83 research outputs found

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Automated license plate recognition: a survey on methods and techniques

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    With the explosive growth in the number of vehicles in use, automated license plate recognition (ALPR) systems are required for a wide range of tasks such as law enforcement, surveillance, and toll booth operations. The operational specifications of these systems are diverse due to the differences in the intended application. For instance, they may need to run on handheld devices or cloud servers, or operate in low light and adverse weather conditions. In order to meet these requirements, a variety of techniques have been developed for license plate recognition. Even though there has been a notable improvement in the current ALPR methods, there is a requirement to be filled in ALPR techniques for a complex environment. Thus, many approaches are sensitive to the changes in illumination and operate mostly in daylight. This study explores the methods and techniques used in ALPR in recent literature. We present a critical and constructive analysis of related studies in the field of ALPR and identify the open challenge faced by researchers and developers. Further, we provide future research directions and recommendations to optimize the current solutions to work under extreme conditions

    Feature extraction in image processing and deep learning

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    This thesis develops theoretical analysis of the approximation properties of neural networks, and algorithms to extract useful features of images in fields of deep learning, quantum energy regression and cancer image analysis. The separate applications are connected by using representation systems in harmonic analysis; we focus on deriving proper representations of data using Gabor transform in this thesis. A novel neural network with proven approximation properties dependent on its size is developed using Gabor system. In quantum energy regression, invariant representation of chemical molecules using electron densities is obtained based on the Gabor transform. Additionally, we dig into pooling functions, the feature extractor in deep neural networks, and develop a novel pooling strategy originated from the maximal function with stability property and stable performance. Anisotropic representation of data using the Shearlet transform is also explored in its ability to detect regions of interests of nuclei in cancer images

    Design and Real-World Application of Novel Machine Learning Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Algorithms

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    Recent progress in machine learning has made possible the development of real-world face recognition applications that can match face images as good as or better than humans. However, several challenges remain unsolved. In this PhD thesis, some of these challenges are studied and novel machine learning techniques to improve the performance of real-world face recognition applications are proposed. Current face recognition algorithms based on deep learning techniques are able to achieve outstanding accuracy when dealing with face images taken in unconstrained environments. However, training these algorithms is often costly due to the very large datasets and the high computational resources needed. On the other hand, traditional methods for face recognition are better suited when these requirements cannot be satisfied. This PhD thesis presents new techniques for both traditional and deep learning methods. In particular, a novel traditional face recognition method that combines texture and shape features together with subspace representation techniques is first presented. The proposed method is lightweight and can be trained quickly with small datasets. This method is used for matching face images scanned from identity documents against face images stored in the biometric chip of such documents. Next, two new techniques to increase the performance of face recognition methods based on convolutional neural networks are presented. Specifically, a novel training strategy that increases face recognition accuracy when dealing with face images presenting occlusions, and a new loss function that improves the performance of the triplet loss function are proposed. Finally, the problem of collecting large face datasets is considered, and a novel method based on generative adversarial networks to synthesize both face images of existing subjects in a dataset and face images of new subjects is proposed. The accuracy of existing face recognition algorithms can be increased by training with datasets augmented with the synthetic face images generated by the proposed method. In addition to the main contributions, this thesis provides a comprehensive literature review of face recognition methods and their evolution over the years. A significant amount of the work presented in this PhD thesis is the outcome of a 3-year-long research project partially funded by Innovate UK as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between University of Hertfordshire and IDscan Biometrics Ltd (partnership number: 009547)

    Supervised and unsupervised segmentation of textured images by efficient multi-level pattern classification

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    This thesis proposes new, efficient methodologies for supervised and unsupervised image segmentation based on texture information. For the supervised case, a technique for pixel classification based on a multi-level strategy that iteratively refines the resulting segmentation is proposed. This strategy utilizes pattern recognition methods based on prototypes (determined by clustering algorithms) and support vector machines. In order to obtain the best performance, an algorithm for automatic parameter selection and methods to reduce the computational cost associated with the segmentation process are also included. For the unsupervised case, the previous methodology is adapted by means of an initial pattern discovery stage, which allows transforming the original unsupervised problem into a supervised one. Several sets of experiments considering a wide variety of images are carried out in order to validate the developed techniques.Esta tesis propone metodologías nuevas y eficientes para segmentar imágenes a partir de información de textura en entornos supervisados y no supervisados. Para el caso supervisado, se propone una técnica basada en una estrategia de clasificación de píxeles multinivel que refina la segmentación resultante de forma iterativa. Dicha estrategia utiliza métodos de reconocimiento de patrones basados en prototipos (determinados mediante algoritmos de agrupamiento) y máquinas de vectores de soporte. Con el objetivo de obtener el mejor rendimiento, se incluyen además un algoritmo para selección automática de parámetros y métodos para reducir el coste computacional asociado al proceso de segmentación. Para el caso no supervisado, se propone una adaptación de la metodología anterior mediante una etapa inicial de descubrimiento de patrones que permite transformar el problema no supervisado en supervisado. Las técnicas desarrolladas en esta tesis se validan mediante diversos experimentos considerando una gran variedad de imágenes

