87 research outputs found

    ADI schemes for heat equations with irregular boundaries and interfaces in 3D with applications

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    In this paper, efficient alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes are proposed to solve three-dimensional heat equations with irregular boundaries and interfaces. Starting from the well-known Douglas-Gunn ADI scheme, a modified ADI scheme is constructed to mitigate the issue of accuracy loss in solving problems with time-dependent boundary conditions. The unconditional stability of the new ADI scheme is also rigorously proven with the Fourier analysis. Then, by combining the ADI schemes with a 1D kernel-free boundary integral (KFBI) method, KFBI-ADI schemes are developed to solve the heat equation with irregular boundaries. In 1D sub-problems of the KFBI-ADI schemes, the KFBI discretization takes advantage of the Cartesian grid and preserves the structure of the coefficient matrix so that the fast Thomas algorithm can be applied to solve the linear system efficiently. Second-order accuracy and unconditional stability of the KFBI-ADI schemes are verified through several numerical tests for both the heat equation and a reaction-diffusion equation. For the Stefan problem, which is a free boundary problem of the heat equation, a level set method is incorporated into the ADI method to capture the time-dependent interface. Numerical examples for simulating 3D dendritic solidification phenomenons are also presented

    Pricing European and American Options under Heston Model using Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements

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    This paper deals with pricing of European and American options, when the underlying asset price follows Heston model, via the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (dGFEM). The advantages of dGFEM space discretization with Rannacher smoothing as time integrator with nonsmooth initial and boundary conditions are illustrated for European vanilla options, digital call and American put options. The convection dominated Heston model for vanishing volatility is efficiently solved utilizing the adaptive dGFEM. For fast solution of the linear complementary problem of the American options, a projected successive over relaxation (PSOR) method is developed with the norm preconditioned dGFEM. We show the efficiency and accuracy of dGFEM for option pricing by conducting comparison analysis with other methods and numerical experiments


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    Scientific computing and computer simulation play an increasingly important role in scientific investigation and engineering designs, supplementing traditional experiments, such as in automotive crash studies, global climate change, ocean modeling, medical imaging, and nuclear weapons. The numerical simulation is much cheaper than experimentation for these application areas and it can be used as the third way of science discovery beyond the experimental and theoretical analysis. However, the increasing demand of high resolution solutions of the Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with less computational time has increased the importance for researchers and engineers to come up with efficient and scalable computational techniques that can solve very large-scale problems. In this dissertation, we build an efficient and highly accurate computational framework to solve PDEs using high order discretization schemes and multiscale multigrid method. Since there is no existing explicit sixth order compact finite difference schemes on a single scale grids, we used Gupta and Zhang’s fourth order compact (FOC) schemes on different scale grids combined with Richardson extrapolation schemes to compute the sixth order solutions on coarse grid. Then we developed an operator based interpolation scheme to approximate the sixth order solutions for every find grid point. We tested our method for 1D/2D/3D Poisson and convection-diffusion equations. We developed a multiscale multigrid method to efficiently solve the linear systems arising from FOC discretizations. It is similar to the full multigrid method, but it does not start from the coarsest level. The major advantage of the multiscale multigrid method is that it has an optimal computational cost similar to that of a full multigrid method and can bring us the converged fourth order solutions on two grids with different scales. In order to keep grid independent convergence for the multiscale multigrid method, line relaxation and plane relaxation are used for 2D and 3D convection diffusion equations with high Reynolds number, respectively. In addition, the residual scaling technique is also applied for high Reynolds number problems. To further optimize the multiscale computation procedure, we developed two new methods. The first method is developed to solve the FOC solutions on two grids using standardW-cycle structure. The novelty of this strategy is that we use the coarse level grid that will be generated in the standard geometric multigrid to solve the discretized equations and achieve higher order accuracy solution. It is more efficient and costs less CPU and memory compared with the V-cycle based multiscale multigrid method. The second method is called the multiple coarse grid computation. It is first proposed in superconvergent multigrid method to speed up the convergence. The basic idea of multigrid superconvergent method is to use multiple coarse grids to generate better correction for the fine grid solution than that from the single coarse grid. However, as far as we know, it has never been used to increase the order of solution accuracy for the fine grid. In this dissertation, we use the idea of multiple coarse grid computation to approximate the fourth order solutions on every coarse grid and fine grid. Then we apply the Richardson extrapolation for every fine grid point to get the sixth order solutions. For parallel implementation, we studied the parallelization and vectorization potential of the Gauss-Seidel relaxation by partitioning the grid space with four colors for solving 3D convection-diffusion equations. We used OpenMP to parallelize the loops in relaxation and residual computation. The numerical results show that the parallelized and the sequential implementation have the same convergence rate and the accuracy of the computed solutions

    Energy preserving model order reduction of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    An energy preserving reduced order model is developed for two dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLSE) with plane wave solutions and with an external potential. The NLSE is discretized in space by the symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (SIPG) method. The resulting system of Hamiltonian ordinary differential equations are integrated in time by the energy preserving average vector field (AVF) method. The mass and energy preserving reduced order model (ROM) is constructed by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) Galerkin projection. The nonlinearities are computed for the ROM efficiently by discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD). Preservation of the semi-discrete energy and mass are shown for the full order model (FOM) and for the ROM which ensures the long term stability of the solutions. Numerical simulations illustrate the preservation of the energy and mass in the reduced order model for the two dimensional NLSE with and without the external potential. The POD-DMD makes a remarkable improvement in computational speed-up over the POD-DEIM. Both methods approximate accurately the FOM, whereas POD-DEIM is more accurate than the POD-DMD

