998 research outputs found

    OpenACC Based GPU Parallelization of Plane Sweep Algorithm for Geometric Intersection

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    Line segment intersection is one of the elementary operations in computational geometry. Complex problems in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) like finding map overlays or spatial joins using polygonal data require solving segment intersections. Plane sweep paradigm is used for finding geometric intersection in an efficient manner. However, it is difficult to parallelize due to its in-order processing of spatial events. We present a new fine-grained parallel algorithm for geometric intersection and its CPU and GPU implementation using OpenMP and OpenACC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work demonstrating an effective parallelization of plane sweep on GPUs. We chose compiler directive based approach for implementation because of its simplicity to parallelize sequential code. Using Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU, our implementation achieves around 40X speedup for line segment intersection problem on 40K and 80K data sets compared to sequential CGAL library

    A MapReduce-Based Big Spatial Data Framework for Solving the Problem of Covering a Polygon with Orthogonal Rectangles

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    The polygon covering problem is an important class of problems in the area of computational geometry. There are slightly different versions of this problem depending on the types of polygons to be addressed. In this paper, we focus on finding an answer to a question of whether an orthogonal rectangle, or spatial query window, is fully covered by a set of orthogonal rectangles which are in smaller sizes. This problem is encountered in many application domains including object recognition/extraction/trace, spatial analyses, topological analyses, and augmented reality applications. In many real-world applications, in the cases of using traditional central computation techniques, working with real world data results in a performance bottlenecks. The work presented in this paper proposes a high performance MapReduce-based big data framework to solve the polygon covering problem in the cases of using a spatial query window and data are represented as a set of orthogonal rectangles. Orthogonal rectangular polygons are represented in the form of minimum bounding boxes. The spatial query windows are also called as range queries. The proposed spatial big data framework is evaluated in terms of horizontal scalability. In addition, efficiency and speed-up performance metrics for the proposed two algorithms are measured

    A Survey on Array Storage, Query Languages, and Systems

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    Since scientific investigation is one of the most important providers of massive amounts of ordered data, there is a renewed interest in array data processing in the context of Big Data. To the best of our knowledge, a unified resource that summarizes and analyzes array processing research over its long existence is currently missing. In this survey, we provide a guide for past, present, and future research in array processing. The survey is organized along three main topics. Array storage discusses all the aspects related to array partitioning into chunks. The identification of a reduced set of array operators to form the foundation for an array query language is analyzed across multiple such proposals. Lastly, we survey real systems for array processing. The result is a thorough survey on array data storage and processing that should be consulted by anyone interested in this research topic, independent of experience level. The survey is not complete though. We greatly appreciate pointers towards any work we might have forgotten to mention.Comment: 44 page

    Parallel and Distributed Processing of Spatial Preference Queries using Keywords

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    MPI-Vector-IO: Parallel I/O and Partitioning for Geospatial Vector Data

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    In recent times, geospatial datasets are growing in terms of size, complexity and heterogeneity. High performance systems are needed to analyze such data to produce actionable insights in an efficient manner. For polygonal a.k.a vector datasets, operations such as I/O, data partitioning, communication, and load balancing becomes challenging in a cluster environment. In this work, we present MPI-Vector-IO 1 , a parallel I/O library that we have designed using MPI-IO specifically for partitioning and reading irregular vector data formats such as Well Known Text. It makes MPI aware of spatial data, spatial primitives and provides support for spatial data types embedded within collective computation and communication using MPI message-passing library. These abstractions along with parallel I/O support are useful for parallel Geographic Information System (GIS) application development on HPC platforms

    Acceleration of Computational Geometry Algorithms for High Performance Computing Based Geo-Spatial Big Data Analysis

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    Geo-Spatial computing and data analysis is the branch of computer science that deals with real world location-based data. Computational geometry algorithms are algorithms that process geometry/shapes and is one of the pillars of geo-spatial computing. Real world map and location-based data can be huge in size and the data structures used to process them extremely big leading to huge computational costs. Furthermore, Geo-Spatial datasets are growing on all V’s (Volume, Variety, Value, etc.) and are becoming larger and more complex to process in-turn demanding more computational resources. High Performance Computing is a way to breakdown the problem in ways that it can run in parallel on big computers with massive processing power and hence reduce the computing time delivering the same results but much faster.This dissertation explores different techniques to accelerate the processing of computational geometry algorithms and geo-spatial computing like using Many-core Graphics Processing Units (GPU), Multi-core Central Processing Units (CPU), Multi-node setup with Message Passing Interface (MPI), Cache optimizations, Memory and Communication optimizations, load balancing, Algorithmic Modifications, Directive based parallelization with OpenMP or OpenACC and Vectorization with compiler intrinsic (AVX). This dissertation has applied at least one of the mentioned techniques to the following problems. Novel method to parallelize plane sweep based geometric intersection for GPU with directives is presented. Parallelization of plane sweep based Voronoi construction, parallelization of Segment tree construction, Segment tree queries and Segment tree-based operations has been presented. Spatial autocorrelation, computation of getis-ord hotspots are also presented. Acceleration performance and speedup results are presented in each corresponding chapter

    Parallel In-Memory Evaluation of Spatial Joins

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    The spatial join is a popular operation in spatial database systems and its evaluation is a well-studied problem. As main memories become bigger and faster and commodity hardware supports parallel processing, there is a need to revamp classic join algorithms which have been designed for I/O-bound processing. In view of this, we study the in-memory and parallel evaluation of spatial joins, by re-designing a classic partitioning-based algorithm to consider alternative approaches for space partitioning. Our study shows that, compared to a straightforward implementation of the algorithm, our tuning can improve performance significantly. We also show how to select appropriate partitioning parameters based on data statistics, in order to tune the algorithm for the given join inputs. Our parallel implementation scales gracefully with the number of threads reducing the cost of the join to at most one second even for join inputs with tens of millions of rectangles.Comment: Extended version of the SIGSPATIAL'19 paper under the same titl

    Distance Range Queries in SpatialHadoop

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    Efficient processing of Distance Range Queries (DRQs) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications. This type of spatial query is characterized by a distance range over one or two datasets. The most representative and known DRQs are the ε Distance Range Query (εDRQ) and the ε Distance Range Join Query (εDRJQ). Given the increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform a DRQ on a centralized machine efficiently. Moreover, the εDRJQ is an expensive spatial operation, since it can be considered a combination of the εDR and the spatial join queries. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing DRQs on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports spatial operations efficiently, and proposes new algorithms in SpatialHadoop to perform efficient parallel DRQs on large-scale spatial datasets. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed algorithms in several situations with big synthetic and real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal

    Enhancing SpatialHadoop with Closest Pair Queries

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    Given two datasets P and Q, the K Closest Pair Query (KCPQ) finds the K closest pairs of objects from P Ă—Q. It is an operation widely adopted by many spatial and GIS applications. As a combination of the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and the spatial join queries, KCPQ is an expensive operation. Given the increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform a KCPQ on a centralized machine efficiently. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing the KCPQ on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports spatial operations efficiently, and proposes a novel algorithm in SpatialHadoop to perform efficient parallel KCPQ on large-scale spatial datasets. We have evaluated the performance of the algorithm in several situations with big synthetic and real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal
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