319 research outputs found

    On the "principle of the quantumness", the quantumness of Relativity, and the computational grand-unification

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    After reviewing recently suggested operational "principles of the quantumness", I address the problem on whether Quantum Theory (QT) and Special Relativity (SR) are unrelated theories, or instead, if the one implies the other. I show how SR can be indeed derived from causality of QT, within the computational paradigm "the universe is a huge quantum computer", reformulating QFT as a Quantum-Computational Field Theory (QCFT). In QCFT SR emerges from the fabric of the computational network, which also naturally embeds gauge invariance. In this scheme even the quantization rule and the Planck constant can in principle be derived as emergent from the underlying causal tapestry of space-time. In this way QT remains the only theory operating the huge computer of the universe. Is QCFT only a speculative tautology (theory as simulation of reality), or does it have a scientific value? The answer will come from Occam's razor, depending on the mathematical simplicity of QCFT. Here I will just start scratching the surface of QCFT, analyzing simple field theories, including Dirac's. The number of problems and unmotivated recipes that plague QFT strongly motivates us to undertake the QCFT project, since QCFT makes all such problems manifest, and forces a re-foundation of QFT.Comment: To be published on AIP Proceedings of Vaxjo conference. The ideas on Quantum-Circuit Field Theory are more recent. V4 Largely improved, with new interesting results and concepts. Dirac equation solve

    Future Summary

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    We are emerging from a period of consolidation in particle physics. Its great, historic achievement was to establish the Theory of Matter. This Theory will serve as our description of ordinary matter under ordinary conditions -- allowing for an extremely liberal definition of "ordinary -- for the foreseeable future. Yet there are many indications, ranging from the numerical to the semi-mystical, that a new fertile period lies before us. We will discover compelling evidence for the unification of fundamental forces and for new quantum dimensions (low-energy supersymmetry). We will identify new forms of matter, which dominate the mass density of the Universe. We will achieve much better fundamental understanding of the behavior of matter in extreme astrophysical and cosmological environments. Lying beyond these expectations, we can identify deep questions that seem to call for ideas outside our present grasp. And there's still plenty of room for surprises.Comment: 25 pages, 13 EPS figures, LaTeX with BoxedEPS macros. Closing talk delivered at the LEPfest, CERN, October 11, 2000. Email correspondence to [email protected]


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    Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms play an important role in many critical/high-availability applications. These algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, due to asynchronous communication and the occurrence of faults, such as the network dropping messages or computers crashing. Nonetheless there is surprisingly little language and verification support to build distributed systems based on fault-tolerant algorithms. In this paper, we present some of the challenges that a designer has to overcome to implement a fault-tolerant distributed system. Then we review different models that have been proposed to reason about distributed algorithms and sketch how such a model can form the basis for a domain-specific programming language. Adopting a high-level programming model can simplify the programmer's life and make the code amenable to automated verification, while still compiling to efficiently executable code. We conclude by summarizing the current status of an ongoing language design and implementation project that is based on this idea

    Effective interprocess communication (IPC) in a real-time transputer network

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    The thesis describes the design and implementation of an interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism within a real-time distributed operating system kernel (RT-DOS) which is designed for a transputer-based network. The requirements of real-time operating systems are examined and existing design and implementation strategies are described. Particular attention is paid to one of the object-oriented techniques although it is concluded that these techniques are not feasible for the chosen implementation platform. Studies of a number of existing operating systems are reported. The choices for various aspects of operating system design and their influence on the IPC mechanism to be used are elucidated. The actual design choices are related to the real-time requirements and the implementation that has been adopted is described. [Continues.

    Parallel algorithms for the solution of elliptic and parabolic problems on transputer networks

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    This thesis is a study of the implementation of parallel algorithms for solving elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations on a network of transputers. The thesis commences with a general introduction to parallel processing. Here a discussion of the various ways of introducing parallelism in computer systems and the classification of parallel architectures is presented. In chapter 2, the transputer architecture and the associated language OCCAM are described. The transputer development system (TDS) is also described as well as a short account of other transputer programming languages. Also, a brief description of the methodologies for programming transputer networks is given. The chapter is concluded by a detailed description of the hardware used for the research. [Continues.

    The instruction of systolic array (ISA) and simulation of parallel algorithms

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    Systolic arrays have proved to be well suited for Very Large Scale Integrated technology (VLSI) since they: -Consist of a regular network of simple processing cells, -Use local communication between the processing cells only, -Exploit a maximal degree of parallelism. However, systolic arrays have one main disadvantage compared with other parallel computer architectures: they are special purpose architectures only capable of executing one algorithm, e.g., a systolic array designed for sorting cannot be used to form matrix multiplication. Several approaches have been made to make systolic arrays more flexible, in order to be able to handle different problems on a single systolic array. In this thesis an alternative concept to a VLSI-architecture the Soft-Systolic Simulation System (SSSS), is introduced and developed as a working model of virtual machine with the power to simulate hard systolic arrays and more general forms of concurrency such as the SIMD and MIMD models of computation. The virtual machine includes a processing element consisting of a soft-systolic processor implemented in the virtual.machine language. The processing element considered here was a very general element which allows the choice of a wide range of arithmetic and logical operators and allows the simulation of a wide class of algorithms but in principle extra processing cells can be added making a library and this library be tailored to individual needs. The virtual machine chosen for this implementation is the Instruction Systolic Array (ISA). The ISA has a number of interesting features, firstly it has been used to simulate all SIMD algorithms and many MIMD algorithms by a simple program transformation technique, further, the ISA can also simulate the so-called wavefront processor algorithms, as well as many hard systolic algorithms. The ISA removes the need for the broadcasting of data which is a feature of SIMD algorithms (limiting the size of the machine and its cycle time) and also presents a fairly simple communication structure for MIMD algorithms. The model of systolic computation developed from the VLSI approach to systolic arrays is such that the processing surface is fixed, as are the processing elements or cells by virtue of their being embedded in the processing surface. The VLSI approach therefore freezes instructions and hardware relative to the movement of data with the virtual machine and softsystolic programming retaining the constructions of VLSI for array design features such as regularity, simplicity and local communication, allowing the movement of instructions with respect to data. Data can be frozen into the structure with instructions moving systolically. Alternatively both the data and instructions can move systolically around the virtual processors, (which are deemed fixed relative to the underlying architecture). The ISA is implemented in OCCAM programs whose execution and output implicitly confirm the correctness of the design. The soft-systolic preparation comprises of the usual operating system facilities for the creation and modification of files during the development of new programs and ISA processor elements. We allow any concurrent high level language to be used to model the softsystolic program. Consequently the Replicating Instruction Systolic Array Language (RI SAL) was devised to provide a very primitive program environment to the ISA but adequate for testing. RI SAL accepts instructions in an assembler-like form, but is fairly permissive about the format of statements, subject of course to syntax. The RI SAL compiler is adopted to transform the soft-systolic program description (RISAL) into a form suitable for the virtual machine (simulating the algorithm) to run. Finally we conclude that the principles mentioned here can form the basis for a soft-systolic simulator using an orthogonally connected mesh of processors. The wide range of algorithms which the ISA can simulate make it suitable for a virtual simulating grid

    Parallelisation of algorithms

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    Most numerical software involves performing an extremely large volume of algebraic computations. This is both costly and time consuming in respect of computer resources and, for large problems, often super-computer power is required in order for results to be obtained in a reasonable amount of time. One method whereby both the cost and time can be reduced is to use the principle "Many hands make light work", or rather, allow several computers to operate simultaneously on the code, working towards a common goal, and hopefully obtaining the required results in a fraction of the time and cost normally used. This can be achieved through the modification of the costly, time consuming code, breaking it up into separate individual code segments which may be executed concurrently on different processors. This is termed parallelisation of code. This document describes communication between sequential processes, protocols, message routing and parallelisation of algorithms. In particular, it deals with these aspects with reference to the Transputer as developed by INMOS and includes two parallelisation examples, namely parallelisation of code to study airflow and of code to determine far field patterns of antennas. This document also reports on the practical experiences with programming in parallel

    Structural dynamics branch research and accomplishments

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    Summaries are presented of fiscal year 1989 research highlights from the Structural Dynamics Branch at NASA Lewis Research Center. Highlights from the branch's major work areas include aeroelasticity, vibration control, dynamic systems, and computation structural methods. A listing of the fiscal year 1989 branch publications is given