41 research outputs found

    Convolutional Goppa Codes

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    We define Convolutional Goppa Codes over algebraic curves and construct their corresponding dual codes. Examples over the projective line and over elliptic curves are described, obtaining in particular some Maximum-Distance Separable (MDS) convolutional codes.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Algebraic geometry constructions of convolutional codes

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    Las técnicas de geometría algebraica para construir códigos lineales pueden ser aplicados a la construcción de códigos convolucionales, usando curvas algebraicas sobre los campos de función. En este sentido se construyen códigos Goppa convolucionales y se provee un sistema para construir códigos convolucionales con propiedades prescritas.Algebraic-geometric techniques to construct linear codes can be appliedto construct convolutional codes, using algebraic curves over functionfields. In this way we construct convolutional Goppa codes and providea systematic way for constructing convolutional codes with prescribedproperties. We study convolutional Goppa codes defined by the projec-tive line and elliptic curves in detail

    Variations of the McEliece Cryptosystem

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    Two variations of the McEliece cryptosystem are presented. The first one is based on a relaxation of the column permutation in the classical McEliece scrambling process. This is done in such a way that the Hamming weight of the error, added in the encryption process, can be controlled so that efficient decryption remains possible. The second variation is based on the use of spatially coupled moderate-density parity-check codes as secret codes. These codes are known for their excellent error-correction performance and allow for a relatively low key size in the cryptosystem. For both variants the security with respect to known attacks is discussed

    Chaves mais pequenas para criptossistemas de McEliece usando codificadores convolucionais

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    The arrival of the quantum computing era is a real threat to the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications. So, it is urgent to develop alternative cryptographic techniques that are resilient to quantum computing. This is the goal of pos-quantum cryptography. The code-based cryptosystem called Classical McEliece Cryptosystem remains one of the most promising postquantum alternatives. However, the main drawback of this system is that the public key is much larger than in the other alternatives. In this thesis we study the algebraic properties of this type of cryptosystems and present a new variant that uses a convolutional encoder to mask the so-called Generalized Reed- Solomon code. We conduct a cryptanalysis of this new variant to show that high levels of security can be achieved using significant smaller keys than in the existing variants of the McEliece scheme. We illustrate the advantages of the proposed cryptosystem by presenting several practical examples.A chegada da era da computação quântica é uma ameaça real à confidencialidade e integridade das comunicações digitais. É, por isso, urgente desenvolver técnicas criptográficas alternativas que sejam resilientes à computação quântica. Este é o objetivo da criptografia pós-quântica. O Criptossistema de McEliece continua a ser uma das alternativas pós-quânticas mais promissora, contudo, a sua principal desvantagem é o tamanho da chave pública, uma vez que é muito maior do que o das outras alternativas. Nesta tese estudamos as propriedades algébricas deste tipo de criptossistemas e apresentamos uma nova variante que usa um codificador convolucional para mascarar o código de Generalized Reed-Solomon. Conduzimos uma criptoanálise dessa nova variante para mostrar que altos níveis de segurança podem ser alcançados usando uma chave significativamente menor do que as variantes existentes do esquema de McEliece. Ilustramos, assim, as vantagens do criptossistema proposto apresentando vários exemplos práticos.Programa Doutoral em Matemátic

    Error Correcting Codes on Algebraic Surfaces

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    Error correcting codes are defined and important parameters for a code are explained. Parameters of new codes constructed on algebraic surfaces are studied. In particular, codes resulting from blowing up points in \proj^2 are briefly studied, then codes resulting from ruled surfaces are covered. Codes resulting from ruled surfaces over curves of genus 0 are completely analyzed, and some codes are discovered that are better than direct product Reed Solomon codes of similar length. Ruled surfaces over genus 1 curves are also studied, but not all classes are completely analyzed. However, in this case a family of codes are found that are comparable in performance to the direct product code of a Reed Solomon code and a Goppa code. Some further work is done on surfaces from higher genus curves, but there remains much work to be done in this direction to understand fully the resulting codes. Codes resulting from blowing points on surfaces are also studied, obtaining necessary parameters for constructing infinite families of such codes. Also included is a paper giving explicit formulas for curves with more \field{q}-rational points than were previously known for certain combinations of field size and genus. Some upper bounds are now known to be optimal from these examples.Comment: This is Chris Lomont's PhD thesis about error correcting codes from algebriac surface