907 research outputs found

    Ocean waves animation using boundary integral equations and explicit mesh tracking

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    Abstract We tackle deep water simulation in a scalable way, solving 3D irrotational flow using only variables stored in a mesh of the surface of the water, in time proportional to the rendered mesh. The heart of our method is a novel boundary integral equation formulation that is amenable to explicit mesh tracking with unstructured triangle meshes. Our method complements FFT style waves as it is able to handle solid boundaries. It is less memory intensive than volumetric methods and inherently handles the near-infinite depth of the deep ocean. We demonstrate acceleration techniques using the FMM and GPU computing. The natural Lagrangian motion of our model gives inherent adaptivity to our simulation without the need for direct mesh operations

    Fundamental solutions for water wave animation

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    This paper investigates the use of fundamental solutions for animating detailed linear water surface waves. We first propose an analytical solution for efficiently animating circular ripples in closed form. We then show how to adapt the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to create ambient waves interacting with complex obstacles. Subsequently, we present a novel wavelet-based discretization which outperforms the state of the art MFS approach for simulating time-varying water surface waves with moving obstacles. Our results feature high-resolution spatial details, interactions with complex boundaries, and large open ocean domains. Our method compares favorably with previous work as well as known analytical solutions. We also present comparisons between our method and real world examples

    Water wave animation via wavefront parameter interpolation

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    We present an efficient wavefront tracking algorithm for animating bodies of water that interact with their environment. Our contributions include: a novel wavefront tracking technique that enables dispersion, refraction, reflection, and diffraction in the same simulation; a unique multivalued function interpolation method that enables our simulations to elegantly sidestep the Nyquist limit; a dispersion approximation for efficiently amplifying the number of simulated waves by several orders of magnitude; and additional extensions that allow for time-dependent effects and interactive artistic editing of the resulting animation. Our contributions combine to give us multitudes more wave details than similar algorithms, while maintaining high frame rates and allowing close camera zooms

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Computer graphics is an extremely exciting field for two reasons. On the one hand, there is a healthy injection of pragmatism coming from the visual effects industry that want robust algorithms that work so they can produce results at an increasingly frantic pace. On the other hand, they must always try to push the envelope and achieve the impossible to wow their audiences in the next blockbuster, which means that the industry has not succumb to conservatism, and there is plenty of room to try out new and crazy ideas if there is a chance that it will pan into something useful. Water simulation has been in visual effects for decades, however it still remains extremely challenging because of its high computational cost and difficult artdirectability. The work in this thesis tries to address some of these difficulties. Specifically, we make the following three novel contributions to the state-of-the-art in water simulation for visual effects. First, we develop the first algorithm that can convert any sequence of closed surfaces in time into a moving triangle mesh. State-of-the-art methods at the time could only handle surfaces with fixed connectivity, but we are the first to be able to handle surfaces that merge and split apart. This is important for water simulation practitioners, because it allows them to convert splashy water surfaces extracted from particles or simulated using grid-based level sets into triangle meshes that can be either textured and enhanced with extra surface dynamics as a post-process. We also apply our algorithm to other phenomena that merge and split apart, such as morphs and noisy reconstructions of human performances. Second, we formulate a surface-based energy that measures the deviation of a water surface froma physically valid state. Such discrepancies arise when there is a mismatch in the degrees of freedom between the water surface and the underlying physics solver. This commonly happens when practitioners use a moving triangle mesh with a grid-based physics solver, or when high-resolution grid-based surfaces are combined with low-resolution physics. Following the direction of steepest descent on our surface-based energy, we can either smooth these artifacts or turn them into high-resolution waves by interpreting the energy as a physical potential. Third, we extend state-of-the-art techniques in non-reflecting boundaries to handle spatially and time-varying background flows. This allows a novel new workflow where practitioners can re-simulate part of an existing simulation, such as removing a solid obstacle, adding a new splash or locally changing the resolution. Such changes can easily lead to new waves in the re-simulated region that would reflect off of the new simulation boundary, effectively ruining the illusion of a seamless simulation boundary between the existing and new simulations. Our non-reflecting boundaries makes sure that such waves are absorbed


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    The current state of the art in real-time two-dimensional water wave simulation requires developers to choose between efficient Fourier-based methods, which lack interactions with moving obstacles, and finite-difference or finite element methods, which handle environmental interactions but are significantly more expensive. This paper attempts to bridge this long-standing gap between complexity and performance, by proposing a new wave simulation method that can faithfully simulate wave interactions with moving obstacles in real time while simultaneously preserving minute details and accommodating very large simulation domains. Previous methods for simulating 2D water waves directly compute the change in height of the water surface, a strategy which imposes limitations based on the CFL condition (fast moving waves require small time steps) and Nyquist's limit (small wave details require closely-spaced simulation variables). This paper proposes a novel wavelet transformation that discretizes the liquid motion in terms of amplitude-like functions that vary over space, frequency, and direction, effectively generalizing Fourier-based methods to handle local interactions. Because these new variables change much more slowly over space than the original water height function, our change of variables drastically reduces the limitations of the CFL condition and Nyquist limit, allowing us to simulate highly detailed water waves at very large visual resolutions. Our discretization is amenable to fast summation and easy to parallelize. We also present basic extensions like pre-computed wave paths and two-way solid fluid coupling. Finally, we argue that our discretization provides a convenient set of variables for artistic manipulation, which we illustrate with a novel wave-painting interface

    Surface-Only Liquids

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    © ACM, 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Da, F., Hahn, D., Batty, C., Wojtan, C., & Grinspun, E. (2016). Surface-Only Liquids. Acm Transactions on Graphics, 35(4), 78. https://doi.org/10.1145/2897824.2925899We propose a novel surface-only technique for simulating incompressible, inviscid and uniform-density liquids with surface tension in three dimensions. The liquid surface is captured by a triangle mesh on which a Lagrangian velocity field is stored. Because advection of the velocity field may violate the incompressibility condition, we devise an orthogonal projection technique to remove the divergence while requiring the evaluation of only two boundary integrals. The forces of surface tension, gravity, and solid contact are all treated by a boundary element solve, allowing us to perform detailed simulations of a wide range of liquid phenomena, including waterbells, droplet and jet collisions, fluid chains, and crown splashes.European Research Council, National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Water wave packets

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    This paper presents a method for simulating water surface waves as a displacement field on a 2D domain. Our method relies on Lagrangian particles that carry packets of water wave energy; each packet carries information about an entire group of wave trains, as opposed to only a single wave crest. Our approach is unconditionally stable and can simulate high resolution geometric details. This approach also presents a straightforward interface for artistic control, because it is essentially a particle system with intuitive parameters like wavelength and amplitude. Our implementation parallelizes well and runs in real time for moderately challenging scenarios

    The GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flows with adaptive refinement

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    Many geophysical flow or wave propagation problems can be modeled with two-dimensional depth-averaged equations, of which the shallow water equations are the simplest example. We describe the GeoClaw software that has been designed to solve problems of this nature, consisting of open source Fortran programs together with Python tools for the user interface and flow visualization. This software uses high-resolution shock-capturing finite volume methods on logically rectangular grids, including latitude--longitude grids on the sphere. Dry states are handled automatically to model inundation. The code incorporates adaptive mesh refinement to allow the efficient solution of large-scale geophysical problems. Examples are given illustrating its use for modeling tsunamis, dam break problems, and storm surge. Documentation and download information is available at www.clawpack.org/geoclawComment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Animations and source code for some examples at http://www.clawpack.org/links/awr10 Significantly modified from original posting to incorporate suggestions of referee

    Real-time physical engine for floating objects with two-way fluid-structure coupling

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    A method to simulate graphic animations of objects floating in a water surface in real time is presented. The fluid is simulated by means of the Lattice Boltzmann method for the shallow-waters equations, and the movement of the floating objects is calculated with a Newtonian physical engine suitable for the mechanics of rigid bodies. A two-way interaction between the fluid surface and the object structures is achieved by providing inputs to the Newtonian engine representing buoyancy, drag and lift forces calculated from the solution of the Lattice Boltzmann scheme, which in turn is perturbed by displacement forces acting at the objects boundaries. The method is tested in animation scenes of boats and different adrift objects, showing excellent rendering rates in desktop computers.Fil: Lazo, Marcos Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Bauza, Cristian Dario. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Boroni, Gustavo Adolfo. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Clausse, Alejandro. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica. Gerencia Quimica. CAC; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentin