8 research outputs found

    On Hidden Markov Processes with Infinite Excess Entropy

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    We investigate stationary hidden Markov processes for which mutual information between the past and the future is infinite. It is assumed that the number of observable states is finite and the number of hidden states is countably infinite. Under this assumption, we show that the block mutual information of a hidden Markov process is upper bounded by a power law determined by the tail index of the hidden state distribution. Moreover, we exhibit three examples of processes. The first example, considered previously, is nonergodic and the mutual information between the blocks is bounded by the logarithm of the block length. The second example is also nonergodic but the mutual information between the blocks obeys a power law. The third example obeys the power law and is ergodic.Comment: 12 page

    Signatures of Infinity: Nonergodicity and Resource Scaling in Prediction, Complexity, and Learning

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    We introduce a simple analysis of the structural complexity of infinite-memory processes built from random samples of stationary, ergodic finite-memory component processes. Such processes are familiar from the well known multi-arm Bandit problem. We contrast our analysis with computation-theoretic and statistical inference approaches to understanding their complexity. The result is an alternative view of the relationship between predictability, complexity, and learning that highlights the distinct ways in which informational and correlational divergences arise in complex ergodic and nonergodic processes. We draw out consequences for the resource divergences that delineate the structural hierarchy of ergodic processes and for processes that are themselves hierarchical.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/soi.pd

    Statistical Signatures of Structural Organization: The case of long memory in renewal processes

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    Identifying and quantifying memory are often critical steps in developing a mechanistic understanding of stochastic processes. These are particularly challenging and necessary when exploring processes that exhibit long-range correlations. The most common signatures employed rely on second-order temporal statistics and lead, for example, to identifying long memory in processes with power-law autocorrelation function and Hurst exponent greater than 1/21/2. However, most stochastic processes hide their memory in higher-order temporal correlations. Information measures---specifically, divergences in the mutual information between a process' past and future (excess entropy) and minimal predictive memory stored in a process' causal states (statistical complexity)---provide a different way to identify long memory in processes with higher-order temporal correlations. However, there are no ergodic stationary processes with infinite excess entropy for which information measures have been compared to autocorrelation functions and Hurst exponents. Here, we show that fractal renewal processes---those with interevent distribution tails tα\propto t^{-\alpha}---exhibit long memory via a phase transition at α=1\alpha = 1. Excess entropy diverges only there and statistical complexity diverges there and for all α<1\alpha < 1. When these processes do have power-law autocorrelation function and Hurst exponent greater than 1/21/2, they do not have divergent excess entropy. This analysis breaks the intuitive association between these different quantifications of memory. We hope that the methods used here, based on causal states, provide some guide as to how to construct and analyze other long memory processes.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 appendixes; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/lrmrp.ht

    Informational and Causal Architecture of Discrete-Time Renewal Processes

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    Renewal processes are broadly used to model stochastic behavior consisting of isolated events separated by periods of quiescence, whose durations are specified by a given probability law. Here, we identify the minimal sufficient statistic for their prediction (the set of causal states), calculate the historical memory capacity required to store those states (statistical complexity), delineate what information is predictable (excess entropy), and decompose the entropy of a single measurement into that shared with the past, future, or both. The causal state equivalence relation defines a new subclass of renewal processes with a finite number of causal states despite having an unbounded interevent count distribution. We use these formulae to analyze the output of the parametrized Simple Nonunifilar Source, generated by a simple two-state hidden Markov model, but with an infinite-state epsilon-machine presentation. All in all, the results lay the groundwork for analyzing processes with infinite statistical complexity and infinite excess entropy.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/dtrp.ht

    Hilberg’s Conjecture – a Challenge for Machine Learning

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    We review three mathematical developments linked with Hilberg’s conjecture – a hypothesis about the power-law growth of entropy of texts in natural language, which sets up a challenge for machine learning. First, considerations concerning maximal repetition indicate that universal codes such as the Lempel-Ziv code may fail to efficiently compress sources that satisfy Hilberg’s conjecture. Second, Hilberg’s conjecture implies the empirically observed power-law growth of vocabulary in texts. Third, Hilberg’s conjecture can be explained by a hypothesis that texts describe consistently an infinite random object

    Divergent Predictive States: The Statistical Complexity Dimension of Stationary, Ergodic Hidden Markov Processes

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    Even simply-defined, finite-state generators produce stochastic processes that require tracking an uncountable infinity of probabilistic features for optimal prediction. For processes generated by hidden Markov chains the consequences are dramatic. Their predictive models are generically infinite-state. And, until recently, one could determine neither their intrinsic randomness nor structural complexity. The prequel, though, introduced methods to accurately calculate the Shannon entropy rate (randomness) and to constructively determine their minimal (though, infinite) set of predictive features. Leveraging this, we address the complementary challenge of determining how structured hidden Markov processes are by calculating their statistical complexity dimension -- the information dimension of the minimal set of predictive features. This tracks the divergence rate of the minimal memory resources required to optimally predict a broad class of truly complex processes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; Supplementary Material, 6 pages, 2 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/icfshmp.ht