versio

    A simple way to generate high order vacuum graphs

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    We describe an efficient practical procedure for enumerating and regrouping vacuum Feynman graphs of a given order in perturbation theory. The method is based on a combination of Schwinger-Dyson equations and the two-particle-irreducible ("skeleton") expansion. The regrouping leads to skeletons containing only free propagators, together with "ring diagrams" containing all the self-energy insertions. As a consequence, relatively few diagrams need to be drawn and integrations carried out at any single stage of the computation and, in low dimensions, overlapping ultraviolet/infrared subdivergences can be cleanly isolated. As an illustration we enumerate the graphs contributing to the 4-loop free energy in QCD, explicitly in a continuum and more compactly in a lattice regularization.Comment: 19 pages. Reference added. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    On the Solvability of the Mind-Body Problem

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    The mind-body problem is analyzed in a physicalist perspective. By combining the concepts of emergence and algorithmic information theory in a thought experiment employing a basic nonlinear process, it is shown that epistemically strongly emergent properties may develop in a physical system. Turning to the significantly more complex neural network of the brain it is subsequently argued that consciousness is epistemically emergent. Thus reductionist understanding of consciousness appears not possible; the mind-body problem does not have a reductionist solution. The ontologically emergent character of consciousness is then identified from a combinatorial analysis relating to universal limits set by quantum mechanics, implying that consciousness is fundamentally irreducible to low-level phenomena

    The Value of Help Bits in Randomized and Average-Case Complexity

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    "Help bits" are some limited trusted information about an instance or instances of a computational problem that may reduce the computational complexity of solving that instance or instances. In this paper, we study the value of help bits in the settings of randomized and average-case complexity. Amir, Beigel, and Gasarch (1990) show that for constant kk, if kk instances of a decision problem can be efficiently solved using less than kk bits of help, then the problem is in P/poly. We extend this result to the setting of randomized computation: We show that the decision problem is in P/poly if using \ell help bits, kk instances of the problem can be efficiently solved with probability greater than 2k2^{\ell-k}. The same result holds if using less than k(1h(α))k(1 - h(\alpha)) help bits (where h()h(\cdot) is the binary entropy function), we can efficiently solve (1α)(1-\alpha) fraction of the instances correctly with non-vanishing probability. We also extend these two results to non-constant but logarithmic kk. In this case however, instead of showing that the problem is in P/poly we show that it satisfies "kk-membership comparability," a notion known to be related to solving kk instances using less than kk bits of help. Next we consider the setting of average-case complexity: Assume that we can solve kk instances of a decision problem using some help bits whose entropy is less than kk when the kk instances are drawn independently from a particular distribution. Then we can efficiently solve an instance drawn from that distribution with probability better than 1/21/2. Finally, we show that in the case where kk is super-logarithmic, assuming kk-membership comparability of a decision problem, one cannot prove that the problem is in P/poly by a "black-box proof.