93 research outputs found

    High-performance direct solution of finite element problems on multi-core processors

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    A direct solution procedure is proposed and developed which exploits the parallelism that exists in current symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) multi-core processors. Several algorithms are proposed and developed to improve the performance of the direct solution of FE problems. A high-performance sparse direct solver is developed which allows experimentation with the newly developed and existing algorithms. The performance of the algorithms is investigated using a large set of FE problems. Furthermore, operation count estimations are developed to further assess various algorithms. An out-of-core version of the solver is developed to reduce the memory requirements for the solution. I/O is performed asynchronously without blocking the thread that makes the I/O request. Asynchronous I/O allows overlapping factorization and triangular solution computations with I/O. The performance of the developed solver is demonstrated on a large number of test problems. A problem with nearly 10 million degree of freedoms is solved on a low price desktop computer using the out-of-core version of the direct solver. Furthermore, the developed solver usually outperforms a commonly used shared memory solver.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Will, Kenneth; Committee Member: Emkin, Leroy; Committee Member: Kurc, Ozgur; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: White, Donal

    Computational Feasibility of Increasing the Visibility of Vertices in Covert Networks

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    Disrupting terrorist and other covert networks requires identifying and capturing key leaders. Previous research by Martonosi et al. (2009) defines a load metric on vertices of a covert network representing the amount of communication in which a vertex is expected to participate. They suggest that the visibility of a target vertex can be increased by removing other, more accessible members of the network. This report evaluates the feasibility of efficiently calculating the optimal subset of vertices to remove. We begin by proving that the general problem of identifying the optimally load maximizing vertex set removal is NP-complete. We then consider the feasibility of more quickly computing the load maximizing single vertex removal by designing an efficient algorithm for recomputing Gomory- Hu trees. This leads to a result regarding the uniqueness of Gomory- Hu trees with implications towards the feasibility of one approach for Gomory- Hu tree reconstruction. Finally, we propose a warm start algorithm which performs this reconstruction, and analyze its runtime experimentally

    Optical quorum cycles for efficient communication

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    Many optical networks face heterogeneous communication requests requiring topologies to be efficient and fault tolerant. For efficiency and distributed control, it is common in distributed systems and algorithms to group nodes into intersecting sets referred to as quorum sets. We show efficiency and distributed control can also be accomplished in optical network routing by applying the same established quorum set theory. Cycle-based optical network routing, whether using SONET rings or p-cycles, provides the sufficient reliability in the network. Light-trails forming a cycle allow broadcasts within a cycle to be used for efficient multicasts. Cyclic quorum sets also have all pairs of nodes occurring in one or more quorums, so efficient, arbitrary unicast communication can occur between any two nodes. Efficient broadcasts to all network nodes are possible by a node broadcasting to all quorum cycles to which it belongs (O(N−−√)). In this paper, we propose applying the distributed efficiency of the quorum sets to routing optical cycles based on light-trails. With this new method of topology construction, unicast and multicast communication requests do not need to be known or even modeled a priori. Additionally, in the presence of network link faults, greater than 99 % average coverage enables the continued operation of nearly all arbitrary unicast and multicast requests in the network. Finally, to further improve the fault coverage, an augmentation to the ECBRA cycle finding algorithm is proposed

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    Efficient communication using multiple cycles and multiple channels

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    Initially, the use of optical fiber in networks was to create point-to-point links. Optical paths were not altered once they were setup. This limits the ability of the network to respond to changing traffic demands. There were expensive solutions to handle dynamic traffic. One could set up multiple paths for additional traffic. Alternately, traffic that did not have a dedicated optical path needed to be received, the next hop found electronically, and then transmitted again. Current research in optical networking is looking to minimize or even eliminate electronic packet processing in the network. This will reduce the numbers of transmitters, receivers, and processing hardware needed in the network. If a signal can be kept entirely optical, new signal formats can be added to the network by only upgrading systems sending or receiving the new format. Research is currently looking at hardware designs to support electrically changing optical paths, and algorithms to route the optical paths. The topic of this work is the routing algorithms. We wish to keep cost as low as possible, while being able to recover quickly from or completely hide hardware failures. Several strategies exist to meet these expectations that involve a mix of handing routing and failure at the optical or at the electronic layer. This dissertation considers the use of cycles or rings in both establishing optical connections in response to connection requests, and electronic routing on optical cycle\u27s setup when a network is built. Load balancing is an important issue for both approaches. In this dissertation we provide heuristics and integer linear program (ILP) that can be used to find cycles in a network. We report on experiments showing the effectiveness of the heuristics. Simulations show the importance of load balancing. In the case of electronic routing, we setup cycles in the network which allow nodes on the cycle to communicate with each other. We select cycles so that they have two properties. One property is that all node pairs appear on at least one cycle. The other property is that each cycle contains a cyclical quorum. The first property allows for a network to support all-to-all communication entirely in the optical domain. The second property allows for quorum based distributed systems to send a message to an entire quorum in an all optical one-to-many connection. The use of quorums makes distributed systems efficient at tasks such as coordinating mutual exclusion or database replication. There is a need for the optical layer of the network to provide support for keeping latency of this type of communication low because as designers have scarified the benefits of using quorums in higher latency networks. Combined with light trails, cycles based on quorums requires fewer transmitter and receivers than light-paths to support all-to-all traffic


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    Independent tree spanners: fault-tolerant spanning trees with constant distance guarantees

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    AbstractFor any fixed rational parameter t⩾1, a (tree) t-spanner of a graph G is a spanning subgraph (tree) T in G such that the distance between every pair of vertices in T is at most t times their distance in G. General t-spanners and their variants have multiple applications in the field of communication networks, distributed systems, and network design. In this paper, we combine the two concepts of simple structured, sparse t-spanners and fault-tolerance by examining independent tree t-spanners. Given a root vertex r, this is a pair of tree t-spanners, such that the two paths from any vertex to r are edge disjoint or internally vertex disjoint, respectively. For t<3, we give a (constructive) linear-time algorithm to decide whether a pair of independent tree t-spanners exist. We also show that the problem for arbitrary t⩾4 in NP-complete. As a less restrictive concept, we also treat tree t-root-spanners, where the distance constraint is relaxed. Here, we show that the problem of deciding the existence of an independent pair of such subgraphs is NP-complete for all non-trivial, rational t. As a special case, we then consider direct tree t-root-spanners. These are tree t-root-spanners where paths from any vertex to the root have to be detour-free. In the edge-independent case, we give a (constructive) linear-time algorithm for deciding the existence of a pair of these for all rational t. The vertex-independent case, however, is shown to be NP-complete
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