8 research outputs found

    A Model-Driven Tool Chain for OCCI

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    International audienceOpen Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) is the only open standard for managing any kinds of cloud resources, e.g., Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. However, no model-driven tooling exists to assist OCCI users in designing, editing, validating, generating, and managing OCCI artifacts (i.e., extensions that represent specific application domains and configurations that define the running systems). In this paper, we propose the first model-driven tool chain for OCCI called OCCIware Studio. This tool chain is based on a metamodel defining the static semantics for the OCCI standard in Ecore and OCL. OCCIware Studio provides OCCI users facilities for designing, editing, validating, generating, and managing OCCI artifacts. We detail the tooled process to define an OCCI extension. In addition, we show how the cloud user can leverage the generated tooling for this extension to create his own OCCI configurations and manage them in the cloud.We illustrate our paper with the OCCI infrastructure extension proposed to define OCCI-compliant compute, network, and storageresources

    Towards Formal-based Semantic Interoperability in Multi-Clouds: The FCLOUDS Framework

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    International audienceMulti-cloud computing has been proposed as a way to reduce vendor lock-in, to improve resiliency during outages and geo-presence, to boost performance and to lower costs. However, semantic differences between cloud providers, as well as their heterogeneous management interfaces, make changing from one provider to another very complex and costly. This is quite challenging for the implementation of multi-cloud systems. In this paper, we aim to take advantage of formal methods to define a precise semantics for multi-clouds. We propose fclouds, a formal-based framework for semantic interoperability in multi-clouds. This framework contains a catalogue of formal models that mathematically describe cloud APIs and reason over them. A precise alignment can be described between their concepts, which promotes semantic interoperability

    Model-Driven Configuration Management of Cloud Applications with OCCI

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    International audienceTo tackle the cloud-provider lock-in, the Open Grid Forum (OGF) is developing the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI), a standardized interface for managing any kind of cloud resources. Besides the OCCI Core model, which defines the basic modeling elements for cloud resources, the OGF also defines extensions that reflect the requirements of different cloud service levels, such as IaaS and PaaS. However, so far the OCCI PaaS extension is very coarse grained and lacks of supporting use cases and implementations. Especially, it does not define how the components of the application itself can be managed. In this paper, we present a model-driven framework that extends the OCCI PaaS extension and is able to use different configuration management tools to manage the whole lifecycle of cloud applications. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by presenting four different use cases and prototypical implementations for three different configuration management tools

    Mobile Cloud Robotics as a Service with OCCIware

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    Best Paper AwardInternational audienceWe have recently witnessed the emerging of cloud computing on one hand and robotics platforms on the other hand. Naturally, these two visions have been merging to give birth to the Cloud Robotics paradigm in order to offer even more remote services. But such a vision is still in its infancy. Architectures and platforms are still to be defined to efficiently program robots so they can provide different services, in a standardized way masking their heterogeneity. This paper introduces Open Mobile Cloud Robotics Interface (OMCRI), a Robot-as-a-Service vision based platform, which offers a unified easy access to remote heterogeneous mobile robots. OMCRI encompasses an extension of the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) standard and a gateway hosting mobile robot resources. We then provide an implementation of OMCRI based on the open source model-driven Eclipse-based OCCIware tool chain and illustrates its use for three off-the-shelf mobile robots: Lego Mindstorm NXT, Turtlebot, and Parrot AR.Drone

    Model driven simulation of elastic OCCI cloud resources

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    International audienceDeploying a cloud configuration in a real cloud platform is mostly cost-and time-consuming, as large number of cloud resources have to be rent for the time needed to run the configuration. Thereafter, cloud simulation tools are used as a cheap alternative to test Cloud configuration. However, most of existing cloud simulation tools require extensive technical skills and does not support simulation of any kind of cloud resources. In this context, using a model-driven approach can be helpful as it allows developers to efficiently describe their needs at a high level of abstraction. To do, we propose, in this article, a Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach based on the OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface) standard metamodel and CloudSim toolkit. We firstly extend OCCI metamodel for supporting simulation of any kind of cloud resources. Afterward, to illustrate the extensibility of our approach, we enrich the proposed metamodel by new simulation capabilities. As proof of concept, we study the elasticity and pricing strategies of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This article benefits from OCCIware Studio to design an OCCI simulation extension and to provide a simulation designer for designing cloud configurations to be simulated. We detail the approach process from defining an OCCI simulation extension until the generation and the simulation of the OCCI cloud configurations. Finally, we validate the proposed approach by providing a realistic experimentation to study its usability, the resources coverage rate and the cost. The results is compared with the ones computed from AWS

