5 research outputs found

    Cakewalk Sampling

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    We study the task of finding good local optima in combinatorial optimization problems. Although combinatorial optimization is NP-hard in general, locally optimal solutions are frequently used in practice. Local search methods however typically converge to a limited set of optima that depend on their initialization. Sampling methods on the other hand can access any valid solution, and thus can be used either directly or alongside methods of the former type as a way for finding good local optima. Since the effectiveness of this strategy depends on the sampling distribution, we derive a robust learning algorithm that adapts sampling distributions towards good local optima of arbitrary objective functions. As a first use case, we empirically study the efficiency in which sampling methods can recover locally maximal cliques in undirected graphs. Not only do we show how our adaptive sampler outperforms related methods, we also show how it can even approach the performance of established clique algorithms. As a second use case, we consider how greedy algorithms can be combined with our adaptive sampler, and we demonstrate how this leads to superior performance in k-medoid clustering. Together, these findings suggest that our adaptive sampler can provide an effective strategy to combinatorial optimization problems that arise in practice.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper by AAAI-2020 (oral presentation

    Fast Decision-making under Time and Resource Constraints

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    Practical decision makers are inherently limited by computational and memory resources as well as the time available in which to make decisions. To cope with these limitations, humans actively seek methods which limit their resource demands by exploiting structure within the environment and exploiting a coupling between their sensing and actuation to form heuristics for fast decision-making. To date, such behavior has not been replicated in artificial agents. This research explores how heuristics may be incorporated into the decision-making process to quickly make high-quality decisions through the analysis of a prominent case study: the outfielder problem. In the outfielder problem, a fielder is required to intercept balls traveling in ballistic trajectories, while the motion of the fielder is constrained to the ground plane. In order to maximize the probability of interception, the agent must make good, yet timely, decisions. Researchers have put forth several heuristic approaches to describe how a fielder may decide how to run based only on immediately available information under different control paradigms. This research statistically quantifies upper bounds on the expected catch rate of a couple notable approaches, given that interception of the ball is theoretically possible if the fielder ran directly towards the landing spot with maximal effort throughout the entire duration of the ball’s flight. Additionally, novel modifications are made to a belief-space variant of iterative Linear Quadratic Gaussian (iLQG), which is an online method that may be used to find locally-optimal policies to continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) in which Bayesian estimation may reasonably be approximated by an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Directional derivatives are used to reduce the computation time of certain matrix derivatives with respect to the variance of the belief state from to , where is the dimension of the belief space. However, the improved algorithm still may not be capable of real-time decision-making by the standards of modern-day computing on mobile platforms, especially in systems with long planning horizons and sparse rewards. The belief-space variant of iLQG is applied to the outfielder problem, which may also indicate its applicability to similar target interception problems with input constraints, such as missile defense

    A Study of Problems Modelled as Network Equilibrium Flows

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    This thesis presents an investigation into selfish routing games from three main perspectives. These three areas are tied together by a common thread that runs through the main text of this thesis, namely selfish routing games and network equilibrium flows. First, it investigates methods and models for nonatomic selfish routing and then develops algorithms for solving atomic selfish routing games. A number of algorithms are introduced for the atomic selfish routing problem, including dynamic programming for a parallel network and a metaheuristic tabu search. A piece-wise mixed-integer linear programming problem is also presented which allows standard solvers to solve the atomic selfish routing problem. The connection between the atomic selfish routing problem, mixed-integer linear programming and the multicommodity flow problem is explored when constrained by unsplittable flows or flows that are restricted to a number of paths. Additionally, some novel probabilistic online learning algorithms are presented and compared with the equilibrium solution given by the potential function of the nonatomic selfish routing game. Second, it considers multi-criteria extensions of selfish routing and the inefficiency of the equilibrium solutions when compared with social cost. Models are presented that allow exploration of the Pareto set of solutions for a weighted sum model (akin to the social cost) and the equilibrium solution. A means by which these solutions can be measured based on the Price of Anarchy for selfish routing games is also presented. Third, it considers the importance and criticality of components of the network (edges, vertices or a collection of both) within a selfish routing game and the impact of their removal. Existing network science measures and demand-based measures are analysed to assess the change in total travel time and issues highlighted. A new measure which solves these issues is presented and the need for such a measure is evaluated. Most of the new findings have been disseminated through conference talks and journal articles, while others represent the subject of papers currently in preparation

