14 research outputs found

    On Partially Controlled Multi-Agent Systems

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    Motivated by the control theoretic distinction between controllable and uncontrollable events, we distinguish between two types of agents within a multi-agent system: controllable agents, which are directly controlled by the system's designer, and uncontrollable agents, which are not under the designer's direct control. We refer to such systems as partially controlled multi-agent systems, and we investigate how one might influence the behavior of the uncontrolled agents through appropriate design of the controlled agents. In particular, we wish to understand which problems are naturally described in these terms, what methods can be applied to influence the uncontrollable agents, the effectiveness of such methods, and whether similar methods work across different domains. Using a game-theoretic framework, this paper studies the design of partially controlled multi-agent systems in two contexts: in one context, the uncontrollable agents are expected utility maximizers, while in the other they are reinforcement learners. We suggest different techniques for controlling agents' behavior in each domain, assess their success, and examine their relationship.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Socionics: Sociological Concepts for Social Systems of Artificial (and Human) Agents

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    Socionics is an interdisciplinary approach with the objective to use sociological knowledge about the structures, mechanisms and processes of social interaction and social communication as a source of inspiration for the development of multi-agent systems, both for the purposes of engineering applications and of social theory construction and social simulation. The approach has been spelled out from 1998 on within the Socionics priority program funded by the German National research foundation. This special issue of the JASSS presents research results from five interdisciplinary projects of the Socionics program. The introduction gives an overview over the basic ideas of the Socionics approach and summarizes the work of these projects.Socionics, Sociology, Multi-Agent Systems, Artificial Social Systems, Hybrid Systems, Social Simulation

    Adaptive deterrence sanctions in a normative framework

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    Normative environments are used to regulate multi-agent interactions. In business encounters, agents representing business entities make contracts including norms that prescribe what agents should do. Agent autonomy, however, gives agents the ability to decide whether they fulfill or violate their commitments. In this paper we present an adaptive mechanism that enables a normative framework to change deterrence sanctions according to an agent population, in order to preclude agents from exploiting potential normative flaws. The system tries to avoid institutional control beyond what is strictly necessary, seeking to maximize agent contracting activity while ensuring a certain commitment compliance level, when agents have unknown risk and social attitudes

    Special Agents Can Promote Cooperation in the Population

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    Cooperation is ubiquitous in our real life but everyone would like to maximize her own profits. How does cooperation occur in the group of self-interested agents without centralized control? Furthermore, in a hostile scenario, for example, cooperation is unlikely to emerge. Is there any mechanism to promote cooperation if populations are given and play rules are not allowed to change? In this paper, numerical experiments show that complete population interaction is unfriendly to cooperation in the finite but end-unknown Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma (RPD). Then a mechanism called soft control is proposed to promote cooperation. According to the basic idea of soft control, a number of special agents are introduced to intervene in the evolution of cooperation. They comply with play rules in the original group so that they are always treated as normal agents. For our purpose, these special agents have their own strategies and share knowledge. The capability of the mechanism is studied under different settings. We find that soft control can promote cooperation and is robust to noise. Meanwhile simulation results demonstrate the applicability of the mechanism in other scenarios. Besides, the analytical proof also illustrates the effectiveness of soft control and validates simulation results. As a way of intervention in collective behaviors, soft control provides a possible direction for the study of reciprocal behaviors

    Emergent Properties of a Market-based Digital Library with Strategic Agents

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    The University of Michigan Digital Library (UMDL) is designed as an open system that allows third parties to build and integrate their own profit-seeking agents into the marketplace of information goods and services. The profit-seeking behavior of agents, however, risks inefficient allocation of goods and services, as agents take strategic stances that might backfire. While it would be good if we could impose mechanisms to remove incentives for strategic reasoning, this is not possible in the UMDL. Therefore, our approach has instead been to study whether encouraging the other extreme—making strategic reasoning ubiquitous—provides an answer.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43993/1/10458_2004_Article_251209.pd

