34,755 research outputs found

    A Sharp Turn toward the Market: Economic Reform in Russia (1992ā€“1998) and Its Consequences

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    By analyzing and systematizing the literature accumulated over the past twenty years on the history of reforms, we can put in order the existing views on the processes that took place during these transformations and de ne a new vector in understanding the socio-economic development of Russia in the last decade of the 20th century and the rst decades of the 21st century. The rst step in this direction is the analysis of publications that re ect the preparation, progress and results of the contemporary economic reforms in the 1990s. The historiographic review includes the monographs written both by the advocates of the shock therapy, and their opponents and critics, rst of all, Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The study of this literature allows to reveal the spectrum of opinions on whether the shock therapy was the preferred version of transformations, on assessing the results of reforms by the end of the 1990s and the opportunities for alternative ways to make the transition from a planned to a market economy. In particular, the advocates of the Ā«shock therapyĀ» refer to the threat of famine and civil war to justify decisions that led to decline in output, hyperin ation and other negative trends. Their critics point out that the lack of public support caused the market reforms to fail. By acknowledging the obvious, i. e. a signi cant deterioration of economic indicators, the advocates see their success in establishing the system of market institutions, and, on this basis, insist there was no alternative to implemented version of reforms. In turn, their opponents believe that the alternatives to the Ā«shock therapyĀ» existed, and their distinctive feature would have been the gradual cultivation and not the forced administrative introduction of market economy institutions.This article has been prepared with the support in the form of a Grant No. 16ā€“02ā€“00016a from the Russian Foundation for Humanities

    Liver abscess following ingestion of a foreign object

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    A 31 year old, previously healthy female presented to A&E on 24/07/2012 with a 2 day history of colicky epigastric pain and spiking fever; however on investigation no pathology was found except for an ovarian cyst of 4cm. It was concluded that it was unlikely that the cyst was causing pain and fever and the patient was discharged. She was given proton pump inhibitors for 2 weeks and pain improved, however on stopping therapy, the pain became much more severe, with radiation to the back. She presented to A&E again on 05/08/2012. A more detailed history elicited the fact that she had ingested half a toothpick by mistake 3 weeks previously. Imaging showed the formation of an abscess between the stomach and liver; which needed drainage.peer-reviewe

    Long Days Enhance Recognition Memory and Increase Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 in the Hippocampus

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    Light improves cognitive function in humans; however, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying positive effects of light remain unclear. One obstacle is that most rodent models have employed lighting conditions that cause cognitive deficits rather than improvements. Here we have developed a mouse model where light improves cognitive function, which provides insight into mechanisms underlying positive effects of light. To increase light exposure without eliminating daily rhythms, we exposed mice to either a standard photoperiod or a long day photoperiod. Long days enhanced long-term recognition memory, and this effect was abolished by loss of the photopigment melanopsin. Further, long days markedly altered hippocampal clock function and elevated transcription of Insulin-like Growth Factor2 (Igf2). Up-regulation of Igf2 occurred in tandem with suppression of its transcriptional repressor Wilmā€™s tumor1. Consistent with molecular de-repression of Igf2, IGF2 expression was increased in the hippocampus before and after memory training. Lastly, long days occluded IGF2-induced improvements in recognition memory. Collectively, these results suggest that light changes hippocampal clock function to alter memory, highlighting novel mechanisms that may contribute to the positive effects of light. Furthermore, this study provides insight into how the circadian clock can regulate hippocampus-dependent learning by controlling molecular processes required for memory consolidation

