7,311 research outputs found

    Numerical methods for LĂ©vy processes

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    We survey the use and limitations of some numerical methods for pricing derivative contracts in multidimensional geometric LĂ©vy model

    From Local Volatility to Local Levy Models.

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    We define the class of local LĂ©vy processes. These are LĂ©vy processes time changed by an inhomogeneous local speed function. The local speed function is a deterministic function of time and the level of the process itself. We show how to reverse engineer the local speed function from traded option prices of all strikes and maturities. The local LĂ©vy processes generalize the class of local volatility models. Closed forms for local speed functions for a variety of cases are also presented. Numerical methods for recovery are also described.Levy processes; Derivatives securities; Random walks (mathematics); Volatility (finance); Options (finance);

    Efficient pricing options under regime switching

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    In the paper, we propose two new efficient methods for pricing barrier option in wide classes of LĂ©vy processes with/without regime switching. Both methods are based on the numerical Laplace transform inversion formulae and the Fast Wiener-Hopf factorization method developed in Kudryavtsev and Levendorski\v{i} (Finance Stoch. 13: 531--562, 2009). The first method uses the Gaver-Stehfest algorithm, the second one -- the Post-Widder formula. We prove the advantage of the new methods in terms of accuracy and convergence by using Monte-Carlo simulations.LĂ©vy processes; barrier options;regime switching models; Wiener-Hopf factorization; Laplace transform; numerical methods; numerical transform inversion

    Exact simulation of a truncated LĂ©vy subordinator

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    A truncated LĂ©vy subordinator is a LĂ©vy subordinator in R+ with LĂ©vy measure restricted from above by a certain level b. In this article, we study the path and distribution properties of this type of process in detail and set up an exact simulation framework based on a marked renewal process. In particular, we focus on a typical specification of truncated LĂ©vy subordinator, namely the truncated stable process. We establish an exact simulation algorithm for the truncated stable process, which is very accurate and efficient. Compared to the existing algorithm suggested in Chi, our algorithm outperforms over all parameter settings. Using the distributional decomposition technique, we also develop an exact simulation algorithm for the truncated tempered stable process and other related processes. We illustrate an application of our algorithm as a valuation tool for stochastic hyperbolic discounting, and numerical analysis is provided to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our methods. We also show that variations of the result can also be used to sample two-sided truncated LĂ©vy processes, two-sided LĂ©vy processes via subordinating Brownian motions, and truncated LĂ©vy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

    An RBF scheme for option pricing in exponential Levy models

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    We use Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation to price options in exponential LĂ©vy models by numerically solving the fundamental pricing PIDE (Partial integro-differential equations). Our RBF scheme can handle arbitrary singularities of the LĂ©vy measure in 0 without introducing further approximations, making it simpler to implement than competing methods. In numerical experiments using processes from the CGMY-KoBoL class, the scheme is found to be second order convergent in the number of interpolation points, including for processes of unbounded variation

    First-passage properties of asymmetric LĂ©vy flights

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    LĂ©vy flights are paradigmatic generalised random walk processes, in which the independent stationary increments—the 'jump lengths'—are drawn from an -stable jump length distribution with long-tailed, power-law asymptote. As a result, the variance of LĂ©vy flights diverges and the trajectory is characterised by occasional extremely long jumps. Such long jumps significantly decrease the probability to revisit previous points of visitation, rendering LĂ©vy flights efficient search processes in one and two dimensions. To further quantify their precise property as random search strategies we here study the first-passage time properties of LĂ©vy flights in one-dimensional semi-infinite and bounded domains for symmetric and asymmetric jump length distributions. To obtain the full probability density function of first-passage times for these cases we employ two complementary methods. One approach is based on the space-fractional diffusion equation for the probability density function, from which the survival probability is obtained for different values of the stable index and the skewness (asymmetry) parameter . The other approach is based on the stochastic Langevin equation with -stable driving noise. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages for explicit calculations and numerical evaluation, and the complementary approach involving both methods will be profitable for concrete applications. We also make use of the Skorokhod theorem for processes with independent increments and demonstrate that the numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical expressions for the probability density function of the first-passage times

    Pricing methods for α-quantile and perpetual early exercise options based on Spitzer identities

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    We present new numerical schemes for pricing perpetual Bermudan and American options as well as α-quantile options. This includes a new direct calculation of the optimal exercise boundary for early-exercise options. Our approach is based on the Spitzer identities for general LĂ©vy processes and on the Wiener–Hopf method. Our direct calculation of the price of α-quantile options combines for the first time the Dassios–Port–Wendel identity and the Spitzer identities for the extrema of processes. Our results show that the new pricing methods provide excellent error convergence with respect to computational time when implemented with a range of LĂ©vy processes

    Pricing approximations and error estimates for local LĂ©vy-type models with default

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    3siWe find approximate solutions of partial integro-differential equations, which arise in financial models when defaultable assets are described by general scalar LĂ©vy-type stochastic processes. We derive rigorous error bounds for the approximate solutions. We also provide numerical examples illustrating the usefulness and versatility of our methods in a variety of financial settings.partially_openembargoed_20170402Lorig, Matthew; Pagliarani, Stefano; Pascucci, AndreaLorig, Matthew; Pagliarani, Stefano; Pascucci, Andre

    A Review of First-Passage Theory for the Segerdahl-Tichy Risk Process and Open Problems

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    International audienceThe Segerdahl-Tichy Process, characterized by exponential claims and state dependent drift, has drawn a considerable amount of interest, due to its economic interest (it is the simplest risk process which takes into account the effect of interest rates). It is also the simplest non-LĂ©vy, non-diffusion example of a spectrally negative Markov risk model. Note that for both spectrally negative LĂ©vy and diffusion processes, first passage theories which are based on identifying two "basic" monotone harmonic functions/martingales have been developed. This means that for these processes many control problems involving dividends, capital injections, etc., may be solved explicitly once the two basic functions have been obtained. Furthermore, extensions to general spectrally negative Markov processes are possible; unfortunately, methods for computing the basic functions are still lacking outside the LĂ©vy and diffusion classes. This divergence between theoretical and numerical is strikingly illustrated by the Segerdahl process, for which there exist today six theoretical approaches, but for which almost nothing has been computed, with the exception of the ruin probability. Below, we review four of these methods, with the purpose of drawing attention to connections between them, to underline open problems, and to stimulate further work