    Learning and Co-operation in Mobile Multi-Robot Systems

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/1984 on 27.02.2017 by CS (TIS)This thesis addresses the problem of setting the balance between exploration and exploitation in teams of learning robots who exchange information. Specifically it looks at groups of robots whose tasks include moving between salient points in the environment. To deal with unknown and dynamic environments,such robots need to be able to discover and learn the routes between these points themselves. A natural extension of this scenario is to allow the robots to exchange learned routes so that only one robot needs to learn a route for the whole team to use that route. One contribution of this thesis is to identify a dilemma created by this extension: that once one robot has learned a route between two points, all other robots will follow that route without looking for shorter versions. This trade-off will be labeled the Distributed Exploration vs. Exploitation Dilemma, since increasing distributed exploitation (allowing robots to exchange more routes) means decreasing distributed exploration (reducing robots ability to learn new versions of routes), and vice-versa. At different times, teams may be required with different balances of exploitation and exploration. The main contribution of this thesis is to present a system for setting the balance between exploration and exploitation in a group of robots. This system is demonstrated through experiments involving simulated robot teams. The experiments show that increasing and decreasing the value of a parameter of the novel system will lead to a significant increase and decrease respectively in average exploitation (and an equivalent decrease and increase in average exploration) over a series of team missions. A further set of experiments show that this holds true for a range of team sizes and numbers of goals

    Making friends on the fly : advances in ad hoc teamwork

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    textGiven the continuing improvements in design and manufacturing processes in addition to improvements in artificial intelligence, robots are being deployed in an increasing variety of environments for longer periods of time. As the number of robots grows, it is expected that they will encounter and interact with other robots. Additionally, the number of companies and research laboratories producing these robots is increasing, leading to the situation where these robots may not share a common communication or coordination protocol. While standards for coordination and communication may be created, we expect that any standards will lag behind the state-of-the-art protocols and robots will need to additionally reason intelligently about their teammates with limited information. This problem motivates the area of ad hoc teamwork in which an agent may potentially cooperate with a variety of teammates in order to achieve a shared goal. We argue that agents that effectively reason about ad hoc teamwork need to exhibit three capabilities: 1) robustness to teammate variety, 2) robustness to diverse tasks, and 3) fast adaptation. This thesis focuses on addressing all three of these challenges. In particular, this thesis introduces algorithms for quickly adapting to unknown teammates that enable agents to react to new teammates without extensive observations. The majority of existing multiagent algorithms focus on scenarios where all agents share coordination and communication protocols. While previous research on ad hoc teamwork considers some of these three challenges, this thesis introduces a new algorithm, PLASTIC, that is the first to address all three challenges in a single algorithm. PLASTIC adapts quickly to unknown teammates by reusing knowledge it learns about previous teammates and exploiting any expert knowledge available. Given this knowledge, PLASTIC selects which previous teammates are most similar to the current ones online and uses this information to adapt to their behaviors. This thesis introduces two instantiations of PLASTIC. The first is a model-based approach, PLASTIC-Model, that builds models of previous teammates' behaviors and plans online to determine the best course of action. The second uses a policy-based approach, PLASTIC-Policy, in which it learns policies for cooperating with past teammates and selects from among these policies online. Furthermore, we introduce a new transfer learning algorithm, TwoStageTransfer, that allows transferring knowledge from many past teammates while considering how similar each teammate is to the current ones. We theoretically analyze the computational tractability of PLASTIC-Model in a number of scenarios with unknown teammates. Additionally, we empirically evaluate PLASTIC in three domains that cover a spread of possible settings. Our evaluations show that PLASTIC can learn to communicate with unknown teammates using a limited set of messages, coordinate with externally-created teammates that do not reason about ad hoc teams, and act intelligently in domains with continuous states and actions. Furthermore, these evaluations show that TwoStageTransfer outperforms existing transfer learning algorithms and enables PLASTIC to adapt even better to new teammates. We also identify three dimensions that we argue best describe ad hoc teamwork scenarios. We hypothesize that these dimensions are useful for analyzing similarities among domains and determining which can be tackled by similar algorithms in addition to identifying avenues for future research. The work presented in this thesis represents an important step towards enabling agents to adapt to unknown teammates in the real world. PLASTIC significantly broadens the robustness of robots to their teammates and allows them to quickly adapt to new teammates by reusing previously learned knowledge.Computer Science

