103 research outputs found

    Lightweight MDS Involution Matrices

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    In this article, we provide new methods to look for lightweight MDS matrices, and in particular involutory ones. By proving many new properties and equivalence classes for various MDS matrices constructions such as circulant, Hadamard, Cauchy and Hadamard-Cauchy, we exhibit new search algorithms that greatly reduce the search space and make lightweight MDS matrices of rather high dimension possible to find. We also explain why the choice of the irreducible polynomial might have a significant impact on the lightweightness, and in contrary to the classical belief, we show that the Hamming weight has no direct impact. Even though we focused our studies on involutory MDS matrices, we also obtained results for non-involutory MDS matrices. Overall, using Hadamard or Hadamard-Cauchy constructions, we provide the (involutory or non-involutory) MDS matrices with the least possible XOR gates for the classical dimensions 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 in GF(2^4) and GF(2^8). Compared to the best known matrices, some of our new candidates save up to 50% on the amount of XOR gates required for an hardware implementation. Finally, our work indicates that involutory MDS matrices are really interesting building blocks for designers as they can be implemented with almost the same number of XOR gates as non-involutory MDS matrices, the latter being usually non-lightweight when the inverse matrix is required

    On the Construction of Lightweight Circulant Involutory MDS Matrices

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    In the present paper, we investigate the problem of constructing MDS matrices with as few bit XOR operations as possible. The key contribution of the present paper is constructing MDS matrices with entries in the set of m×mm\times m non-singular matrices over F2\mathbb{F}_2 directly, and the linear transformations we used to construct MDS matrices are not assumed pairwise commutative. With this method, it is shown that circulant involutory MDS matrices, which have been proved do not exist over the finite field F2m\mathbb{F}_{2^m}, can be constructed by using non-commutative entries. Some constructions of 4×44\times4 and 5×55\times5 circulant involutory MDS matrices are given when m=4,8m=4,8. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that circulant involutory MDS matrices have been constructed. Furthermore, some lower bounds on XORs that required to evaluate one row of circulant and Hadamard MDS matrices of order 4 are given when m=4,8m=4,8. Some constructions achieving the bound are also given, which have fewer XORs than previous constructions

    On the Direct Construction of MDS and Near-MDS Matrices

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    The optimal branch number of MDS matrices makes them a preferred choice for designing diffusion layers in many block ciphers and hash functions. Consequently, various methods have been proposed for designing MDS matrices, including search and direct methods. While exhaustive search is suitable for small order MDS matrices, direct constructions are preferred for larger orders due to the vast search space involved. In the literature, there has been extensive research on the direct construction of MDS matrices using both recursive and nonrecursive methods. On the other hand, in lightweight cryptography, Near-MDS (NMDS) matrices with sub-optimal branch numbers offer a better balance between security and efficiency as a diffusion layer compared to MDS matrices. However, no direct construction method is available in the literature for constructing recursive NMDS matrices. This paper introduces some direct constructions of NMDS matrices in both nonrecursive and recursive settings. Additionally, it presents some direct constructions of nonrecursive MDS matrices from the generalized Vandermonde matrices. We propose a method for constructing involutory MDS and NMDS matrices using generalized Vandermonde matrices. Furthermore, we prove some folklore results that are used in the literature related to the NMDS code

    On the Construction of Near-MDS Matrices

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    The optimal branch number of MDS matrices makes them a preferred choice for designing diffusion layers in many block ciphers and hash functions. However, in lightweight cryptography, Near-MDS (NMDS) matrices with sub-optimal branch numbers offer a better balance between security and efficiency as a diffusion layer, compared to MDS matrices. In this paper, we study NMDS matrices, exploring their construction in both recursive and nonrecursive settings. We provide several theoretical results and explore the hardware efficiency of the construction of NMDS matrices. Additionally, we make comparisons between the results of NMDS and MDS matrices whenever possible. For the recursive approach, we study the DLS matrices and provide some theoretical results on their use. Some of the results are used to restrict the search space of the DLS matrices. We also show that over a field of characteristic 2, any sparse matrix of order n4n\geq 4 with fixed XOR value of 1 cannot be an NMDS when raised to a power of knk\leq n. Following that, we use the generalized DLS (GDLS) matrices to provide some lightweight recursive NMDS matrices of several orders that perform better than the existing matrices in terms of hardware cost or the number of iterations. For the nonrecursive construction of NMDS matrices, we study various structures, such as circulant and left-circulant matrices, and their generalizations: Toeplitz and Hankel matrices. In addition, we prove that Toeplitz matrices of order n>4n>4 cannot be simultaneously NMDS and involutory over a field of characteristic 2. Finally, we use GDLS matrices to provide some lightweight NMDS matrices that can be computed in one clock cycle. The proposed nonrecursive NMDS matrices of orders 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 can be implemented with 24, 50, 65, 96, and 108 XORs over F24\mathbb{F}_{2^4}, respectively

    Hankel Rhotrices and Constructions of Maximum Distance Separable Rhotrices over Finite Fields

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    Many block ciphers in cryptography use Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices to strengthen the diffusion layer. Rhotrices are represented by coupled matrices. Therefore, use of rhotrices in the cryptographic ciphers doubled the security of the cryptosystem. We define Hankel rhotrix and further construct the maximum distance separable rhotrices over finite fields

