6 research outputs found

    An experimental assessment of channel selection in cognitive radio networks

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    The management of future networks is expected to fully exploit cognitive capabilities that embrace knowledge and intelligence, increasing the degree of automation, making the network more self-autonomous and enabling a personalized user experience. In this context, this paper presents the use of knowledge-based capabilities through a specific lab experiment focused on the Channel Selection functionality for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN). The selection is based on a supervised classification that allows estimating the number of interfering sources existing in a given frequency channel. Four different classifiers are considered, namely decision tree, neural net-work, naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Additionally, a comparison against other channel selection strategies using Q-learning and game theory has also been performed. Results obtained in an illustrative and realistic test scenario have revealed that all the strategies allow identifying an optimum solution. However, the time to converge to this solution can be up to 27 times higher according to the algorithm selected.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Use of Machine Learning for energy efficiency in present and future mobile networks

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Given the current evolution trends in mobile cellular networks, which is approaching us towards the future 5G paradigm, novel techniques for network management are in the agenda. Machine Learning techniques are useful for extracting knowledge out of raw data; knowledge that can be applied to improving the experience in the operation of such systems. This paper proposes the use of Machine Learning applied to energy efficiency, which is set to be one major challenge in future network deployments. By studying the cell-level traces collected in a real network, we can study traffic patterns and derive predictive models for different cell load metrics with the aid of different machine learning techniques. Such models are applied into a simulation environment designed to test different algorithms which, according to cell load predictions, dynamically switch on and off base stations with the aim of providing energy savings in a mobile cellular network.Postprint (author's final draft

    An optimal multitier resource allocation of cloud RAN in 5G using machine learning

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    The networks are evolving drastically since last few years in order to meetuser requirements. For example, the 5G is offering most of the available spec-trum under one umbrella. In this work, we will address the resource allocationproblem in fifth-generation (5G) networks, to be exact in the Cloud Radio AccessNetworks (C-RANs). The radio access network mechanisms involve multiplenetwork topologies that are isolated based on the spectrum bands and it shouldbe enhanced with numerous access technology in the deployment of 5G net-work. The C-RAN is one of the optimal technique to combine all the availablespectral bands. However, existing C-RAN mechanisms lacks the intelligence per-spective on choosing the spectral bands. Thus, C-RAN mechanism requires anadvanced tool to identify network topology to allocate the network resources forsubstantial traffic volumes. Therefore, there is a need to propose a frameworkthat handles spectral resources based on user requirements and network behav-ior. In this work, we introduced a new C-RAN architecture modified as multitierHeterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks in a 5G environment. This archi-tecture handles spectral resources efficiently. Based on the simulation analysis,the proposed multitier H-CRAN architecture with improved control unit innetwork management perspective enables augmented granularity, end-to-endoptimization, and guaranteed quality of service by 15 percentages over theexisting system

    Application of machine learning for energy efficiency in mobile networks

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    Future generation networks (5G) will bring a new paradigm to network management, as the networks themselves will suffer evident changes that will imply new requirements in upper layers. The 5G-XHaul project, framed under the Horizon 2020 European research and innovation programme is focused on providing dynamically reconfigurable optical-wireless backhaul and fronthaul architectures with a cognitive control plane for small cells and cloud-RANs. One of the objectives contained under that premise consists in the design of new network management strategies for mobile networks, subject to which this thesis contributes. Making use of new technologies and techniques, we can deploy a multi-tier network with a lower layer of small cell deployments that are managed through a dynamic system that can automatically perform certain operations over that network. Machine Learning is an increasing trend in this field, can help with the process by making use of the data collected from the network, obtain useful knowledge, and create predictive models that can tell us the state of the network in the near future. For the development of this project, we have collaborated with COSMOTE, one of the main telecommunications companies in Greece, who have provided us with several data sets of a real network deployment in the centre of Athens. With these data, several predictive models have been created to predict the state of the network during certain time intervals and act in consequence. Many different applications can be found for those algorithms, although one of those that is a hot topic nowadays is energy efficiency. To work on that field, the prediction models where used to create a dynamic system that turns cells on and off dynamically, depending on the expected traffic, in order to achieve notable energy savings. Finally, a simulation environment was developed, based on the real traces from the COSMOTE network, in order to test the proposed network management techniques in a large number of different scenarios. This simulator generates realistic random scenarios from which several statistics can be extracted, with the aim of measuring the performance of the algorithms developed during the earlier stages of the project. Working with different tools and environments, this project studies the best data analysis and Machine Learning techniques regarding network usage data. From that data, prediction models are created, which can be used for many different and interesting applications. The one chosen for this thesis is the design of an energy efficient management system for dense small cell deployments. Finally, results are collected, and the validity of the proposed strategies is proved

    On learning and exploiting time domain traffic patterns in cellular radio access networks

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    This paper presents a vision of how the different management procedures of future Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks can be built upon the pillar of artificial intelligence concepts. After a general description of a cellular network and its management functionalities, highlighting the trends towards automatization, the paper focuses on the particular case of extracting knowledge about the time domain traffic pattern of the cells deployed by an operator. A general methodology for supervised classification of this traffic pattern is presented and it is particularized in two applicability use cases. The first use case addresses the reduction of energy consumption in the cellular network by automatically identifying cells that are candidates to be switched-off when they serve low traffic. The second use case focuses on the spectrum planning and identifies the cells whose capacity can be boosted through additional unlicensed spectrum. In both cases the outcomes of different classification tools are assessed. This capability to automatically classify cells according to some expert guidance is fundamental in future networks, where an operator deploys tenths of thousands of cells, so manual intervention of the expert is unfeasible.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On learning and exploiting time domain traffic patterns in cellular radio access networks

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    This paper presents a vision of how the different management procedures of future Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks can be built upon the pillar of artificial intelligence concepts. After a general description of a cellular network and its management functionalities, highlighting the trends towards automatization, the paper focuses on the particular case of extracting knowledge about the time domain traffic pattern of the cells deployed by an operator. A general methodology for supervised classification of this traffic pattern is presented and it is particularized in two applicability use cases. The first use case addresses the reduction of energy consumption in the cellular network by automatically identifying cells that are candidates to be switched-off when they serve low traffic. The second use case focuses on the spectrum planning and identifies the cells whose capacity can be boosted through additional unlicensed spectrum. In both cases the outcomes of different classification tools are assessed. This capability to automatically classify cells according to some expert guidance is fundamental in future networks, where an operator deploys tenths of thousands of cells, so manual intervention of the expert is unfeasible.Peer Reviewe