49 research outputs found

    On almost hypohamiltonian graphs

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    A graph GG is almost hypohamiltonian (a.h.) if GG is non-hamiltonian, there exists a vertex ww in GG such that GwG - w is non-hamiltonian, and GvG - v is hamiltonian for every vertex vwv \ne w in GG. The second author asked in [J. Graph Theory 79 (2015) 63--81] for all orders for which a.h. graphs exist. Here we solve this problem. To this end, we present a specialised algorithm which generates complete sets of a.h. graphs for various orders. Furthermore, we show that the smallest cubic a.h. graphs have order 26. We provide a lower bound for the order of the smallest planar a.h. graph and improve the upper bound for the order of the smallest planar a.h. graph containing a cubic vertex. We also determine the smallest planar a.h. graphs of girth 5, both in the general and cubic case. Finally, we extend a result of Steffen on snarks and improve two bounds on longest paths and longest cycles in polyhedral graphs due to Jooyandeh, McKay, {\"O}sterg{\aa}rd, Pettersson, and the second author.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1602.0717

    Every 4-connected graph with crossing number 2 is Hamiltonian

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    A seminal theorem of Tutte states that 4-connected planar graphs are Hamiltonian. Applying a result of Thomas and Yu, one can show that every 4-connected graph with crossing number 1 is Hamiltonian. In this paper, we continue along this path and prove the titular statement. We also discuss the traceability and Hamiltonicity of 3-connected graphs with small crossing number and few 3-cuts, and present applications of our results

    Nontraceable detour graphs

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    AbstractThe detour order (of a vertex v) of a graph G is the order of a longest path (beginning at v). The detour sequence of G is a sequence consisting of the detour orders of its vertices. A graph is called a detour graph if its detour sequence is constant. The detour deficiency of a graph G is the difference between the order of G and its detour order. Homogeneously traceable graphs are therefore detour graphs with detour deficiency zero. In this paper, we give a number of constructions for detour graphs of all orders greater than 17 and all detour deficiencies greater than zero. These constructions are used to give examples of nontraceable detour graphs with chromatic number k, k⩾2, and girths up to 7. Moreover we show that, for all positive integers l⩾1 and k⩾3, there are nontraceable detour graphs with chromatic number k and detour deficiency l

    On non-traceable, non-hypotraceable, arachnoid graphs

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    Motivated by questions concerning optical networks, in 2003 Gargano, Hammar, Hell, Stacho, and Vaccaro defined the notions of spanning spiders and arachnoid graphs. A spider is a tree with at most one branch (vertex of degree at least 3). The spider is centred at the branch vertex (if there is any,otherwise it is centred at any of the vertices). A graph is arachnoid if it has a spanning spider centred at any of its vertices. Traceable graphs are obviously arachnoid, and Gargano et al. observed that hypotraceable graphs (non-traceable graphs with the property that all vertex-deleted subgraphs are traceable) are also easily seen to be arachnoid. However, they did not find any other arachnoid graphs, and asked the question whether they exist. The main goal of this paper is to answer this question in the affirmative, moreover, we show that for any prescribed graph H, there exists a non-traceable, non-hypotraceable, arachnoid graph that contains H as an induced subgraph

    On the minimum leaf number of cubic graphs

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    The \emph{minimum leaf number} ml(G)\hbox{ml} (G) of a connected graph GG is defined as the minimum number of leaves of the spanning trees of GG. We present new results concerning the minimum leaf number of cubic graphs: we show that if GG is a connected cubic graph of order nn, then ml(G)n6+13\mathrm{ml}(G) \leq \frac{n}6 + \frac13, improving on the best known result in [Inf. Process. Lett. 105 (2008) 164-169] and proving the conjecture in [Electron. J. Graph Theory and Applications 5 (2017) 207-211]. We further prove that if GG is also 2-connected, then ml(G)n6.53\mathrm{ml}(G) \leq \frac{n}{6.53}, improving on the best known bound in [Math. Program., Ser. A 144 (2014) 227-245]. We also present new conjectures concerning the minimum leaf number of several types of cubic graphs and examples showing that the bounds of the conjectures are best possible.Comment: 17 page

    Hypohamiltonian and almost hypohamiltonian graphs

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    This Dissertation is structured as follows. In Chapter 1, we give a short historical overview and define fundamental concepts. Chapter 2 contains a clear narrative of the progress made towards finding the smallest planar hypohamiltonian graph, with all of the necessary theoretical tools and techniques--especially Grinberg's Criterion. Consequences of this progress are distributed over all sections and form the leitmotif of this Dissertation. Chapter 2 also treats girth restrictions and hypohamiltonian graphs in the context of crossing numbers. Chapter 3 is a thorough discussion of the newly introduced almost hypohamiltonian graphs and their connection to hypohamiltonian graphs. Once more, the planar case plays an exceptional role. At the end of the chapter, we study almost hypotraceable graphs and Gallai's problem on longest paths. The latter leads to Chapter 4, wherein the connection between hypohamiltonicity and various problems related to longest paths and longest cycles are presented. Chapter 5 introduces and studies non-hamiltonian graphs in which every vertex-deleted subgraph is traceable, a class encompassing hypohamiltonian and hypotraceable graphs. We end with an outlook in Chapter 6, where we present a selection of open problems enriched with comments and partial results