596 research outputs found

    Learning Object Recognition and Object Class Segmentation with Deep Neural Networks on GPU

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    As cameras are becoming ubiquitous and internet storage abundant, the need for computers to understand images is growing rapidly. This thesis is concerned with two computer vision tasks, recognizing objects and their location, and segmenting images according to object classes. We focus on deep learning approaches, which in recent years had a tremendous influence on machine learning in general and computer vision in particular. The thesis presents our research into deep learning models and algorithms. It is divided into three parts. The first part describes our GPU deep learning framework. Its hierarchical structure allows transparent use of GPU, facilitates specification of complex models, model inspection, and constitutes the implementation basis of the later chapters. Components of this framework were used in a real-time GPU library for random forests, which we present and evaluate. In the second part, we investigate greedy learning techniques for semi-supervised object recognition. We improve the feature learning capabilities of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) with lateral interactions and auto-encoders with additional hidden layers, and offer empirical insight into the evaluation of RBM learning algorithms. The third part of this thesis focuses on object class segmentation. Here, we incrementally introduce novel neural network models and training algorithms, successively improving the state of the art on multiple datasets. Our novel methods include supervised pre-training, histogram of oriented gradient DNN inputs, depth normalization and recurrence. All contribute towards improving segmentation performance beyond what is possible with competitive baseline methods. We further demonstrate that pixelwise labeling combined with a structured loss function can be utilized to localize objects. Finally, we show how transfer learning in combination with object-centered depth colorization can be used to identify objects. We evaluate our proposed methods on the publicly available MNIST, MSRC, INRIA Graz-02, NYU-Depth, Pascal VOC, and Washington RGB-D Objects datasets.Allgegenwärtige Kameras und preiswerter Internetspeicher erzeugen einen großen Bedarf an Algorithmen für maschinelles Sehen. Die vorliegende Dissertation adressiert zwei Teilbereiche dieses Forschungsfeldes: Erkennung von Objekten und Objektklassensegmentierung. Der methodische Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Lernen von tiefen Modellen (”Deep Learning“). Diese haben in den vergangenen Jahren einen enormen Einfluss auf maschinelles Lernen allgemein und speziell maschinelles Sehen gewonnen. Dabei behandeln wir behandeln wir drei Themenfelder. Der erste Teil der Arbeit beschreibt ein GPU-basiertes Softwaresystem für Deep Learning. Dessen hierarchische Struktur erlaubt schnelle GPU-Berechnungen, einfache Spezifikation komplexer Modelle und interaktive Modellanalyse. Damit liefert es das Fundament für die folgenden Kapitel. Teile des Systems finden Verwendung in einer Echtzeit-GPU-Bibliothek für Random Forests, die wir ebenfalls vorstellen und evaluieren. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beleuchtet Greedy-Lernalgorithmen für halb überwachtes Lernen. Hier werden hierarchische Modelle schrittweise aus Modulen wie Autokodierern oder restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM ) aufgebaut. Wir verbessern die Repräsentationsfähigkeiten von RBM auf Bildern durch Einführung lokaler und lateraler Verknüpfungen und liefern empirische Erkenntnisse zur Bewertung von RBM-Lernalgorithmen. Wir zeigen zudem, dass die in Autokodierern verwendeten einschichtigen Kodierer komplexe Zusammenhänge ihrer Eingaben nicht erkennen können und schlagen stattdessen einen hybriden Kodierer vor, der sowohl komplexe Zusammenhänge erkennen, als auch weiterhin einfache Zusammenhänge einfach repräsentieren kann. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit stellen wir neue neuronale Netzarchitekturen und Trainingsmethoden für die Objektklassensegmentierung vor. Wir zeigen, dass neuronale Netze mit überwachtem Vortrainieren, wiederverwendeten Ausgaben und Histogrammen Orientierter Gradienten (HOG) als Eingabe den aktuellen Stand der Technik auf mehreren RGB-Datenmengen erreichen können. Anschließend erweitern wir unsere Methoden in zwei Dimensionen, sodass sie mit Tiefendaten (RGB-D) und Videos verarbeiten können. Dazu führen wir zunächst Tiefennormalisierung für Objektklassensegmentierung ein um die Skala zu fixieren, und erlauben expliziten Zugriff auf die Höhe in einem Bildausschnitt. Schließlich stellen wir ein rekurrentes konvolutionales neuronales Netz vor, das einen großen räumlichen Kontext einbezieht, hochaufgelöste Ausgaben produziert und Videosequenzen verarbeiten kann. Dadurch verbessert sich die Bildsegmentierung relativ zu vergleichbaren Methoden, etwa auf der Basis von Random Forests oder CRF . Wir zeigen dann, dass pixelbasierte Ausgaben in neuronalen Netzen auch benutzt werden können um die Position von Objekten zu detektieren. Dazu kombinieren wir Techniken des strukturierten Lernens mit Konvolutionsnetzen. Schließlich schlagen wir eine objektzentrierte Einfärbungsmethode vor, die es ermöglicht auf RGB-Bildern trainierte neuronale Netze auf RGB-D-Bildern einzusetzen. Dieser Transferlernansatz erlaubt es uns auch mit stark reduzierten Trainingsmengen noch bessere Ergebnisse beim Schätzen von Objektklassen, -instanzen und -orientierungen zu erzielen. Wir werten die von uns vorgeschlagenen Methoden auf den öffentlich zugänglichen MNIST, MSRC, INRIA Graz-02, NYU-Depth, Pascal VOC, und Washington RGB-D Objects Datenmengen aus

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Accelerating sparse restricted Boltzmann machine training using non-Gaussianity measures

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    In recent years, sparse restricted Boltzmann machines have gained popularity as unsupervised feature extractors. Starting from the observation that their training process is biphasic, we investigate how it can be accelerated: by determining when it can be stopped based on the non-Gaussianity of the distribution of the model parameters, and by increasing the learning rate when the learnt filters have locked on to their preferred configurations. We evaluated our approach on the CIFAR-10, NORB and GTZAN datasets

    Generative Neural Network-Based Defense Methods Against Cyberattacks for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

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    The rapid advancement of communication and artificial intelligence technologies is propelling the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), revolutionizing the transportation landscape. However, increased connectivity and automation also present heightened potential for cyber threats. Recently, the emergence of generative neural networks (NNs) has unveiled a myriad of opportunities for complementing CAV applications, including generative NN-based cybersecurity measures to protect the CAVs in a transportation cyber-physical system (TCPS) from known and unknown cyberattacks. The goal of this dissertation is to explore the utility of the generative NNs for devising cyberattack detection and mitigation strategies for CAVs. To this end, the author developed (i) a hybrid quantum-classical restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM)-based framework for in-vehicle network intrusion detection for connected vehicles and (ii) a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based defense method for the traffic sign classification system within the perception module of autonomous vehicles. The author evaluated the hybrid quantum-classical RBM-based intrusion detection framework on three separate real-world Fuzzy attack datasets and compared its performance with a similar but classical-only approach (i.e., a classical computer-based data preprocessing and RBM training). The results showed that the hybrid quantum-classical RBM-based intrusion detection framework achieved an average intrusion detection accuracy of 98%, whereas the classical-only approach achieved an average accuracy of 90%. For the second study, the author evaluated the GAN-based adversarial defense method for traffic sign classification against different white-box adversarial attacks, such as the fast gradient sign method, the DeepFool, the Carlini and Wagner, and the projected gradient descent attacks. The author compared the performance of the GAN-based defense method with several traditional benchmark defense methods, such as Gaussian augmentation, JPEG compression, feature squeezing, and spatial smoothing. The findings indicated that the GAN-based adversarial defense method for traffic sign classification outperformed all the benchmark defense methods under all the white-box adversarial attacks the author considered for evaluation. Thus, the contribution of this dissertation lies in utilizing the generative ability of existing generative NNs to develop novel high-performing cyberattack detection and mitigation strategies that are feasible to deploy in CAVs in a TCPS environment