132,269 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of the impacts of mountain on oasis effects in arid Central Asia

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    The oases in the mountain-basin systems of Central Asia are extremely fragile. Investigating oasis effects and oasis-desert interactions is important for understanding the ecological stability of oases. However, previous studies have been performed only in oasis-desert environments and have not considered the impacts of mountains. In this study, oasis effects were explored in the context of mountain effects in the northern Tianshan Mountains (NTM) using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Four numerical simulations are performed. The def simulation uses the default terrestrial datasets provided by the WRF model. The mod simulation uses actual terrestrial datasets from satellite products. The non-oasis simulation is a scenario simulation in which oasis areas are replaced by desert conditions, while all other conditions are the same as the mod simulation. Finally, the non-mountain simulation is a scenario simulation in which the elevation values of all grids are set to a constant value of 300 m, while all other conditions are the same as in the mod simulation. The mod simulation agrees well with near-surface measurements of temperature, relative humidity and latent heat flux. The Tianshan Mountains exert a cooling and wetting effects in the NTM region. The oasis breeze circulation (OBC) between oases and the deserts is counteracted by the stronger background circulation. Thus, the self-supporting mechanism of oases originating from the OBC plays a limited role in maintaining the ecological stability of oases in this mountain-basin system. However, the mountain wind causes the cold-wet'' island effects of the oases to extend into the oasis-desert transition zone at night, which is beneficial for plants in the transition region

    The Jericho Oasis Archaeological Park - 2015 Interim Report. Italian-Palestinian cooperation for protection and valorization of archaeological heritage

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    In April 2015, the Italian Cooperation, Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities started the Project “Oasis of Jericho” aimed at the implementation of the Jericho Oasis Archaeological Park (JOAP) by means of training of local personnel as tourist guides, specialized restorers and workers for the maintenance of 13 selected archaeological, historical, cultural, naturalistic, and religious sites in the Jericho Oasis, with the cooperation of the Ariha Municipality. Young students and workers participated in several activities, including sites rehabilitation and the production and installation of explanatory panels, the creation of visit itineraries and the involvement of the local community and stakeholders into the protection and valorization of the Jericho archaeological heritage

    OASIS High-Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SAURON Ellipticals and Lenticulars

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    We present a summary of high-spatial resolution follow-up observations of the elliptical (E) and lenticular (S0) galaxies in the SAURON survey using the OASIS integral field spectrograph. The OASIS observations explore the central 8x10" regions of these galaxies using a spatial sampling four times higher than SAURON, often revealing previously undiscovered features. Around 75% (31/48) of the SAURON E/S0s with central velocity dispersion >= 120 km/s were observed with OASIS, covering well the original SAURON representative sample. We present here an overview of this follow-up survey, and some preliminary results on individual objects, including a previously unreported counter-rotating core in NGC 4382; the decoupled stellar and gas velocity fields of NGC 2768; and the strong age gradient towards the centre of NGC 3489.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astron. Nachr. as refereed proceedings of Euro3D Science Workshop, IoA Cambridge, May 200

    Mapping evapotranspiration variability over a complex oasis-desert ecosystem based on automated calibration of Landsat 7 ETM+ data in SEBAL

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    Fragmented ecosystems of the desiccated Aral Sea seek answers to the profound local hydrologically- and water-related problems. Particularly, in the Small Aral Sea Basin (SASB), these problems are associated with low precipitation, increased temperature, land use and evapotranspiration (ET) changes. Here, the utility of high-resolution satellite dataset is employed to model the growing season dynamic of near-surface fluxes controlled by the advective effects of desert and oasis ecosystems in the SASB. This study adapted and applied the sensible heat flux calibration mechanism of Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) to 16 clear-sky Landsat 7 ETM+ dataset, following a guided automatic pixels search from surface temperature T-s and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI (). Results were comprehensively validated with flux components and actual ET (ETa) outputs of Eddy Covariance (EC) and Meteorological Station (KZL) observations located in the desert and oasis, respectively. Compared with the original SEBAL, a noteworthy enhancement of flux estimations was achieved as follows: - desert ecosystem ETa R-2 = 0.94; oasis ecosystem ETa R-2 = 0.98 (P < 0.05). The improvement uncovered the exact land use contributions to ETa variability, with average estimates ranging from 1.24 mm to 6.98 mm . Additionally, instantaneous ET to NDVI (ETins-NDVI) ratio indicated that desert and oasis consumptive water use vary significantly with time of the season. This study indicates the possibility of continuous daily ET monitoring with considerable implications for improving water resources decision support over complex data-scarce drylands

    Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data

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    Liquid and solid precipitation is abundant in the high elevation, upper reach of the Heihe River basin in northwestern China. The development of modern irrigation schemes in the middle reach of the basin is taking up an increasing share of fresh water resources, endangering the oasis and traditional irrigation systems in the lower reach. In this study, the response of vegetation in the Ejina Oasis in the lower reach of the Heihe River to the water yield of the upper catchment was analyzed by time series analysis of monthly observations of precipitation in the upper and lower catchment, river streamflow downstream of the modern irrigation schemes and satellite observations of vegetation index. Firstly, remotely sensed NDVI data acquired by Terra-MODIS are used to monitor the vegetation dynamic for a seven years period between 2000 and 2006. Due to cloud-contamination, atmospheric influence and different solar and viewing angles, however, the quality and consistence of time series of remotely sensed NDVI data are degraded. A Fourier Transform method – the Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS) algorithm – is used to reconstruct cloud- and noise-free NDVI time series data from the Terra-MODIS NDVI dataset. Modification is made on HANTS by adding additional parameters to deal with large data gaps in yearly time series in combination with a Temporal-Similarity-Statistics (TSS) method developed in this study to seek for initial values for the large gap periods. Secondly, the same Fourier Transform method is used to model time series of the vegetation phenology. The reconstructed cloud-free NDVI time series data are used to study the relationship between the water availability (i.e. the local precipitation and upstream water yield) and the evolution of vegetation conditions in Ejina Oasis from 2000 to 2006. Anomalies in precipitation, streamflow, and vegetation index are detected by comparing each year with the average year. The results showed that: the previous year total runoff had a significant relationship with the vegetation growth in Ejina Oasis and that anomalies in the spring monthly runoff of the Heihe River influenced the phenology of vegetation in the entire oasis. Warmer climate expressed by the degree-days showed positive influence on the vegetation phenology in particular during drier years. The time of maximum green-up is uniform throughout the oasis during wetter years, but showed a clear S-N gradient (downstream) during drier years

    Time to Raise the Bar: The Real Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the Hershey Company

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.ILRF_Time_to_Raise_the_Bar_Hershey.pdf: 2396 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Testing Mass Determinations of Supermassive Black Holes via Stellar Kinematics

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    We investigate the accuracy of mass determinations M_BH of supermassive black holes in galaxies using dynamical models of the stellar kinematics. We compare 10 of our M_BH measurements, using integral-field OASIS kinematics, to published values. For a sample of 25 galaxies we confront our new M_BH derived using two modeling methods on the same OASIS data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX. To appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser., in pres

    Telescience Testbed Program: A study of software for SIRTF instrument control

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    As a continued element in the Telescience Testbed Program (TTP), the University of Arizona Steward Observatory and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) jointly developed a testbed to evaluate the Operations and Science Instrument System (OASIS) software package for remote control of an instrument for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF). SIRTF is a cryogenically-cooled telescope with three focal plane instruments that will be the infrared element of NASA's Great Observatory series. The anticipated launch date for SIRTF is currently 2001. Because of the complexity of the SIRTF mission, it was not expected that the OASIS package would be suitable for instrument control in the flight situation, however, its possible use as a common interface during the early development and ground test phases of the project was considered. The OASIS package, developed at the University of Colorado for control of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) satellite, serves as an interface between the operator and the remote instrument which is connected via a network. OASIS provides a rudimentary windowing system as well as support for standard spacecraft communications protocols. The experiment performed all of the functions required of the MIPS simulation program. Remote control of the instrument was demonstrated but found to be inappropriate for SIRTF at this time for the following reasons: (1) programming interface is too difficult; (2) significant computer resources were required to run OASIS; (3) the communications interface is too complicated; (4) response time was slow; and (5) quicklook of image data was not possible
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