3,295 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Distributed Middleware for Parallel Execution of Legacy Enterprise Applications

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    A typical enterprise uses a local area network of computers to perform its business. During the off-working hours, the computational capacities of these networked computers are underused or unused. In order to utilize this computational capacity an application has to be recoded to exploit concurrency inherent in a computation which is clearly not possible for legacy applications without any source code. This thesis presents the design an implementation of a distributed middleware which can automatically execute a legacy application on multiple networked computers by parallelizing it. This middleware runs multiple copies of the binary executable code in parallel on different hosts in the network. It wraps up the binary executable code of the legacy application in order to capture the kernel level data access system calls and perform them distributively over multiple computers in a safe and conflict free manner. The middleware also incorporates a dynamic scheduling technique to execute the target application in minimum time by scavenging the available CPU cycles of the hosts in the network. This dynamic scheduling also supports the CPU availability of the hosts to change over time and properly reschedule the replicas performing the computation to minimize the execution time. A prototype implementation of this middleware has been developed as a proof of concept of the design. This implementation has been evaluated with a few typical case studies and the test results confirm that the middleware works as expected

    COLAB:A Collaborative Multi-factor Scheduler for Asymmetric Multicore Processors

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    Funding: Partially funded by the UK EPSRC grants Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Many-core Systems (EP/P020631/1) and ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for Cloud (EP/R010528/1); Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowship scheme.Increasingly prevalent asymmetric multicore processors (AMP) are necessary for delivering performance in the era of limited power budget and dark silicon. However, the software fails to use them efficiently. OS schedulers, in particular, handle asymmetry only under restricted scenarios. We have efficient symmetric schedulers, efficient asymmetric schedulers for single-threaded workloads, and efficient asymmetric schedulers for single program workloads. What we do not have is a scheduler that can handle all runtime factors affecting AMP for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. This paper introduces the first general purpose asymmetry-aware scheduler for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. It estimates the performance of each thread on each type of core and identifies communication patterns and bottleneck threads. The scheduler then makes coordinated core assignment and thread selection decisions that still provide each application its fair share of the processor's time. We evaluate our approach using the GEM5 simulator on four distinct big.LITTLE configurations and 26 mixed workloads composed of PARSEC and SPLASH2 benchmarks. Compared to the state-of-the art Linux CFS and AMP-aware schedulers, we demonstrate performance gains of up to 25% and 5% to 15% on average depending on the hardware setup.Postprin

    A load-sharing architecture for high performance optimistic simulations on multi-core machines

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    In Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES), the simulation model is partitioned into a set of distinct Logical Processes (LPs) which are allowed to concurrently execute simulation events. In this work we present an innovative approach to load-sharing on multi-core/multiprocessor machines, targeted at the optimistic PDES paradigm, where LPs are speculatively allowed to process simulation events with no preventive verification of causal consistency, and actual consistency violations (if any) are recovered via rollback techniques. In our approach, each simulation kernel instance, in charge of hosting and executing a specific set of LPs, runs a set of worker threads, which can be dynamically activated/deactivated on the basis of a distributed algorithm. The latter relies in turn on an analytical model that provides indications on how to reassign processor/core usage across the kernels in order to handle the simulation workload as efficiently as possible. We also present a real implementation of our load-sharing architecture within the ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim), namely an open-source C-based simulation platform implemented according to the PDES paradigm and the optimistic synchronization approach. Experimental results for an assessment of the validity of our proposal are presented as well

    Advances in the Design and Implementation of a Multi-Tier Architecture in the GIPSY Environment

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    We present advances in the software engineering design and implementation of the multi-tier run-time system for the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY) by further unifying the distributed technologies used to implement the Demand Migration Framework (DMF) in order to streamline distributed execution of hybrid intensional-imperative programs using Java.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Mobile, collaborative augmented reality using cloudlets

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    The evolution in mobile applications to support advanced interactivity and demanding multimedia features is still ongoing. Novel application concepts (e.g. mobile Augmented Reality (AR)) are however hindered by the inherently limited resources available on mobile platforms (not withstanding the dramatic performance increases of mobile hardware). Offloading resource intensive application components to the cloud, also known as "cyber foraging", has proven to be a valuable solution in a variety of scenarios. However, also for collaborative scenarios, in which data together with its processing are shared between multiple users, this offloading concept is highly promising. In this paper, we investigate the challenges posed by offloading collaborative mobile applications. We present a middleware platform capable of autonomously deploying software components to minimize average CPU load, while guaranteeing smooth collaboration. As a use case, we present and evaluate a collaborative AR application, offering interaction between users, the physical environment as well as with the virtual objects superimposed on this physical environment

    Cluster Computing with Single Thread Space

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