148 research outputs found

    Multi-stage Wireless Signal Identification for Blind Interception Receiver Design

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    Protection of critical wireless infrastructure from malicious attacks has become increasingly important in recent years, with the widespread deployment of various wireless technologies and dramatic growth in user populations. This brings substantial technical challenges to the interception receiver design to sense and identify various wireless signals using different transmission technologies. The key requirements for the receiver design include estimation of the signal parameters/features and classification of the modulation scheme. With the proper identification results, corresponding signal interception techniques can be developed, which can be further employed to enhance the network behaviour analysis and intrusion detection. In detail, the initial stage of the blind interception receiver design is to identify the signal parameters. In the thesis, two low-complexity approaches are provided to realize the parameter estimation, which are based on iterative cyclostationary analysis and envelope spectrum estimation, respectively. With the estimated signal parameters, automatic modulation classification (AMC) is performed to automatically identify the modulation schemes of the transmitted signals. A novel approach is presented based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) in Chapter 4. The approach is capable of mitigating the negative effect from multipath fading channel. To validate the proposed design, the performance is evaluated under an experimental propagation environment. The results show that the proposed design is capable of adapting blind parameter estimation, realize timing and frequency synchronization and classifying the modulation schemes with improved performances

    Advanced classification of OFDM and MIMO signals with enhanced second order cyclostationarity detection

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    With the emergence of cognitive radio and the introduction of new modulation techniques such as OFDM and MIMO, the problem of Modulation Classification (MC) becomes more challenging and complicated. In the first part of the thesis, we explore the automatic modulation classification to blindly distinguish OFDM from single carrier signals. We use the fourth order cumulants; an approach which in the past has been also applied to classify single carrier signals. A blind OFDM parameter estimation scheme was then followed, which includes the estimation of number of subcarriers, CP length, timing and frequency offset and the oversampling factor for the OFDM signal. For the second part of the thesis, we improve the statistical signal processing techniques that were used in the first part. Particularly, the second order cyclostationarity based methods have been examined and improved. Based on the fact that most of the cyclostationary communication signals has a real cyclostationary part and a complex non-cyclostaionary part, we suggest an approach that enhance the second order cyclostationarity and hence increase its probability of detection. Using such improved second-order cyclostationarity, we present an improved synchronization method based on second order cyclostationarity. With the proposed approach, it is shown that the timing estimator, is independent of the frequency offset estimator, and therefore performs better than the previously proposed class of blind synchronization methods. To negate the dependence of the blind synchronization scheme on the prior knowledge of the raised cosine pulse shaping filters, we proposed a blind roll-off factor estimator based on the second order cyclostationarity. Last, we address the MIMO classification problem, wherein we estimate the number of transmitting antennas. Here the second order cyclostationarity test has been applied in distinguishing STC from BLAST modulation

    Comparison among Cognitive Radio Architectures for Spectrum Sensing

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    Recently, the growing success of new wireless applications and services has led to overcrowded licensed bands, inducing the governmental regulatory agencies to consider more flexible strategies to improve the utilization of the radio spectrum. To this end, cognitive radio represents a promising technology since it allows to exploit the unused radio resources. In this context, the spectrum sensing task is one of the most challenging issues faced by a cognitive radio. It consists of an analysis of the radio environment to detect unused resources which can be exploited by cognitive radios. In this paper, three different cognitive radio architectures, namely, stand-alone single antenna, cooperative and multiple antennas, are proposed for spectrum sensing purposes. These architectures implement a relatively fast and reliable signal processing algorithm, based on a feature detection technique and support vector machines, for identifying the transmissions in a given environment. Such architectures are compared in terms of detection and classification performances for two transmission standards, IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.16e. A set of numerical simulations have been carried out in a challenging scenario, and the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed architectures are discussed

    Evaluation of Overlay/underlay Waveform via SD-SMSE Framework for Enhancing Spectrum Efficiency

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    Recent studies have suggested that spectrum congestion is mainly due to the inefficient use of spectrum rather than its unavailability. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and Cognitive Radio (CR) are two terminologies which are used in the context of improved spectrum efficiency and usage. The DSA concept has been around for quite some time while the advent of CR has created a paradigm shift in wireless communications and instigated a change in FCC policy towards spectrum regulations. DSA can be broadly categorized as using a 1) Dynamic Exclusive Use Model, 2) Spectrum Commons or Open sharing model or 3) Hierarchical Access model. The hierarchical access model envisions primary licensed bands, to be opened up for secondary users, while inducing a minimum acceptable interference to primary users. Spectrum overlay and spectrum underlay technologies fall within the hierarchical model, and allow primary and secondary users to coexist while improving spectrum efficiency. Spectrum overlay in conjunction with the present CR model considers only the unused (white) spectral regions while in spectrum underlay the underused (gray) spectral regions are utilized. The underlay approach is similar to ultra wide band (UWB) and spread spectrum (SS) techniques utilize much wider spectrum and operate below the noise floor of primary users. Software defined radio (SDR) is considered a key CR enabling technology. Spectrally modulated, Spectrally encoded (SMSE) multi-carrier signals such as Orthogonal Frequency Domain Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multi-carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MCCDMA) are hailed as candidate CR waveforms. The SMSE structure supports and is well-suited for SDR based CR applications. This work began by developing a general soft decision (SD) CR framework, based on a previously developed SMSE framework that combines benefits of both the overlay and underlay techniques to improve spectrum efficiency and maximizing the channel capacity. The resultant SD-SMSE framework provides a user with considerable flexibility to choose overlay, underlay or hybrid overlay/underlay waveform depending on the scenario, situation or need. Overlay/Underlay SD-SMSE framework flexibility is demonstrated by applying it to a family of SMSE modulated signals such as OFDM, MCCDMA, Carrier Interferometry (CI) MCCDMA and Transform Domain Communication System (TDCS). Based on simulation results, a performance analysis of Overlay, Underlay and hybrid Overlay/Underlay waveforms are presented. Finally, the benefits of combining overlay/underlay techniques to improve spectrum efficiency and maximize channel capacity are addressed


