101 research outputs found

    On Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithms for Signal-Dependent Noise with Application to Electromyography Data

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) by the multiplicative updates algorithm is a powerful machine learning method for decomposing a high-dimensional nonnegative matrix V into two nonnegative matrices, W and H, where V ~ WH. It has been successfully applied in the analysis and interpretation of large-scale data arising in neuroscience, computational biology, and natural language processing, among other areas. A distinctive feature of NMF is its nonnegativity constraints that allow only additive linear combinations of the data, thus enabling it to learn parts that have distinct physical representations in reality. In this letter, we describe an information-theoretic approach to NMF for signal-dependent noise based on the generalized inverse gaussian model. Specifically, we propose three novel algorithms in this setting, each based on multiplicative updates, and prove monotonicity of updates using the EM algorithm. In addition, we develop algorithm-specific measures to evaluate their goodness of fit on data. Our methods are demonstrated using experimental data from electromyography studies, as well as simulated data in the extraction of muscle synergies, and compared with existing algorithms for signal-dependent noise.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NS44393)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RC1-NS068103-01

    Fuzzy entropy based nonnegative matrix factorization for muscle synergy extraction

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    The concept of muscle synergies has proven to be an effective method for representing patterns of muscle activation. The number of degrees of freedom to be controlled are reduced while also providing a flexible platform for producing detailed movements using synergies as building blocks. It has previously been shown that small components of movement are crucial to producing precise and coordinated movement. Methods which focus on the variance of the data make it possible to overlook these small components in the synergy extraction process. However, algorithms which address the inherent complexity in the neuromuscular system are lacking. To that end we propose a new nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm which employs a cross fuzzy entropy similarity measure, thus, extracting muscle synergies which preserve the complexity of the recorded muscular data. The performance of the proposed algorithm is illustrated on representative EMG data

    An Objective, Information-Based Approach for Selecting the Number of Muscle Synergies to be Extracted via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

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    Muscle synergy analysis is a useful tool for the evaluation of the motor control strategies and for the quantification of motor performance. Among the parameters that can be extracted, most of the information is included in the rank of the modular control model (i.e. the number of muscle synergies that can be used to describe the overall muscle coordination). Even though different criteria have been proposed in literature, an objective criterion for the model order selection is needed to improve reliability and repeatability of MSA results. In this paper, we propose an Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)-based method for model order selection when extracting muscle synergies via the original Gaussian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithm. The traditional AIC definition has been modified based on a correction of the likelihood term, which includes signal dependent noise on the neural commands, and a Discrete Wavelet decomposition method for the proper estimation of the number of degrees of freedom of the model, reduced on a synergy-by-synergy and event-by-event basis. We tested the performance of our method in comparison with the most widespread ones, proving that our criterion is able to yield good and stable performance in selecting the correct model order in simulated EMG data. We further evaluated the performance of our AIC-based technique on two distinct experimental datasets confirming the results obtained with the synthetic signals, with performances that are stable and independent from the nature of the analysed task, from the signal quality and from the subjective EMG pre-processing steps

    Explainable and Robust Deep Forests for EMG-Force Modeling

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    Biceps brachii synergy and its contribution to target reaching tasks within a virtual cube

