239 research outputs found

    Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features

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    The increasing interest in processing sequences of images motivates development of techniques for sequence-based object analysis and description. Accordingly, new velocity moments have been developed to allow a statistical description of both shape and associated motion through an image sequence. Through a generic framework motion information is determined using the established centralised moments, enabling statistical moments to be applied to motion based time series analysis. The translation invariant Cartesian velocity moments suffer from highly correlated descriptions due to their non-orthogonality. The new Zernike velocity moments overcome this by using orthogonal spatial descriptions through the proven orthogonal Zernike basis. Further, they are translation and scale invariant. To illustrate their benefits and application the Zernike velocity moments have been applied to gait recognition—an emergent biometric. Good recognition results have been achieved on multiple datasets using relatively few spatial and/or motion features and basic feature selection and classification techniques. The prime aim of this new technique is to allow the generation of statistical features which encode shape and motion information, with generic application capability. Applied performance analyses illustrate the properties of the Zernike velocity moments which exploit temporal correlation to improve a shape's description. It is demonstrated how the temporal correlation improves the performance of the descriptor under more generalised application scenarios, including reduced resolution imagery and occlusion

    Exploring the potential of 3D Zernike descriptors and SVM for protein\u2013protein interface prediction

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    Abstract Background The correct determination of protein–protein interaction interfaces is important for understanding disease mechanisms and for rational drug design. To date, several computational methods for the prediction of protein interfaces have been developed, but the interface prediction problem is still not fully understood. Experimental evidence suggests that the location of binding sites is imprinted in the protein structure, but there are major differences among the interfaces of the various protein types: the characterising properties can vary a lot depending on the interaction type and function. The selection of an optimal set of features characterising the protein interface and the development of an effective method to represent and capture the complex protein recognition patterns are of paramount importance for this task. Results In this work we investigate the potential of a novel local surface descriptor based on 3D Zernike moments for the interface prediction task. Descriptors invariant to roto-translations are extracted from circular patches of the protein surface enriched with physico-chemical properties from the HQI8 amino acid index set, and are used as samples for a binary classification problem. Support Vector Machines are used as a classifier to distinguish interface local surface patches from non-interface ones. The proposed method was validated on 16 classes of proteins extracted from the Protein–Protein Docking Benchmark 5.0 and compared to other state-of-the-art protein interface predictors (SPPIDER, PrISE and NPS-HomPPI). Conclusions The 3D Zernike descriptors are able to capture the similarity among patterns of physico-chemical and biochemical properties mapped on the protein surface arising from the various spatial arrangements of the underlying residues, and their usage can be easily extended to other sets of amino acid properties. The results suggest that the choice of a proper set of features characterising the protein interface is crucial for the interface prediction task, and that optimality strongly depends on the class of proteins whose interface we want to characterise. We postulate that different protein classes should be treated separately and that it is necessary to identify an optimal set of features for each protein class

    Advanced signal processing solutions for ATR and spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems

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    Previously held under moratorium from 11 September 2017 until 16 February 2022This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance.This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance

    Spectral Graph-based Features for Recognition of Handwritten Characters: A Case Study on Handwritten Devanagari Numerals

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    Interpretation of different writing styles, unconstrained cursiveness and relationship between different primitive parts is an essential and challenging task for recognition of handwritten characters. As feature representation is inadequate, appropriate interpretation/description of handwritten characters seems to be a challenging task. Although existing research in handwritten characters is extensive, it still remains a challenge to get the effective representation of characters in feature space. In this paper, we make an attempt to circumvent these problems by proposing an approach that exploits the robust graph representation and spectral graph embedding concept to characterise and effectively represent handwritten characters, taking into account writing styles, cursiveness and relationships. For corroboration of the efficacy of the proposed method, extensive experiments were carried out on the standard handwritten numeral Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, Unit of Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata dataset. The experimental results demonstrate promising findings, which can be used in future studies.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Fundamental Study of Photoluminescence-Shape Relationship of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds using Machine Learning Assisted Correlative Transmission Electron Microscopy and Photoluminescence Microscopy Method

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    Luminescent nanoparticles have shown wide applications ranging from lighting, display, sensors, and biomedical diagnostics and imaging. Among these, fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers are posed as emerging materials particularly in biomedical and biological imaging applications due to their room-temperature emission, excellent photo- and chemical- stability, high bio-compatibility, and versatile functionalization potentials. The shape variation of nanoparticles has a decisive influence on their fluorescence. However, current relative studies are limited by the lack of reliable statistical analysis of nanoparticle shape and the difficulty of achieving a precise correlation between shape/structure and optical measurements of large numbers of individual nanoparticles. Therefore, new methods are urgently needed to overcome these challenges to assist in nanoparticle synthesis control and fluorescence performance optimization. In this thesis a new correlative TEM and photoluminescence (PL) microscopy (TEMPL) method has been developed that combines the measurements of the optical properties and the materials structure at the exact same particle and sample area, so that accurate correlation can be established to statistically study the FND morphology/structure and PL properties, at the single nanoparticle level. Moreover, machine learning based methods have been developed for categorizing the 2D and 3D shapes of a large number of nanoparticles generated in TEMPL method. This ML-assisted TEMPL method has been applied to understand the PL correlation with the size and shape of FNDs at the single particle level. In this thesis, a strong correlation between particle morphology and NV fluorescence in FND particles has been revealed: thin, flake-like particles produce enhanced fluorescence. The robustness of this trend is proven in FND with different surface oxidation treatments. This finding offers guidance for fluorescence-optimized sensing applications of FND, by controlling the shape of the particles in fabrication. Overall the TEMPL methodology developed in the thesis provides a versatile and general way to study the shape and fluorescence relationship of various nanoparticles and opens up the possibility of correlation methods between other characterisation techniques

    How automated image analysis techniques help scientists in species identification and classification?

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    Identification of taxonomy at a specific level is time consuming and reliant upon expert ecologists. Hence the demand for automated species identification incre­ased over the last two decades. Automation of data classification is primarily focussed on images while incorporating and analysing image data has recently become easier due to developments in computational technology. Research ef­forts on identification of species include specimens’ image processing, extraction of identical features, followed by classifying them into correct categories. In this paper, we discuss recent automated species identification systems, mainly for categorising and evaluating their methods. We reviewed and compared different methods in step by step scheme of automated identification and classification systems of species images. The selection of methods is influenced by many variables such as level of classification, number of training data and complexity of images. The aim of writing this paper is to provide researchers and scientists an extensive background study on work related to automated species identification, focusing on pattern recognition techniques in building such systems for biodiversity studies. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 179–193