    Plant identification using deep convolutional networks based on principal component analysis

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    Plants have substantial effects in human vitality through their different uses in agriculture, food industry, pharmacology, and climate control. The large number of herbs and plant species and shortage of skilled botanists have increased the need for automated plant identification systems in recent years. As one of the challenging problems in object recognition, automatic plant identification aims to assign the plant in an image to a known taxon or species using machine learning and computer vision algorithms. However, this problem is challenging due to the inter-class similarities within a plant family and large intra-class variations in background, occlusion, pose, color, and illumination. In this thesis, we propose an automatic plant identification system based on deep convolutional networks. This system uses a simple baseline and applies principal component analysis (PCA) to patches of images to learn the network weights in an unsupervised learning approach. After multi-stage PCA filter banks are learned, a simple binary hashing is applied to output maps and the obtained maps are subsampled through max-pooling. Finally, the spatial pyramid pooling is applied to the downsampled data to extract features from block histograms. A multi-class linear support vector machine is then trained to classify the different species. The system performance is evaluated on the plant identification datasets of LifeCLEF 2014 in terms of classification accuracy, inverse rank score, and robustness against pose (translation, scaling, and rotation) and illumination variations. A comparison of our results with those of the top systems submitted to LifeCLEF 2014 campaign reveals that our proposed system would have achieved the second place in the categories of Entire, Branch, Fruit, Leaf, Scanned Leaf, and Stem, and the third place in the Flower category while having a simpler architecture and lower computational complexity than the winner system(s). We achieved the best accuracy in scanned leaves where we obtained an inverse rank score of 0.6157 and a classification accuracy of 68.25%

    Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information

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    Interest in biometric based identification and verification systems has increased considerably over the last decade. As an example, the shortcomings of security systems based on passwords can be addressed through the supplemental use of biometric systems based on speech signals, face images or fingerprints. Biometric recognition can also be applied to other areas, such as passport control (immigration checkpoints), forensic work (to determine whether a biometric sample belongs to a suspect) and law enforcement applications (e.g. surveillance). While biometric systems based on face images and/or speech signals can be useful, their performance can degrade in the presence of challenging conditions. In face based systems this can be in the form of a change in the illumination direction and/or face pose variations. Multi-modal systems use more than one biometric at the same time. This is done for two main reasons -- to achieve better robustness and to increase discrimination power. This thesis reviews relevant backgrounds in speech and face processing, as well as information fusion. It reports research aimed at increasing the robustness of single- and multi-modal biometric identity verification systems. In particular, it addresses the illumination and pose variation problems in face recognition, as well as the challenge of effectively fusing information from multiple modalities under non-ideal conditions

    The Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection

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    Where am I? This is one of the most critical questions that any intelligent system should answer to decide whether it navigates to a previously visited area. This problem has long been acknowledged for its challenging nature in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), wherein the robot needs to correctly associate the incoming sensory data to the database allowing consistent map generation. The significant advances in computer vision achieved over the last 20 years, the increased computational power, and the growing demand for long-term exploration contributed to efficiently performing such a complex task with inexpensive perception sensors. In this article, visual loop closure detection, which formulates a solution based solely on appearance input data, is surveyed. We start by briefly introducing place recognition and SLAM concepts in robotics. Then, we describe a loop closure detection system's structure, covering an extensive collection of topics, including the feature extraction, the environment representation, the decision-making step, and the evaluation process. We conclude by discussing open and new research challenges, particularly concerning the robustness in dynamic environments, the computational complexity, and scalability in long-term operations. The article aims to serve as a tutorial and a position paper for newcomers to visual loop closure detection.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure