147 research outputs found

    Regular ag-groupoids characterized by (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy ideals

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    In this paper, we introduce a considerable machinery which permits us to characterize a number of special (fuzzy) subsets in AG -groupoids. Generalizing the concepts of (∈, ∈ ∨q) -fuzzy bi-ideals (interior ideal), we define (∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy left (right)-ideals and ( , ) k ? ? ?q -fuzzy interior ideals in AG -groupoids and discuss some fundamental aspects of these ideals in AG -groupoids. We further define ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals and (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy interior ideals and give some of their basic properties in AG -groupoids. In the last section, we define lower/upper parts of (∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and investigate some characterizations of regular and intera-regular AG -groupoids in terms of the lower parts of ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy bi-ideal of AG -groupoids

    A new generalization of fuzzy ideals in LA-semigroups

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    Abstract. In this article, the concept of (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy LAsubsemigroups, (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy left(right) ideals, (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals and (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy bi-ideals of an LA-semigroup are introduced. The given concept is a generalization of (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy LA-subsemigroups, (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy left(right) ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals and (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy bi-ideals of an LA-semigroup. We also give some examples of (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy LA-subsemigroups ( left, right, generalized bi-and bi) ideals of an LA-semigroup. We prove some fundamental results of these ideals. We characterize (∈ γ , ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy left(right) ideals, (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals and (∈γ, ∈γ ∨ q δ )-fuzzy bi-ideals of an LA-semigroup by the properties of level sets


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    In this paper, we initiate the study of pure uni-soft ideals in ordered semigroups. The soft version of right pure ideals in ordered semigroups is considered which is an extension of the concept of right pure ideal in ordered semigroups. We also give the main result for right pure uni-soft ideals in ordered semigroups and characterize right weakly regular ordered semigroups in terms of right pure uni-soft ideals

    Bi-ideals of ordered semigroups based on the interval-valued fuzzy point

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    Interval-valued fuzzy set theory (advanced generalization of Zadeh’s fuzzy sets) is a more generalized theory that can deal with real world problems more precisely than ordinary fuzzy set theory. In this paper, we introduce the notion of generalized quasi-coincident with (q(Formula Presented)) relation of an interval-valued fuzzy point with an interval-valued fuzzy set. In fact, this new concept is a more generalized form of quasi-coincident with relation of an interval-valued fuzzy point with an interval-valued fuzzy set. Applying this newly defined idea, the notion of an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideal is introduced. Moreover, some characterizations of interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideals are described. It is shown that an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideal is an interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal by imposing a condition on interval-valued fuzzy subset. Finally, the concept of implication-based interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideals, characterizations of an interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal and an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) - fuzzy bi-ideal are considered


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    Based on generalized quasi-coincident with relation, new types of fuzzy bi-ideals of an ordered semigroup S are introduced. Level subset and characteristic functions are used to linked ordinary bi-ideals and (2;2_(|;qk))fuzzy bi-ideals of an ordered semigroup S: Further, upper/lower parts of (2;2 _(|;qk))-fuzzy bi-ideals of S are determined. Finally, some well known classes of ordered semigroups like regular, left (resp. right) regular and completely regular ordered semigroups are characterized by the properties of (2;2_(|;qk))-fuzzy bi-ideals

    Fuzzy Quasi-Ideals of Ordered Semigroups

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    Abstract. In this paper, we characterize ordered semigroups in terms of fuzzy quasi-ideals. We characterize left simple, right simple and completely regular ordered semigroups in terms of fuzzy quasi-ideals. We define semiprime fuzzy quasi-ideal of ordered semigroups and characterize completely regular ordered semigroup in terms of semiprime fuzzy quasi-ideals. We also study the decomposition of left and right simple ordered semigroups having the property a ≤ a 2 for all a ∈ S, by means of fuzzy quasi-ideals. Mathematics Subject Classification: 06F05, 06D72, 08A72 Keywords and phrases: Subsemigroups, left (right) ideals, quasi-(bi-) ideals, left (right) regular, left (right) simple ordered semigroups, completely regular ordered semigroups, fuzzy sets, fuzzy subsemigroup, fuzzy left (right) ideals, fuzzy quasi-(bi-) ideals, semiprime (resp. semiprime fuzzy) ideals of ordered semigroups

    A new classification of hemirings through double-framed soft h-ideals

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    Due to lack of parameterization, various ordinary uncertainty theories like theory of fuzzy sets, and theory of probability cannot solve complicated problems of economics and engineering involving uncertainties. The aim of the present paper was to provide an appropriate mathematical tool for solving such type of complicated problems. For the said purpose, the notion of double-framed soft sets in hemirings is introduced. As h-ideals of hemirings play a central role in the structural theory, therefore, we developed a new type of subsystem of hemirings. Double-framed soft left (right) h-ideal, double-framed soft h-bi-ideals and double-framed soft h-quasi-ideals of hemiring are determined. These concepts are elaborated through suitable examples. Furthermore, we are bridging ordinary h-ideals and double-framed soft h-ideals of hemirings through double-framed soft including sets and characteristic double-framed soft functions. It is also shown that every double-framed soft h-quasi-ideal is double-framed soft h-bi-ideal but the converse inclusion does not hold. A well-known class of hemrings i.e. h-hemiregular hemirings is characterized by the properties of these newly developed double-framed soft h-ideals o