151,961 research outputs found

    Comparing Reuse Mechanisms for Model Transformation Languages: Design for an Empirical Study

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    ABSTRACT Reuse mechanisms for model transformation languages help avoid duplication, thereby increasing maintainability and enabling a more systematic overall development process. As the introduction of such reuse mechanisms to model transformation languages is still in its preliminary stages, however, language designers are currently faced with the challenge of choosing from amongst diverse proposed approaches. Although there are a few surveys comparing syntactic and semantic differences, there is still a need for empirical studies on the actual effectiveness of different reuse mechanisms for transformation developers. In this paper, therefore, we present a study design for a controlled experiment to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of two specific reuse mechanisms for model transformation languages: rule refinement and variability-based rules. Both mechanisms are tailored to graph-based model transformation languages, yet represent two contrasting reuse paradigms: modularizing rules by composing them from smaller, shared fragments, versus maintaining a single, integrated representation via variability annotations. We propose to compare these two approaches using comprehension and bug-finding tasks to investigate understandability, and bug-fixing and modification tasks to study changeability

    Generic model transformations: Write once, reuse everywhere

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21732-6_5Proceedings of 4th International Conference, ICMT 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 27-28, 2011Model transformation is one of the core techniques in Model Driven Engineering. Many transformation languages exist nowadays, but few offer mechanisms directed to the reuse of whole transformations or transformation fragments in different contexts. Taking inspiration from generic programming, in this paper we define model transformation templates. These templates are defined over meta-model concepts which later can be bound to specific meta-models. The binding mechanism is flexible as it permits mapping concepts and meta-models with certain kinds of structural heterogeneities. The approach is general and can be applied to any model transformation language. In this paper we report on its application to ATL.Work funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (projects TIN2008-02081 and TIN2009-11555), and the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (project S2009 /TIC-1650

    Towards the flexible reuse of model transformations: A formal approach based on Graph Transformation

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 83.5-6 (2014) , DOI:10.1016/j.jlamp.2014.08.005This special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) includes full revised versions of selected papers that were presented at the 24th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT 2012). The workshop took place in Bergen, Norway, during 31 October–2 November 2012 and was organized by the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, and the Bergen University College.Model transformations are the heart and soul of Model Driven Engineering (MDE). However, in order to increase the adoption of MDE by industry, techniques for developing model transformations in the large and raising the quality and productivity in their construction, like reusability, are still needed. In previous works, we developed a reutilization approach for graph transformations based on the definition of concepts, which gather the structural requirements needed by meta-models to qualify for the transformations. Reusable transformations are typed by concepts, becoming transformation templates. Transformation templates are instantiated by binding the concept to a concrete meta-model, inducing a retyping of the transformation for the given meta-model. This paper extends the approach allowing heterogeneities between the concept and the metamodel, thus increasing the reuse opportunities of transformation templates. Heterogeneities are resolved by using algebraic adapters which induce both a retyping and an adaptation of the transformation. As an alternative, the adapters can also be employed to induce an adaptation of the meta-model, and in this work we show the conditions for equivalence of both approaches to transformation reuse.We thank the referees for their detailed comments, which helped to greatly improve the paper. This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity with project Go-Lite (TIN2011-24139)

    Improving System-Level Verification of SystemC Models with SPIN

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    SystemC is a de-facto industry standard for developing, modelling, and simulating embedded systems. As embedded systems become more and more integrated into many aspects of human lives (e.g., transportation, surveillance systems, ...), failures of embedded systems might cause dangerous hazards to individuals or groups. Guaranteeing safety of such systems makes formal verification crucial. In this paper we present a novel approach for verifying SystemC models with SPIN. Focusing on system-level verification we reuse compiled and executable code from the original model and embed it into the verifier generated by SPIN. In contrast to most other approaches, which require a complete model transformation, in our approach the transformation focuses only on the relevant parts of the model while leaving functional blocks untransformed. Our technique aims at reducing the state vector size managed by the verifier of SPIN, at improving state exploration performance by avoiding unnecessary model transformation steps, and at concentrating on verifying properties that emerge from the composition of multiple functional units

    Automated reuse of model transformations through typing requirements models

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    Model transformations are key elements of model-driven engineering, where they are used to automate the manipulation of models. However, they are typed with respect to concrete source and target meta-models, making their reuse for other (even similar) meta-models challenging. To improve this situation, we propose capturing the typing requirements for reusing a transformation with other meta-models by the notion of a typing requirements model (TRM). A TRM describes the prerequisites that amodel transformation imposes on the source and targetmeta-models to obtain a correct typing. The key observation is that any meta-model pair that satisfies the TRM is a valid reuse context for the transformation at hand. A TRM is made of two domain requirement models (DRMs) describing the requirements for the source and target meta-models, and a compatibility model expressing dependencies between them. We define a notion of refinement between DRMs and see meta-models as a special case of DRM. We provide a catalogue of valid refinements and describe how to automatically extract a TRM from an ATL transformation. The approach is supported by our tool TOTEM. We report on two experiments-based on transformations developed by third parties and meta-model mutation techniques-validating the correctness and completeness of our TRM extraction procedure and confirming the power of TRMs to encode variability and support flexible reuseWork partially funded by the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (project FORTE, S2018/TCS4314), the Spanish Ministry of Science (project MASSIVE, RTI2018-095255-B-I00), the Spanish MINECO(project RECOM, TIN2015-73968-JIN, AEI/FEDER/UE), a RamĂłn y Cajal 2017 grant, and the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the Polyglot and Hybrid Persistence Architectures for Big Data Analytics (TYPHON) project (#780251

    The Epsilon Pattern Language

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    We present the Epsilon Pattern Language (EPL), a textual language that supports expressing and detecting patterns on models conforming to arbitrary metamodels and captured using diverse modelling technologies. EPL provides out-of-the-box integration with existing languages that target a wide range of related model management activities (such as model validation, model-to-model and model-to-text transformation), thus enabling code reuse and seamless runtime interoperability across complex Model-Driven Engineering workflows. We discuss the syntax and semantics of EPL, its supporting development tools, and demonstrate how instances of patterns detected using EPL can be consumed and further processed by other model management programs


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    Enterprise architecture (EA) provides an integrated representation of an organization’s current and desirable future business capabilities, processes, systems, data and IT infrastructure. EA can interact with and enhance other organizational capabilities, including business transformation capabilities. De-spite significant interest and investment in EA, there is little understanding of how EA can augment other organizational capabilities. In this research in progress paper, we focus on the role of EA in augmenting a firm’s business transformation capability. We conceptualize a synergistic relationship between EA and a firm’s business transformation capability and the emergent EA-enabled business transformation capability. We propose a research model that uses synergy and EA-enabled business transformation capability to explain how transformation outcomes and organizational benefits can be enhanced using EA. We argue that EA capability can lead to the exploitation of existing resources by sharing and reuse of assets and exploration of new capabilities by reconfiguring and integrating re-sources. At an organizational level, EA can increase flexibility, agility and business-IT alignment. The model forms the basis for planned mixed method empirical work combining case studies and a survey
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