    Composition and the search for selfā€awareness

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    Composition studies saw several cogent criticisms of expressivism in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some scholars assume that those criticisms discredited expressivism in composition studies, ending the focus on assignments that ask students to write personal, supposedly introspective papers that were believed to lead to selfā€awareness and selfā€identity. Even so, recent research suggests that the expressivist pedagogical orientation is still widely used in writing classes across the US. Joshua Hilst (2012) sought to rehabilitate expressivism by drawing on the work of philosopher Giles Deleuze, arguing that neoā€expressivism provides a palliative to those criticisms. In this regard, Hilstā€™s analysis follows the current trend of applying Deleuzeā€™s philosophy to a variety of fields. The present analysis therefore consists of two parts, both with pedagogical implications. First, it examines Deleuzeā€™s work and illustrates how his neoā€expressivism and views on writing are incongruent with the expressivism applied in composition studies. Second, it examines the psychological research on introspection and selfā€ awareness that has demonstrated with considerable consistency the opacity of mental processes and the difficulty associated with gaining any sense of selfā€awareness or selfā€identity

    User-centered visual analysis using a hybrid reasoning architecture for intensive care units

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    One problem pertaining to Intensive Care Unit information systems is that, in some cases, a very dense display of data can result. To ensure the overview and readability of the increasing volumes of data, some special features are required (e.g., data prioritization, clustering, and selection mechanisms) with the application of analytical methods (e.g., temporal data abstraction, principal component analysis, and detection of events). This paper addresses the problem of improving the integration of the visual and analytical methods applied to medical monitoring systems. We present a knowledge- and machine learning-based approach to support the knowledge discovery process with appropriate analytical and visual methods. Its potential benefit to the development of user interfaces for intelligent monitors that can assist with the detection and explanation of new, potentially threatening medical events. The proposed hybrid reasoning architecture provides an interactive graphical user interface to adjust the parameters of the analytical methods based on the users' task at hand. The action sequences performed on the graphical user interface by the user are consolidated in a dynamic knowledge base with specific hybrid reasoning that integrates symbolic and connectionist approaches. These sequences of expert knowledge acquisition can be very efficient for making easier knowledge emergence during a similar experience and positively impact the monitoring of critical situations. The provided graphical user interface incorporating a user-centered visual analysis is exploited to facilitate the natural and effective representation of clinical information for patient care

    Psychotherapy and the Problems of Values

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    The author is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland and Director of Outpatient Psychiatry Day-Clinic, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital. Dr. Dulin did his graduate studies at Loyola University, Chicago and was a post-doctoral fellow at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. His article examines the absolutes and exceptions in the field of normalcy and reflects on the therapist\u27s function in helping his patient achieve his own value system


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    Failure to promptly diagnose and treat of some tropical diseases such as chicken pox, cholera and typhoid fever is affecting the community-based management of such diseases. The high mortality rates caused by these diseases make the quest for effective diagnoses and appropriate treatment an essential task. Thus, precise diagnosis of these diseases coupled with appropriate treatment will result in their control, especially in the tropical regions, which also constitute the developing countries. The system works for this research was based on the client/server architecture, structured as a 3-tier application. The Web browser constituted the first tier, a middleware engine using some dynamic Web content technology active server pages (ASP) constituted the middle-tier and the database was the third tier. The implementation of the system had a front- end web based graphical user interface (GUI) application and back-end relational database management system (RDBMS). The Frontā€“end was implemented with ASP.NET (using vb.net-programming language), while the back-end was designed with Microsoft queried language (MS SQL) server 2005. With this development, a prompt medical diagnosis, effective drug recommendations and promulgation of effective policies could be provided at community settings where there are shortages in material and human resources for managing these neglected tropical diseases

    Current Literature: Abstracts and Titles

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    Material appearing in this column is thought to be of particular interest to the Catholic physician because of its moral, religious, or philosophic content. The medical literature constitutes the primary but not the sole source of such material. In general, abstracts are intended to reflect the substance of the original article. Parenthetical editorial comment may follow the abstract if considered desirable. Books are reviewed rather than summarized. Contributions and comments from readers are invited

    Aha\u27 Experiences in Object-Oriented Education: Searching for a Theoretical Foundation

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    The transition to object-oriented software development can be difficult because it represents a paradigm shift. This paper is based on the assumption that students may need to undergo one or more \u27Aha\u27 experiences in order to successfully make this transition. Literature which is relevant to research in this area is reviewed and a theoretical foundation is presente
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