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    Research on cognitive radio systems has attracted much interest in the last 10 years. Cognitive radio is born as a paradigm and since then the idea has seen contribution from technical disciplines under different conceptual layers. Since then improvements on processing capabilities have supported the current achievements and even made possible to move some of them from the research arena to markets. Cognitive radio implies a revolution that is even asking for changes in current business models, changes at the infrastructure levels, changes in legislation and requiring state of the art technology. Spectrum sensing is maybe the most important part of the cognitive radio system since it is the block designed to detect signal presence on the air. This thesis investigates what cognitive radio systems require, focusing on the spectrum sensing device. Two voice applications running under different Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) schemes are chosen. These are WiFi and Wireless Microphone. Then, a Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing technique is studied and applied to define a device capable of detecting OFDM signals in a noisy environment. One of the most interesting methodologies, in terms of complexity and computational requirements, known as FAM is developed. Study of the performance and frequency synchronization results are shown, including the development of a blind synchronization technique for offset estimation. 


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    Research on cognitive radio systems has attracted much interest in the last 10 years. Cognitive radio is born as a paradigm and since then the idea has seen contribution from technical disciplines under different conceptual layers. Since then improvements on processing capabilities have supported the current achievements and even made possible to move some of them from the research arena to markets. Cognitive radio implies a revolution that is even asking for changes in current business models, changes at the infrastructure levels, changes in legislation and requiring state of the art technology. Spectrum sensing is maybe the most important part of the cognitive radio system since it is the block designed to detect signal presence on the air. This thesis investigates what cognitive radio systems require, focusing on the spectrum sensing device. Two voice applications running under different Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) schemes are chosen. These are WiFi and Wireless Microphone. Then, a Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing technique is studied and applied to define a device capable of detecting OFDM signals in a noisy environment. One of the most interesting methodologies, in terms of complexity and computational requirements, known as FAM is developed. Study of the performance and frequency synchronization results are shown, including the development of a blind synchronization technique for offset estimation. 


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    Research on cognitive radio systems has attracted much interest in the last 10 years. Cognitive radio is born as a paradigm and since then the idea has seen contribution from technical disciplines under different conceptual layers. Since then improvements on processing capabilities have supported the current achievements and even made possible to move some of them from the research arena to markets. Cognitive radio implies a revolution that is even asking for changes in current business models, changes at the infrastructure levels, changes in legislation and requiring state of the art technology. Spectrum sensing is maybe the most important part of the cognitive radio system since it is the block designed to detect signal presence on the air. This thesis investigates what cognitive radio systems require, focusing on the spectrum sensing device. Two voice applications running under different Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) schemes are chosen. These are WiFi and Wireless Microphone. Then, a Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing technique is studied and applied to define a device capable of detecting OFDM signals in a noisy environment. One of the most interesting methodologies, in terms of complexity and computational requirements, known as FAM is developed. Study of the performance and frequency synchronization results are shown, including the development of a blind synchronization technique for offset estimation. 

    Research on Cognitive Radio within the Freeband-AAF project

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    Study of the cyclostationarity properties of various signals of opportunity

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) offer precise position estimation and navigation services outdoor but they are rarely accessible in strong multipath environments, such as indoor environments. Fortunately, several Signals of Opportunity (SoO), (such as RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, digital TV signals, etc.) are readily available in these environments, creating an opportunity for seamless positioning. Performance evolution of positioning can be achieved through contextual exploitation of SoO. The detection and identification of available SoO signals or of the signals which are most relevant to localization and the signal selection in an optimum way, according to designer defined optimality criteria, are important stages to enter such contextual awareness domain. Man-made modulated signals have certain properties which vary periodically in time and this time-varying periodical characteristics trigger what is known as cyclostationarity. Cyclostationarity analysis can be used, among others, as a tool for signal detection. Detected signals through cyclostationary features can be exploited as SoO. The main purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the cyclostationarity properties of various SoO. An additional goal is to investigate whether such cyclostationarity properties can be used to detect, identify and distinguish the signals which are present in a certain frequency band. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the literature review part, the physical layer study of several signals is given, by emphasizing the potential of SoO in positioning. In the implementation part, the possibility of signals detection through cyclostationary features is investigated through MATLAB simulations. Cyclostationary properties obtained through FFT accumulation Method (FAM) and statistical performance of detection are studied in the presence of stationary additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Besides that, the performance in signal detection using cyclostationary-based detector is also compared to the performance with the energy-based detectors, used as benchmarks. The simulated result suggest that cyclostationary features can certainly detect the presence of signals in noise, but simple cases, such as one type of signal only and AWGN noise, are better addressed via traditional energy-based detection. However, cyclostationary features can exhibit advantages in other types of noises and in the presence of signal mixtures which in fact may fulfil one of the preliminary requirements of cognitive positioning