    A mathematical formulation of intelligent agents and their activities

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    Includes bibliography: leaves 119-126.The task of optimising a collection of objective functions subject to a set of constraints is as important to industry as it is ubiquitous. The importance of this task is evidenced by the amount of research on this subject that is currently in progress. Although this problem has been solved satisfactorily in a number of domains, new techniques and formalisms are still being devised that are applicable in fields as diverse as digital filter design and software engineering. These methods, however, are often computationally intensive, and the heavy reliance on numeric processing usually renders them unintuitive. A further limitation is that many of the techniques treat the problem in top-down fashion. This approach often manifests itself in large, complex systems of equations that are difficult to solve and adapt. By contrast, in a bottom-up approach, a given task is distributed over a collection of smaller components. These components embed behaviour that is determined by simple rules. The interactions between the components, however, often yield behaviour, the complexity of which surpasses what can be captured by the systems of equations that arise from a top-down approach. In this dissertation, we wish to study this bottom-up approach in more detail. Our aim is not to solve the optimisation problem, but rather, to study the smaller components of the approach and their behaviour more closely. To model the components, we choose intelligent agents because these represent a simple yet effective paradigm for capturing complex behaviour with simple rules. We provide several representations for the agents, each of which enables us to model a different aspect of their behaviour. To formulate the representations, we use techniques and concepts from fields such as universal algebra, order theory, domain theory and topology. As part of the formulation we also present a case study to demonstrate how the formulation could be applied

    A Framework for Coordinated Control of Multi-Agent Systems

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    Multi-agent systems represent a group of agents that cooperate to solve common tasks in a dynamic environment. Multi-agent control systems have been widely studied in the past few years. The control of multi-agent systems relates to synthesizing control schemes for systems which are inherently distributed and composed of multiple interacting entities. Because of the wide applications of multi-agent theories in large and complex control systems, it is necessary to develop a framework to simplify the process of developing control schemes for multi-agent systems. In this study, a framework is proposed for the distributed control and coordination of multi-agent systems. In the proposed framework, the control of multi-agent systems is regarded as achieving decentralized control and coordination of agents. Each agent is modeled as a Coordinated Hybrid Agent (CHA) which is composed of an intelligent coordination layer and a hybrid control layer. The intelligent coordination layer takes the coordination input, plant input and workspace input. After processing the coordination primitives, the intelligent coordination layer outputs the desired action to the hybrid layer. In the proposed framework, we describe the coordination mechanism in a domain-independent way, as simple abstract primitives in a coordination rule base for certain dependency relationships between the activities of different agents. The intelligent coordination layer deals with the planning, coordination, decision-making and computation of the agent. The hybrid control layer of the proposed framework takes the output of the intelligent coordination layer and generates discrete and continuous control signals to control the overall process. In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed framework, experiments for both heterogeneous and homogeneous Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) are implemented. In addition, the stability of systems modeled using the proposed framework is also analyzed. The conditions for asymptotic stability and exponential stability of a CHA system are given. In order to optimize a Multi-Agent System (MAS), a hybrid approach is proposed to address the optimization problem for a MAS modeled using the CHA framework. Both the event-driven dynamics and time-driven dynamics are included for the formulation of the optimization problem. A generic formula is given for the optimization of the framework. A direct identification algorithm is also discussed to solve the optimization problem