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    Ces dernières années, des travaux importants ont été observés dans le développement du contrôle prothétique afin d'aider les personnes amputées du membre supérieur à améliorer leur qualité de vie au quotidien. Certaines prothèses myoélectriques modernes des membres supérieurs disponibles dans le commerce ont de nombreux degrés de liberté et nécessitent de nombreux signaux de contrôle pour réaliser plusieurs tâches fréquemment utilisées dans la vie quotidienne. Pour obtenir plusieurs signaux de contrôle, de nombreux muscles sont requis mais pour les personnes ayant subi une amputation du membre supérieur, le nombre de muscles disponibles est plus ou moins réduit selon le niveau de l’amputation. Pour accroître le nombre de signaux de contrôle, nous nous sommes intéressés au biceps brachial, vu qu’anatomiquement il est formé de 2 chefs et que de la présence de compartiments a été observée sur sa face interne. Physiologiquement, il a été trouvé que les unités motrices du biceps sont activées à différents endroits du muscle lors de la production de diverses tâches fonctionnelles. De plus, il semblerait que le système nerveux central puisse se servir de la synergie musculaire pour arriver à facilement produire plusieurs mouvements. Dans un premier temps on a donc identifié que la synergie musculaire était présente chez le biceps de sujets normaux et on a montré que les caractéristiques de cette synergie permettaient d’identifier la posture statique de la main lorsque les signaux du biceps avaient été enregistrés. Dans un deuxième temps, on a réussi à démontrer qu’il était possible, dans un cube présenté sur écran, à contrôler la position d’une sphère en vue d’atteindre diverses cibles en utilisant la synergie musculaire du biceps. Les techniques de classification utilisées pourraient servir à faciliter le contrôle des prothèses myoélectriques.In recent years, important work has been done in the development of prosthetic control to help upper limb amputees improve their quality of life on a daily basis. Some modern commercially available upper limb myoelectric prostheses have many degrees of freedom and require many control signals to perform several tasks commonly used in everyday life. To obtain several control signals, many muscles are required, but for people with upper limb amputation, the number of muscles available is more or less reduced, depending on the level of amputation. To increase the number of control signals, we were interested in the biceps brachii, since it is anatomically composed of 2 heads and the presence of compartments was observed on its internal face. Physiologically, it has been found that the motor units of the biceps are activated at different places of the muscle during production of various functional tasks. In addition, it appears that the central nervous system can use muscle synergy to easily produce multiple movements. In this research, muscle synergy was first identified to be present in the biceps of normal subjects, and it was shown that the characteristics of this synergy allowed the identification of static posture of the hand when the biceps signals had been recorded. In a second investigation, we demonstrated that it was possible in a virtual cube presented on a screen to control online the position of a sphere to reach various targets by using muscle synergy of the biceps. Classification techniques have been used to improve the classification of muscular synergy features, and these classification techniques can be integrated with control algorithm that produces dynamic movement of myoelectric prostheses to facilitate the training of prosthetic control

    Real-time EMG based pattern recognition control for hand prostheses : a review on existing methods, challenges and future implementation

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    Upper limb amputation is a condition that significantly restricts the amputees from performing their daily activities. The myoelectric prosthesis, using signals from residual stump muscles, is aimed at restoring the function of such lost limbs seamlessly. Unfortunately, the acquisition and use of such myosignals are cumbersome and complicated. Furthermore, once acquired, it usually requires heavy computational power to turn it into a user control signal. Its transition to a practical prosthesis solution is still being challenged by various factors particularly those related to the fact that each amputee has different mobility, muscle contraction forces, limb positional variations and electrode placements. Thus, a solution that can adapt or otherwise tailor itself to each individual is required for maximum utility across amputees. Modified machine learning schemes for pattern recognition have the potential to significantly reduce the factors (movement of users and contraction of the muscle) affecting the traditional electromyography (EMG)-pattern recognition methods. Although recent developments of intelligent pattern recognition techniques could discriminate multiple degrees of freedom with high-level accuracy, their efficiency level was less accessible and revealed in real-world (amputee) applications. This review paper examined the suitability of upper limb prosthesis (ULP) inventions in the healthcare sector from their technical control perspective. More focus was given to the review of real-world applications and the use of pattern recognition control on amputees. We first reviewed the overall structure of pattern recognition schemes for myo-control prosthetic systems and then discussed their real-time use on amputee upper limbs. Finally, we concluded the paper with a discussion of the existing challenges and future research recommendations

    Causes of Performance Degradation in Non-invasive Electromyographic Pattern Recognition in Upper Limb Prostheses

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    Surface Electromyography (EMG)-based pattern recognition methods have been investigated over the past years as a means of controlling upper limb prostheses. Despite the very good reported performance of myoelectric controlled prosthetic hands in lab conditions, real-time performance in everyday life conditions is not as robust and reliable, explaining the limited clinical use of pattern recognition control. The main reason behind the instability of myoelectric pattern recognition control is that EMG signals are non-stationary in real-life environments and present a lot of variability over time and across subjects, hence affecting the system's performance. This can be the result of one or many combined changes, such as muscle fatigue, electrode displacement, difference in arm posture, user adaptation on the device over time and inter-subject singularity. In this paper an extensive literature review is performed to present the causes of the drift of EMG signals, ways of detecting them and possible techniques to counteract for their effects in the application of upper limb prostheses. The suggested techniques are organized in a table that can be used to recognize possible problems in the clinical application of EMG-based pattern recognition methods for upper limb prosthesis applications and state-of-the-art methods to deal with such problems