79 research outputs found

    A Novel Efficient Dynamic Throttling Strategy for Blockchain-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in 6G-Enabled VSNs

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    Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) have emerged as a new social interaction paradigm, where vehicles can form social networks on the roads to improve the convenience/safety of passengers. VSNs are part of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services, which is one of the industrial verticals in the coming sixth generation (6G) networks. The lower latency, higher connection density, and near-100% coverage envisaged in 6G will enable more efficient implementation of VSNs applications. The purpose of this study is to address the problem of lateral movements of attackers who could compromise one device in a VSN, given the large number of connected devices and services in VSNs and attack other devices and vehicles. This challenge is addressed via our proposed Blockchain-based Collaborative Distributed Intrusion Detection (BCDID) system with a novel Dynamic Throttling Strategy (DTS) to detect and prevent attackers’ lateral movements in VSNs. Our experiments showed how the proposed DTS improve the effectiveness of the BCDID system in terms of detection capabilities and handling queries three times faster than the default strategy with 350k queries tested. We concluded that our DTS strategy can increase transaction processing capacity in the BCDID system and improve its performance while maintaining the integrity of data on-chain

    Maintaining privacy for a recommender system diagnosis using blockchain and deep learning.

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    The healthcare sector has been revolutionized by Blockchain and AI technologies. Artificial intelligence uses algorithms, recommender systems, decision-making abilities, and big data to display a patient's health records using blockchain. Healthcare professionals can make use of Blockchain to display a patient's medical records with a secured medical diagnostic process. Traditionally, data owners have been hesitant to share medical and personal information due to concerns about privacy and trustworthiness. Using Blockchain technology, this paper presents an innovative model for integrating healthcare data sharing into a recommender diagnostic computer system. Using the model, medical records can be secured, controlled, authenticated, and kept confidential. In this paper, researchers propose a framework for using the Ethereum Blockchain and x-rays as a mechanism for access control, establishing hierarchical identities, and using pre-processing and deep learning to diagnose COVID-19. Along with solving the challenges associated with centralized access control systems, this mechanism also ensures data transparency and traceability, which will allow for efficient diagnosis and secure data sharing

    Keeping Data Inter-related in a Blockchain

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    Comparison of Blockchain technology in various segments of supply chain management

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    Blockchain technology promises to disrupt existing business processes by replacing existing centralized systems. Blockchain technology has gotten plenty of attention in the past few years. The interest in the new technology has reached logistics and supply chain management. When blockchain technology is implemented successfully it can bring benefits such as cost savings, better visibility, and better efficiency. Businesses could greatly benefit from these matters and get competitive advantage if they succeed to implement blockchain technology successfully before their competitors. There are various blockchain platforms available and new platforms are created continuously. These platforms can differ greatly from each other in terms of performance, scalability, and privacy. When considering implementing blockchain technology to supply chains it is key to choose a platform which has the best match to the particular use case. There is earlier research done about different blockchain platforms in different applications, but it is hard to get a bigger picture difference of blockchain platforms in supply chain applications from single studies. This research combines earlier research of the topic using qualitative meta-synthesis. The aim of the study is to find out the differences between Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Corda, Multichain, and Bitcoin platforms. Study found big differences in the suitability to supply chain applications between the platforms. It is key to understand comprehensively the needs for the platform before any decisions between platforms are made, because choosing between these platforms is a tradeoff. The result of the study was that Hyperledger Fabric shoved the best results in most use cases. The biggest challenge in this thesis was to find relevant information because the technology is relatively new.Blockchain teknologialla on mahdollisuus häiritä olevia liiketoimintaprosesseja korvaamalla nykyiset keskitetyt järjestelmät. Lohkoketju teknologia on saanut yhä enemmissä määrin huomiota viime vuosina. Kiinnostus uutta teknologiaa kohtaan on saavuttanut logistiikan ja toimitusketjun hallinnan. Jos lohkoketju teknologia pystytään implementoimaan onnistuneesti, se voi tuoda etuja, kuten kustannussäästöjä ja parempaa tehokkuutta. Tämä voisi suuresti hyödyttää yrityksiä, jos ne onnistuvat ottamaan lohkoketju teknologian käyttöön onnistuneesti ennen kilpailijoitaan. Jo nykyisin saatavilla on erilaisia lohkoketju alustoja ja uusia alustoja luodaan jatkuvasti. Nämä alustat voivat erota suuresti toisistaan muun muassa suorituskyvyn, skaalautuvuuden ja yksityisyyden suhteen. Kun harkitaan lohkoketju teknologian käyttöönottoa toimitusketjuissa, on tärkeää valita alusta, joka sopii parhaiten omaan käyttötarkoitukseen. Eri sovelluksissa eri lohkoketju alustoista on tehty aiemminkin tutkimuksia, mutta yksittäisistä tutkimuksista on vaikea saada suurempaa kuvaa lohkoketju alustojen eroista toimitusketju sovelluksissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia metasynteesi tutkimusmenetelmää hyödyntäen Hyperledger Fabric-, Ethereum-, Corda-, Multichain- ja Bitcoin- alustojen eroavaisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin suuria eroja alustojen välillä soveltuvuudessa toimitusketju sovelluksiin. On tärkeää ymmärtää kokonaisvaltaisesti omat tarpeet alustalle ennen päätöksiä alustojen välillä, sillä valinta on kompromissi alustojen eroavaisuuksista johtuen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin, että Hyperledger Fabric saavutti parhaat tulokset useimmissa käyttötapauksissa. Suurin haaste tässä opinnäytetyössä oli olennaisen tiedon löytäminen, koska tekniikka on suhteellisen uutta

    Data management:Relational vs blockchain databases

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    Augmenting Zero Trust Architecture to endpoints using Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain

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    With the increasing adoption of cloud computing and remote working, traditional perimeter-based security models are no longer sufficient to protect organizations' digital assets. The need for a more robust security framework led to the emergence of Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA), which challenges the notion of inherent trust and emphasizes the importance of verifying endpoints, users, and applications. However, within ZTA, the already authenticated and authorized communication channel on an endpoint poses a critical vulnerability, making it the Achilles' heel of the architecture [1]. Once compromised, even with valid credentials and authorized access, an endpoint can become a gateway for attackers to move laterally and access sensitive resources. Addressing the vulnerability of endpoints within ZTA is crucial to bolster overall security. By mitigating the risks associated with compromised endpoints, organizations can prevent unauthorized access, privilege escalation, and potential data breaches. Traditional security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus technologies, and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS), have become less effective in the face of evolving threats and complex network infrastructures. Perimeter-based security models are gradually being replaced by ZTA, which focuses on identity-based perimeters and continuous verification. To enhance endpoint security within ZTA, this research introduces the Blockchain-enabled Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (BIDPS). By integrating blockchain technology, the BIDPS aims to detect and prevent attacker techniques at an early stage before lateral movement occurs. Furthermore, the BIDPS shifts the trust from compromised endpoints to the immutable and transparent nature of the blockchain, creating an explicit system of trust. Through a systematic design and development methodology, a prototype of the BIDPS was created. Extensive testing against various Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks demonstrated the system's high success rate in defending against such attacks. Additionally, novel strategies and performance-enhancing mechanisms were implemented to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the BIDPS [2]. The BIDPS was evaluated through a combination of observational analysis and A/B testing methodologies. The evaluation confirmed the BIDPS's effectiveness in detecting and preventing malicious activities, as well as its improved performance compared to traditional security measures. The research outcomes validate the viability of the BIDPS as a solution to enhance endpoint security within ZTA. Conclusively, the integration of blockchain technology into ZTA, as exemplified by the BIDPS, offers a promising approach to mitigate the vulnerability of endpoints and reinforce the security of modern IT environments