    Explicit-in-Time Variational Formulations for Goal-Oriented Adaptivity

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    Goal-Oriented Adaptivity (GOA) is a powerful tool to accurately approximate physically relevant features of the solution of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). It delivers optimal grids to solve challenging engineering problems. In time dependent problems, GOA requires to represent the error in the Quantity of Interest (QoI) as an integral over the whole space-time domain in order to reduce it via adaptive refinements. A full space-time variational formulation of the problem allows the aforementioned error representation. Thus, variational spacetime formulations for PDEs have been of great interest in the last decades, among other things, because they allow to develop mesh-adaptive algorithms. Since it is known that implicit time marching schemes have variational structure, they are often employed for GOA in time-domain problems. When coming to explicit-intime methods, these were introduced for Ordinary In this dissertation, we prove that the explicit Runge-Kutta (RK) methods can be expressed as discontinuous-in-time Petrov-Galerkin (dPG) methods for the linear advection-diffusion equation. We systematically build trial and test functions that, after exact integration in time, lead to one, two, and general stage explicit RK methods. This approach enables us to reproduce the existing time domain goal-oriented adaptive algorithms using explicit methods in time. Here, we employ the lowest order dPG formulation that we propose to recover the Forward Euler method and we derive an appropriate error representation. Then, we propose an explicit-in-time goal-oriented adaptive algorithm that performs local refinements in space. In terms of time domain adaptivity, we impose the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition to ensure the stability of the method. We provide some numerical results in one-dimensional (1D)+time for the diffusion and advection-diffusion equations to show the performance of the proposed algorithm. On the other hand, time-domain adaptive algorithms involve solving a dual problem that runs backwards in time. This process is, in general, computationally expensive in terms of memory storage. In this work, we dene a pseudo-dual problem that runs forwards in time. We also describe a forward-in-time adaptive algorithm that works for some specific problems. Although it is not possible to dene a general dual problem running forwards in time that provides information about future states, we provide numerical evidence via one-dimensional problems in space to illustrate the efficiency of our algorithm as well as its limitations. As a complementary method, we propose a hybrid algorithm that employs the classical backward-in-time dual problem once and then performs the adaptive process forwards in time. We also generalize a novel error representation for goal-oriented adaptivity using (unconventional) pseudo-dual problems in the context of frequency-domain wave-propagation problems to the time-dependent wave equation. We show via 1D+time numerical results that the upper bounds for the new error representation are sharper than the classical ones. Therefore, this new error representation can be used to design more efficient goal-oriented adaptive methodologies. Finally, as classical Galerkin methods may lead to instabilities in advection-dominated-diffusion problems and therefore, inappropriate refinements, we propose a novel stabilized discretization method, which we call Isogeometric Residual Minimization (iGRM) with direction splitting. This method combines the benefits resulting from Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), residual minimization, and Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) methods. We employ second order ADI time integrator schemes, B-spline basis functions in space and, at each time step, we solve a stabilized mixed method based on residual minimization. We show that the resulting system of linear equations has a Kronecker product structure, which results in a linear computational cost of the direct solver, even using implicit time integration schemes together with the stabilized mixed formulation. We test our method in 2D and 3D+time advection-diffusion problems. The derivation of a time-domain goal-oriented strategy based on iGRM will be considered in future works

    A multiresolution space-time adaptive scheme for the bidomain model in electrocardiology

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    This work deals with the numerical solution of the monodomain and bidomain models of electrical activity of myocardial tissue. The bidomain model is a system consisting of a possibly degenerate parabolic PDE coupled with an elliptic PDE for the transmembrane and extracellular potentials, respectively. This system of two scalar PDEs is supplemented by a time-dependent ODE modeling the evolution of the so-called gating variable. In the simpler sub-case of the monodomain model, the elliptic PDE reduces to an algebraic equation. Two simple models for the membrane and ionic currents are considered, the Mitchell-Schaeffer model and the simpler FitzHugh-Nagumo model. Since typical solutions of the bidomain and monodomain models exhibit wavefronts with steep gradients, we propose a finite volume scheme enriched by a fully adaptive multiresolution method, whose basic purpose is to concentrate computational effort on zones of strong variation of the solution. Time adaptivity is achieved by two alternative devices, namely locally varying time stepping and a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-type adaptive time integration. A series of numerical examples demonstrates thatthese methods are efficient and sufficiently accurate to simulate the electrical activity in myocardial tissue with affordable effort. In addition, an optimalthreshold for discarding non-significant information in the multiresolution representation of the solution is derived, and the numerical efficiency and accuracy of the method is measured in terms of CPU time speed-up, memory compression, and errors in different norms.Comment: 25 pages, 41 figure

    Radial basis functions with partition of unity method for American options with stochastic volatility

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    In this article, we price American options under Heston's stochastic volatility model using a radial basis function (RBF) with partition of unity method (PUM) applied to a linear complementary formulation of the free boundary partial differential equation problem. RBF-PUMs are local meshfree methods that are accurate and flexible with respect to the problem geometry and that produce algebraic problems with sparse matrices which have a moderate condition number. Next, a Crank-Nicolson time discretisation is combined with the operator splitting method to get a fully discrete problem. To better control the computational cost and the accuracy, adaptivity is used in the spatial discretisation. Numerical experiments illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm
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