    Design of Lightweight Linear Diffusion Layers from Near-MDS Matrices

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    Near-MDS matrices provide better trade-offs between security and efficiency compared to constructions based on MDS matrices, which are favored for hardwareoriented designs. We present new designs of lightweight linear diffusion layers by constructing lightweight near-MDS matrices. Firstly generic n×n near-MDS circulant matrices are found for 5 ≤ n ≤9. Secondly, the implementation cost of instantiations of the generic near-MDS matrices is examined. Surprisingly, for n = 7, 8, it turns out that some proposed near-MDS circulant matrices of order n have the lowest XOR count among all near-MDS matrices of the same order. Further, for n = 5, 6, we present near-MDS matrices of order n having the lowest XOR count as well. The proposed matrices, together with previous construction of order less than five, lead to solutions of n×n near-MDS matrices with the lowest XOR count over finite fields F2m for 2 ≤ n ≤ 8 and 4 ≤ m ≤ 2048. Moreover, we present some involutory near-MDS matrices of order 8 constructed from Hadamard matrices. Lastly, the security of the proposed linear layers is studied by calculating lower bounds on the number of active S-boxes. It is shown that our linear layers with a well-chosen nonlinear layer can provide sufficient security against differential and linear cryptanalysis

    Direct construction of quasi-involutory recursive-like MDS matrices from 2-cyclic codes

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    A good linear diffusion layer is a prerequisite in the design of block ciphers. Usually it is obtained by combining matrices with optimal diffusion property over the Sbox alphabet. These matrices are constructed either directly using some algebraic properties or by enumerating a search space, testing the optimal diffusion property for every element. For implementation purposes, two types of structures are considered: Structures where all the rows derive from the first row and recursive structures built from powers of companion matrices. In this paper, we propose a direct construction for new recursive-like MDS matrices. We show they are quasi-involutory in the sense that the matrix-vector product with the matrix or with its inverse can be implemented by clocking a same LFSR-like architecture. As a direct construction, performances do not outperform the best constructions found with exhaustive search. However, as a new type of construction, it offers alternatives for MDS matrices design

    Shorter Linear Straight-Line Programs for MDS Matrices

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    Recently a lot of attention is paid to the search for efficiently implementable MDS matrices for lightweight symmetric primitives. Previous work concentrated on locally optimizing the multiplication with single matrix elements. Separate from this line of work, several heuristics were developed to find shortest linear straight-line programs. Solving this problem actually corresponds to globally optimizing multiplications by matrices. In this work we combine those, so far largely independent line of works. As a result, we achieve implementations of known, locally optimized, and new MDS matrices that significantly outperform all implementations from the literature. Interestingly, almost all previous locally optimized constructions behave very similar with respect to the globally optimized implementation. As a side effect, our work reveals the so far best implementation of the AES MixColumns operation with respect to the number of XOR operations needed

    Matriks Maximum Distance Separable Hadamard atas Lapangan Berhingga Zq

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    Dalam hal menyamarkan suatu data bisa terjadi suatu kesalahan, sehingga untuk menghindari hal tersebut digunakan kode pengoreksi kesalahan. Kode MDS (Maximum Distance Separable) dapat digunakan untuk mengoreksi suatu kesalahan dengan matriks generator yang terdiri dari matriks identitas dan suatu matriks A, dimana matriks A merupakan matriks MDS. Suatu matriks dikatakan MDS jika dan hanya jika setiap submatriks bujursangkar memiliki determinan yang tak nol. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan tipe matriks MDS Hadamard atas lapangan berhingga  dimana . Matriks Hadamard atas lapangan berhingga dapat menghemat penggunaan memori sehingga menjadi lebih efisien. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan tidak ada matriks MDS Hadamard berukuran  atas lapangan berhingga  di mana  sehingga tidak dapat digunakan pada matriks generator karena tidak akan menghasilkan performa kode yang optimal untuk mengoreksi suatu kesalahan

    О построении циркулянтных матриц, связанных с MDS-матрицами

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    The objective of this paper is to suggest a method of the construction of circulant ma-trices, which are appropriate for being MDS (Maximum Distance Separable) matrices utilising in cryptography. Thus, we focus on designing so-called bi-regular circulant matrices, and furthermore, impose additional restraints on matrices in order that they have the maximal number of some element occurrences and the minimal number of distinct elements. The reason to construct bi-regular matrices is that any MDS matrix is necessarily the bi-regular one, and two additional restraints on matrix elements grant that matrix-vector multiplication for the samples constructed may be performed effciently. The results obtained include an upper bound on the number of some ele-ment occurrences for which the circulant matrix is bi-regular. Furthermore, necessary and sucient conditions for the circulant matrix bi-regularity are derived. On the ba-sis of these conditions, we developed an effcient bi-regularity verication procedure. Additionally, several bi-regular circulant matrix layouts of order up to 31 with the maximal number of some element occurrences are listed. In particular, it appeared that there are no layouts of order 32 with more than 5 occurrences of any element which yield a bi-regular matrix (and hence an MDS matrix)