    Intergiciel d'intergiciels adaptable Ă  base de Services, Composants et Aspects

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    Cette habilitation à diriger des recherches présente mes travaux sur le génie logiciel des intergiciels, domaine à la croisée de l’informatique répartie et du génie logiciel. L’intergiciel est la couche logicielle permettant de s’abstraire de l’hétérogénéité des technologies de l’informatique distribuée et de répondre aux besoins d’interopérabilité, de portabilité, d’adaptation et de séparation des préoccupations des applications réparties. Mes travaux ont été guidés par deux questions de recherche ouvertes : 1) quel est le paradigme de programmation le plus approprié pour les applications réparties ? 2) quelle est l’organisation la plus appropriée pour l’intergiciel ?La première partie présente une synthèse de mes travaux et contributions. Premièrement, mes travaux ont porté sur la transition des objets vers les composants CORBA donnant lieu à deux contributions majeures : le langage de script CorbaScript standardisé auprès de l’OMG et la plate-forme OpenCCM pour le développement, le déploiement, l’exécution et l’administration d’applications réparties à base de composants CORBA. Deuxièmement, je me suis intéressé à la conception de canevas intergiciels hautement adaptables. Ces travaux basés sur les composants réflexifs Fractal ont donné lieu à un cadre de programmation par attributs sur lequel trois canevas flexibles pour la gestion du transactionnel, le déploiement de systèmes distribués hétérogènes et les composants Java temps-réels ont été bâtis. Enfin, mes travaux ont porté sur la proposition du modèle Services Composants Aspects (SCA) et l’intergiciel d’intergiciels FraSCAti.La deuxième partie opère un zoom sur le projet FraSCAti. La contribution scientifique de ce projet est de proposer un intergiciel réflexif pour l’informatique orientée service combinant deux idées originales : la notion d’intergiciel d’intergiciels et le modèle Services Composants Aspects réflexif. Partant du constat qu’il n’existe pas d’intergiciel universel capable de couvrir l’ensemble des besoins de toutes les applications distribuées, le projet FraSCAti propose un canevas intergiciel extensible pour l’intégration et la composition élégante des intergiciels et technologies SOA existants, c’est-à-dire un intergiciel d’intergiciels. Le modèle SCA réflexif est quant à lui le mariage fécond du standard OASIS Service Component Architecture (SCA), du modèle de composants Fractal et de la programmation orientée aspects (AOP). Dans ce modèle, tout est composant réflexif permettant ainsi d’adapter dynamiquement aussi bien les applications métiers, l’intergiciel, les liaisons de communication réseau que les aspects non fonctionnels. Cette contribution a été appliquée sur l’orchestration de services à large échelle, la construction de systèmes de systèmes et une plate-forme distribuée multi-nuages. La dernière partie dresse un bilan des contributions et présente mes perspectives de recherche centrées sur le génie logiciel pour l’informatique en nuage (cloud computing)

    OCCIware - A Formal and Tooled Framework for Managing Everything as a Service

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    International audienceThe OCCIware project aims at building a comprehensive, coherent while modular model-driven toolchain for managing any kinds of cloud resources, especially Data Center as a Service, Deployment as a Service, Big Data as a Service, and Linked Open Data as a Service. Lever-aging the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) and its core model, the OCCIware toolchain applies a model-driven engineering approach based on a formal model of cloud resources and systems. This approach allows for better modularity, clear separation between functional (cloud resources) and non-functional concerns (security, scalability, reliability, etc.). The project brings together ten French partners-academics, SMEs, associations-and is supervised by a Strategic Orientation Committee of eleven top industrial and academic experts. The OCCIware project has been selected by French Ministry of Industry and funded by French Banque Publique d'Investissement (BPI)

    OCCIware - A Formal and Tooled Framework for Managing Everything as a Service

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    International audienceThe OCCIware project aims at building a comprehensive, coherent while modular model-driven toolchain for managing any kinds of cloud resources, especially Data Center as a Service, Deployment as a Service, Big Data as a Service, and Linked Open Data as a Service. Lever-aging the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) and its core model, the OCCIware toolchain applies a model-driven engineering approach based on a formal model of cloud resources and systems. This approach allows for better modularity, clear separation between functional (cloud resources) and non-functional concerns (security, scalability, reliability, etc.). The project brings together ten French partners-academics, SMEs, associations-and is supervised by a Strategic Orientation Committee of eleven top industrial and academic experts. The OCCIware project has been selected by French Ministry of Industry and funded by French Banque Publique d'Investissement (BPI)