220,457 research outputs found

    Scalable Semidefinite Programming using Convex Perturbations

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    Several important machine learning problems can be modeled and solved via semidefinite programs. Often, researchers invoke off-the-shelf software for the associated optimization, which can be inappropriate for many applications due to computational and storage requirements. In this paper, we introduce the use of convex perturbations for semidefinite programs (SDPs). Using a particular perturbation function, we arrive at an algorithm for SDPs that has several advantages over existing techniques: a) it is simple, requiring only a few lines of MATLAB, b) it is a first-order method which makes it scalable, c) it can easily exploit the structure of a particular SDP to gain efficiency (e.g., when the constraint matrices are low-rank). We demonstrate on several machine learning applications that the proposed algorithm is effective in finding fast approximations to large-scale SDPs

    Loop Optimizations in C and C++ Compilers: An Overview

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    The evolution of computer hardware in the past decades has truly been remarkable. From scalar instruction execution through superscalar and vector to parallel, processors are able to reach astonishing speeds – if programmed accordingly. Now, writing programs that take all the hardware details into consideration for the sake of efficiency is extremely difficult and error-prone. Therefore we increasingly rely on compilers to do the heavy-lifting for us. A significant part of optimizations done by compilers are loop optimiza- tions. Loops are inherently expensive parts of a program in terms of run time, and it is important that they exploit superscalar and vector instructions. In this paper, we give an overview of the scientific literature on loop optimization technology, and summarize the status of current implementations in the most widely used C and C++ compilers in the industry

    Constraint Based Compiler Optimization for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    We propose a method for optimizing the energy efficiency of software code running on small computing devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) that are powered exclusively by electricity harvested from ambient energy in the environment. Due to the weak and unstable nature of the energy source, it is challenging for developers to manually optimize the software code to deal with mismatch between the intermittent power supply and the computation demand. Our method overcomes the challenge by using a combination of three techniques. First, we use static program analysis to automatically identify opportunities for precomputation, i.e., computation that may be performed ahead of time as opposed to just in time. Second, we optimize the precomputation policy, i.e., a way to split and reorder steps of a computation task in the original software to match the intermittent power supply while satisfying a variety of system requirements; this is accomplished by formulating energy optimization as a constraint satisfiability problem and then solving the problem using an off-the-shelf SMT solver. Third, we use a state-of-the-art compiler platform (LLVM) to automate the program transformation to ensure that the optimized software code is correct by construction. We have evaluated our method on a large number of benchmark programs, which are C programs implementing secure communication protocols that are popular for energy-harvesting IoT devices. Our experimental results show that the method is efficient in optimizing all benchmark programs. Furthermore, the optimized programs significantly outperform the original programs in terms of energy efficiency and latency, and the overall improvement ranges from 2.3X to 36.7X

    Towards Evaluating Size Reduction Techniques for Software Model Checking

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    Formal verification techniques are widely used for detecting design flaws in software systems. Formal verification can be done by transforming an already implemented source code to a formal model and attempting to prove certain properties of the model (e.g. that no erroneous state can occur during execution). Unfortunately, transformations from source code to a formal model often yield large and complex models, making the verification process inefficient and costly. In order to reduce the size of the resulting model, optimization transformations can be used. Such optimizations include common algorithms known from compiler design and different program slicing techniques. Our paper describes a framework for transforming C programs to a formal model, enhanced by various optimizations for size reduction. We evaluate and compare several optimization algorithms regarding their effect on the size of the model and the efficiency of the verification. Results show that different optimizations are more suitable for certain models, justifying the need for a framework that includes several algorithms.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2017, arXiv:1708.0688

    Trajectory Optimization and Guidance Design by Convex Programming

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    The field of aerospace guidance and control has recently been evolving from focusing on traditional laws and controllers to numerical algorithms with the aim of achieving onboard applications for autonomous vehicle systems. However, it is very difficult to perform complex guidance and control missions with highly nonlinear dynamic systems and many constraints onboard. In recent years, an emerging trend has occurred in the field of Computational Guidance and Control (CG&C). By taking advantage of convex optimization and highly efficient interior point methods, CG&C allows complicated guidance and control problems to be solved in real time and offers great potential for onboard applications. With the significant increase in computational efficiency, convex-optimization-based CG&C is expected to become a fundamental technology for system autonomy and autonomous operations. In this dissertation, successive convex approaches are proposed to solve optimal control programs associated with aerospace guidance and control, and the emphasis is placed on potential onboard applications. First, both fuel-optimal and time-optimal low-thrust orbit transfer problems are investigated by a successive second-order cone programming method. Then, this convex method is extended and improved to solve hypersonic entry trajectory optimization problems by taking advantage of line-search and trust-region techniques. Finally, the successive convex approach is modified to the design of autonomous entry guidance algorithms. Simulation results indicate that the proposed methodologies are capable of generating accurate solutions for low-thrust orbit transfer problems and hypersonic entry problems with fast computational speed. The proposed methods have great potential for onboard applications

    Improving Efficiency and Scalability of Sum of Squares Optimization: Recent Advances and Limitations

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    It is well-known that any sum of squares (SOS) program can be cast as a semidefinite program (SDP) of a particular structure and that therein lies the computational bottleneck for SOS programs, as the SDPs generated by this procedure are large and costly to solve when the polynomials involved in the SOS programs have a large number of variables and degree. In this paper, we review SOS optimization techniques and present two new methods for improving their computational efficiency. The first method leverages the sparsity of the underlying SDP to obtain computational speed-ups. Further improvements can be obtained if the coefficients of the polynomials that describe the problem have a particular sparsity pattern, called chordal sparsity. The second method bypasses semidefinite programming altogether and relies instead on solving a sequence of more tractable convex programs, namely linear and second order cone programs. This opens up the question as to how well one can approximate the cone of SOS polynomials by second order representable cones. In the last part of the paper, we present some recent negative results related to this question.Comment: Tutorial for CDC 201