    Computational Methods for Discrete Conic Optimization Problems

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    This thesis addresses computational aspects of discrete conic optimization. Westudy two well-known classes of optimization problems closely related to mixedinteger linear optimization problems. The case of mixed integer second-ordercone optimization problems (MISOCP) is a generalization in which therequirement that solutions be in the non-negative orthant is replaced by arequirement that they be in a second-order cone. Inverse MILP, on the otherhand, is the problem of determining the objective function that makes a givensolution to a given MILP optimal.Although these classes seem unrelated on the surface, the proposedsolution methodology for both classes involves outer approximation of a conicfeasible region by linear inequalities. In both cases, an iterative algorithmin which a separation problem is solved to generate the approximation isemployed. From a complexity standpoint, both MISOCP and inverse MILP areNP--hard. As in the case of MILPs, the usual decision version ofMISOCP is NP-complete, whereas in contrast to MILP, we provide the firstproof that a certain decision version of inverse MILP is rathercoNP-complete.With respect to MISOCP, we first introduce a basic outer approximationalgorithm to solve SOCPs based on a cutting-plane approach. As expected, theperformance of our implementation of such an algorithm is shown to lag behindthe well-known interior point method. Despite this, such a cutting-planeapproach does have promise as a method of producing bounds when embedded withina state-of-the-art branch-and-cut implementation due to its superior ability towarm-start the bound computation after imposing branching constraints. Ourouter-approximation-based branch-and-cut algorithm relaxes both integrality andconic constraints to obtain a linear relaxation. This linear relaxation isstrengthened by the addition of valid inequalities obtained by separatinginfeasible points. Valid inequalities may be obtained by separation from theconvex hull of integer solution lying within the relaxed feasible region or byseparation from the feasible region described by the (relaxed) conicconstraints. Solutions are stored when both integer and conic feasibility isachieved. We review the literature on cutting-plane procedures for MISOCP andmixed integer convex optimization problems.With respect to inverse MILP, we formulate this problem as a conicproblem and derive a cutting-plane algorithm for it. The separation problem inthis algorithm is a modified version of the original MILP. We show that thereis a close relationship between this algorithm and a similar iterativealgorithm for separating infeasible points from the convex hull of solutions tothe original MILP that forms part of the basis for the well-known result ofGrotschel-Lovasz-Schrijver that demonstrates the complexity-wiseequivalence of separation and optimization.In order to test our ideas, we implement a number of software librariesthat together constitute DisCO, a full-featured solver for MISOCP. Thefirst of the supporting libraries is OsiConic, an abstract base classin C++ for interfacing to SOCP solvers. We provide interfaces using thislibrary for widely used commercial and open source SOCP/nonlinear problemsolvers. We also introduce CglConic, a library that implements cuttingprocedures for MISOCP feasible set. We perform extensive computationalexperiments with DisCO comparing a wide range of variants of our proposedalgorithm, as well as other approaches. As DisCO is built on top of a libraryfor distributed parallel tree search algorithms, we also perform experimentsshowing that our algorithm is effective and scalable when parallelized

    Calibration and Analysis of the MESH Hydrological Model applied to Cold Regions

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    Concerns regarding climate change have brought about an increased interest in cold region hydrology, leading to the formation of the IP3 research network. This work is part of the IP3 Network, which has the overall goal to evaluate and demonstrate improved predictions of hydrological and atmospheric fields for cold regions. As such this thesis involves a series of calibration and validation experiments on the MESH hydrological model (used by IP3 for predictions) with two cold region case studies. The first case study is the very well instrumented Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in Idaho, USA and the second case study is the Wolf Creek watershed in the Yukon Territory. As the MESH model is still in the development phase, a critical component of model development is a thorough analysis of model setup and performance. One intention of this research is to provide feedback for future development of the MESH hydrological model. The Reynolds Creek site was modeled as part of this thesis work. This site was chosen based on the long term, highly distributed and detailed data set. The second site, Wolf Creek, was used for a simplified case study. Models of both case study sites were calibrated and validated to carefully evaluate model performance. Reynolds Creek was calibrated as a single objective problem as well as multi-objective problem using snow water equivalent data and streamflow data for multiple sites. The hydrological simulations for Wolf Creek were fair; further calibration effort and a more detailed examination of the model setup would have likely produced better results. Calibration and validation of Reynolds Creek produced very good results for streamflow and snow water equivalent at multiple sites though out the watershed. Calibrating streamflow generated a very different optimal parameter set compared to calibrating snow water equivalent or calibrating to both snow water equivalent and streamflow in a multi-objective framework. A weighted average multi-objective approach for simultaneously calibrating to snow water equivalent and streamflow can be effective as it yields a reasonable solution that improves the single objective snow water equivalent results without degrading the single objective streamflow results