11 research outputs found

    Microcontroller Based Wireless Controlled Pick Place Robot

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    This thesis focuses on implementation and control of a pick place robot using radio frequency transmitter and reciever system. The control of this robot is achieved by PIC16f877A microcontroller. The main duty of microcontroller is to generate pulse which are applied to the DC motors for completing the desired task. In this study three DC motors are used in which two are utilized to control the movement of robot and one is used to control the gripper. The operation of designed pick place robot has been experimentally verified. Simulation and experimental results are presented and discussed


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    Arquitectura para el agarre de objetos en Moveit!

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    Hoy en día, las investigaciones en el ámbito de la robótica están en auge, ya que se pretende aumentar la calidad de vida del ser humano. Una de las aplicaciones que cobra importancia en ese aspecto es el brazo robótico, cuya finalidad es manipular los objetos que lo rodean. Manfred es un robot manipulador móvil, desarrollado por el departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Consta de un brazo robótico situado sobre una base móvil, diseñado para agarrar objetos y poder moverse por ambientes interiores. Este proyecto se basa en la necesidad de mejorar esa interacción entre Manfred y sus alrededores, por lo que se requiere mejorar su capacidad de percibir el entorno. Además, para ser capaz de manipular los elementos de su alrededor, se necesita estudiar la arquitectura para el agarre de los mismos. Por tanto, este proyecto está orientado a desarrollar un software que permita al robot ver y entender el entorno, así como planificar el movimiento del brazo de Manfred para que se aproxime al objeto que se quiere agarrar.Nowadays, research in robotics is booming, because the objective of that is to increase the quality of human life. The robotic arm is one application that becomes important in this way, since it allows to manipulate the objects around it. Manfred is a mobile manipulator robot developed by the Systems Engineering and Automation department of the Carlos III University of Madrid. It consists of a robotic arm located on a mobile base, and it is designed to grip objects and to move around indoors. This project is based on the need to improve the interaction between Manfred and its surroundings, which requires improving its ability to perceive the environment. In addition, it is necessary to study the architecture for gripping to be able to manipulate the elements around. Therefore, this project is oriented to develop a software that allows the robot to see and understand the environment and plan the approaching movement of Manfred arm to grab an object.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Object Placement Planner for Robotic Pick and Place Tasks

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    Manipulation Planning for Forceful Human-Robot-Collaboration

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    This thesis addresses the problem of manipulation planning for forceful human-robot collaboration. Particularly, the focus is on the scenario where a human applies a sequence of changing external forces through forceful operations (e.g. cutting a circular piece off a board) on an object that is grasped by a cooperative robot. We present a range of planners that 1) enable the robot to stabilize and position the object under the human applied forces by exploiting supports from both the object-robot and object-environment contacts; 2) improve task efficiency by minimizing the need of configuration and grasp changes required by the changing external forces; 3) improve human comfort during the forceful interaction by optimizing the defined comfort criteria. We first focus on the instance of using only robotic grasps, where the robot is supposed to grasp/regrasp the object multiple times to keep it stable under the changing external forces. We introduce a planner that can generate an efficient manipulation plan by intelligently deciding when the robot should change its grasp on the object as the human applies the forces, and choosing subsequent grasps such that they minimize the number of regrasps required in the long-term. The planner searches for such an efficient plan by first finding a minimal sequence of grasp configurations that are able to keep the object stable under the changing forces, and then generating connecting trajectories to switch between the planned configurations, i.e. planning regrasps. We perform the search for such a grasp (configuration) sequence by sampling stable configurations for the external forces, building an operation graph using these stable configurations and then searching the operation graph to minimize the number of regrasps. We solve the problem of bimanual regrasp planning under the assumption of no support surface, enabling the robot to regrasp an object in the air by finding intermediate configurations at which both the bimanual and unimanual grasps can hold the object stable under gravity. We present a variety of experiments to show the performance of our planner, particularly in minimizing the number of regrasps for forceful manipulation tasks and planning stable regrasps. We then explore the problem of using both the object-environment contacts and object-robot contacts, which enlarges the set of stable configurations and thus boosts the robot’s capability in stabilizing the object under external forces. We present a planner that can intelligently exploit the environment’s and robot’s stabilization capabilities within a unified planning framework to search for a minimal number of stable contact configurations. A big computational bottleneck in this planner is due to the static stability analysis of a large number of candidate configurations. We introduce a containment relation between different contact configurations, to efficiently prune the stability checking process. We present a set of real-robot and simulated experiments illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. We present a detailed analysis of the proposed containment relationship, particularly in improving the planning efficiency. We present a planning algorithm to further improve the cooperative robot behaviour concerning human comfort during the forceful human-robot interaction. Particularly, we are interested in empowering the robot with the capability of grasping and positioning the object not only to ensure the object stability against the human applied forces, but also to improve human experience and comfort during the interaction. We address human comfort as the muscular activation level required to apply a desired external force, together with the human spatial perception, i.e. the so-called peripersonal-space comfort during the interaction. We propose to maximize both comfort metrics to optimize the robot and object configuration such that the human can apply a forceful operation comfortably. We present a set of human-robot drilling and cutting experiments which verify the efficiency of the proposed metrics in improving the overall comfort and HRI experience, without compromising the force stability. In addition to the above planning work, we present a conic formulation to approximate the distribution of a forceful operation in the wrench space with a polyhedral cone, which enables the planner to efficiently assess the stability of a system configuration even in the presence of force uncertainties that are inherent in the human applied forceful operations. We also develop a graphical user interface, which human users can easily use to specify various forceful tasks, i.e. sequences of forceful operations on selected objects, in an interactive manner. The user interface ties in human task specification, on-demand manipulation planning and robot-assisted fabrication together. We present a set of human-robot experiments using the interface demonstrating the feasibility of our system. In short, in this thesis we present a series of planners for object manipulation under changing external forces. We show the object contacts with the robot and the environment enable the robot to manipulate an object under external forces, while making the most of the object contacts has the potential to eliminate redundant changes during manipulation, e.g. regrasp, and thus improve task efficiency and smoothness. We also show the necessity of optimizing human comfort in planning for forceful human-robot manipulation tasks. We believe the work presented here can be a key component in a human-robot collaboration framework