39 research outputs found

    Tech hype as a mnemonic process: Misremembering the land problem in India

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    This research article considers tech hype as a mnemonic process that makes us remember or forget the world, technology, and the myriad ways we can relate to it. The argument is based on an auto-ethnographic vignette and a close reading of two key texts in the discourse on using technology for land management in India. The article shows how technology, the social, and the practice of knowledge-production can be rethought in this mock battle between hype and criticism of hype.Der Forschungsartikel betrachtet den Tech-Hype als Prozess, der uns an die Welt, die Technologie und die unzähligen Möglichkeiten, wie wir damit umgehen können, erinnert oder sie uns vergessen lässt. Die Argumentation basiert auf einer autoethnografischen Vignette und einer genauen Lektüre zweier Schlüsseltexte im Diskurs über den Einsatz von Technologie für die Landbewirtschaftung in Indien. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie Technologie, das Soziale und die Praxis der Wissensproduktion in diesem Scheingefecht zwischen Hype und Kritik am Hype neu gedacht werden können


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    The rapid development of technology today makes all activities in human life can be carried out easily. One of them is to make payments through an application in a smartphone. Payment with these technological innovations or in other words, technology-based financial services are commonly referred to as fintech. Fintech is here to facilitate the  process of financial transactions but also has a bad impact on the economic sector, one of which is money laundering. Money laundering activities can currently be carried out through fintech. The illegal act of money laundering through fintech is increasingly difficult to know who is behind the scenes. The purpose of this study is to make an improvement in legislation in the field of financial technology, which until now is still nil. This research is carried out through a normative approach using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The result of this study is to provide a new policy on financial technology, especially in money laundering activities carried out on the use of e-ecommerce transactions where currently there is none


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    The rapid development of technology today makes all activities in human life can be carried out easily. One of them is to make payments through an application in a smartphone. Payment with these technological innovations or in other words, technology-based financial services are commonly referred to as fintech. Fintech is here to facilitate the process of financial transactions but also has a bad impact on the economic sector, one of which is money laundering. Money laundering activities can currently be carried out through fintech. The illegal act of money laundering through fintech is increasingly difficult to know who is behind the scenes. The purpose of this study is to make an improvement in legislation in the field of financial technology, which until now is still nil. This research is carried out through a normative approach using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The result of this study is to provide a new policy on financial technology, especially in money laundering activities carried out on the use of e-ecommerce transactions where currently there is none

    Legal framework of non-fungible tokens – Legal repercussions & challenges ahead

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    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are often regarded as the cryptocurrency of the future. The ownership and value of an original digital asset like a picture, video, or audio file may be established with the use of a digital asset called a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). Blockchain technology and smart contracts are used to issue them on these assets, creating one-of-a-kind digital signatures and guaranteeing their safety. As a result of their speculative nature, sudden price drops or rises, and susceptibility to cyber security attacks, they are very risky investments. NFTs aim to alleviate the burden of proof-of-ownership verification

    Cryptocurrency based on Blockchain Technology

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    The state of Palestine does not own national currency so Palestine loses a lot of money yearly due to the use of foreign currencies and the Paris Protocol agreement prevents Palestinian own currency For that the crypto-currencies based on block-chain instead of physical currency will help the state of Palestine to avoid the obstacles that prevent to own currency In this paper we will study the cryptocurrency based on Blockchain technology that uses peer-to-peer P2P and timestamp server In additional exploring the main components of bitcoin currency as an exampl

    A Review of Central Bank Digital Currencies

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    This is a review paper on the exploratory research done by various central banks and international organisations on CBDCs and the framework to be followed for implementing these CBDCs so that the monetary system of a specific country remains unaffected. CBDCs and cryptocurrency in general as we know have become quite popular and are the talking point for many research scholars, economists and investment analysts. While many believe cryptocurrencies to have no intrinsic value, the value of the underlying technology i.e blockchain is something that can be argued upon. CBDCs remove the major cons of cryptocurrency by providing stability to the volatile cryptocurrency market and by acting as a legal tender thereby gaining the trust of retail public. Many governments believe that the introduction of CBDCs into the economy could simplify the payment’s structure thereby increasing the velocity of money leading to higher GDP growth. But one possibility that shatters this glass of optimistic views is the possibility of disintermediation of banks which could adversely affect the credit creation capacity of the country and disintegrate the entire monetary policy formation mechanism. Therefore, though the concept of digital currencies may excite many people, its adoption in an economy should be considered only after thorough research and pilot programs conducted by the central banks

    Future of cryptocurrency in India

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    A digital currency based on blockchain technology that is secured by cryptography is called cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency are emerging concept that has very limited literature in the Indian context therefore, this study attempts to assess the future of cryptocurrency in India by reviewing and analysing the existing various reports and articles. We found cryptocurrencies are very risky since it is not yet legalized nor are backed by the Indian government security. Despite that, the rapid grassroot adaptability of cryptocurrency, the tremendous growth in the number of users, and investment in cryptocurrency just give an insight of the bright future of cryptocurrency in India