123 research outputs found

    Human-robot interaction for assistive robotics

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    This dissertation presents an in-depth study of human-robot interaction (HRI) withapplication to assistive robotics. In various studies, dexterous in-hand manipulation is included, assistive robots for Sit-To-stand (STS) assistance along with the human intention estimation. In Chapter 1, the background and issues of HRI are explicitly discussed. In Chapter 2, the literature review introduces the recent state-of-the-art research on HRI, such as physical Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), robot STS assistance, dexterous in hand manipulation and human intention estimation. In Chapter 3, various models and control algorithms are described in detail. Chapter 4 introduces the research equipment. Chapter 5 presents innovative theories and implementations of HRI in assistive robotics, including a general methodology of robotic assistance from the human perspective, novel hardware design, robotic sit-to-stand (STS) assistance, human intention estimation, and control

    Modeling and control of an anthropomorphic robotic hand

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    Mención Europea en el título de doctorThis thesis presents methods and tools for enabling the successful use of robotic hands. For highly dexterous and/or anthropomorphic robotic hands, these methods have to share some common goals, such as overcoming the potential complexity of the mechanical design and the ability of performing accurate tasks with low and efficient computational cost. A prerequisite for dexterity is to increase the workspace of the robotic hand. For this purpose, the robotic hand must be considered as a single multibody system. Solving the inverse kinematics problem of the whole robotic hand is an arduous task due to the high number of degrees of freedom involved and the possible mechanical limitations, singularities and other possible constraints. The redundancy has proven to be of a great usefulness for dealing with potential constraints. To be able to exploit the redundancy for dealing with constraints, the adopted method for solving the inverse kinematics must be robust and extendable. Obviously, addressing such complex problem, the method will certainly be computationally heavy. Thus, one of the aims of this thesis is to resolve the inverse kinematics problem of the whole robotic hand under constraints, taking into account the computational cost. To this end, this thesis extends and reduces the most recent Selectively Damped Least Squares method which is based on the computation of all singular values, to deal with constraints with a minimum computational cost. New estimation algorithm of singular values and their corresponding singular vectors is proposed to reduce the computational cost. The reduced extended selectively damped least squares method is simulated and experimentally evaluated using an anthropomorphic robotic hand as a test bed. On the other hand, dexterity depends not only on the accuracy of the position control, but also on the exerted forces. The tendon driven modern robotic hands, like the one used in this work, are strongly nonlinear dynamic systems, where motions and forces are transmitted remotely to the finger joints. The problem of modeling and control of position and force simultaneously at low level control is then considered. A new hybrid control structure based on the succession of two sliding mode controllers is proposed. The force is controlled by its own controller which does not need a contact model. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated by performing the force control directly using the force sensor information of the fingertip, and indirectly using the torque control of the actuator. Finally, we expect that the applications of the methods presented in this thesis can be extended to cover different issues and research fields and in particular they can be used in a variety of algorithm that require the estimation of singular values.This work was partially supported by the European project HANDLE, FP7-231640, and by the Spanish ministry MICINN through FPI scholarship within the project DPI-2005-04302.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomåticaPresidente: Anis Sahbani.- Secretario: Fares Jawad Moh D Abu-Dakka.- Vocal: Claudio Ross

    Evolution of Grasping Behaviour in Anthropomorphic Robotic Arms with Embodied Neural Controllers

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    The works reported in this thesis focus upon synthesising neural controllers for anthropomorphic robots that are able to manipulate objects through an automatic design process based on artificial evolution. The use of Evolutionary Robotics makes it possible to reduce the characteristics and parameters specified by the designer to a minimum, and the robot’s skills evolve as it interacts with the environment. The primary objective of these experiments is to investigate whether neural controllers that are regulating the state of the motors on the basis of the current and previously experienced sensors (i.e. without relying on an inverse model) can enable the robots to solve such complex tasks. Another objective of these experiments is to investigate whether the Evolutionary Robotics approach can be successfully applied to scenarios that are significantly more complex than those to which it is typically applied (in terms of the complexity of the robot’s morphology, the size of the neural controller, and the complexity of the task). The obtained results indicate that skills such as reaching, grasping, and discriminating among objects can be accomplished without the need to learn precise inverse internal models of the arm/hand structure. This would also support the hypothesis that the human central nervous system (cns) does necessarily have internal models of the limbs (not excluding the fact that it might possess such models for other purposes), but can act by shifting the equilibrium points/cycles of the underlying musculoskeletal system. Consequently, the resulting controllers of such fundamental skills would be less complex. Thus, the learning of more complex behaviours will be easier to design because the underlying controller of the arm/hand structure is less complex. Moreover, the obtained results also show how evolved robots exploit sensory-motor coordination in order to accomplish their tasks

    ReHand - a portable assistive rehabilitation hand exoskeleton

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    This dissertation presents a synthesis of a novel underactuated exoskeleton (namely ReHand2) thought and designed for a task-oriented rehabilitation and/or for empower the human hand. The first part of this dissertation shows the current context about the robotic rehabilitation with a focus on hand pathologies, which influence the hand capability. The chapter is concluded with the presentation of ReHand2. The second chapter describes the human hand biomechanics. Starting from the definition of human hand anatomy, passing through anthropometric data, to taxonomy on hand grasps and finger constraints, both from static and dynamic point of view. In addition, some information about the hand capability are given. The third chapter analyze the current state of the art in hand exoskeleton for rehabilitation and empower tasks. In particular, the chapter presents exoskeleton technologies, from mechanisms to sensors, passing though transmission and actuators. Finally, the current state of the art in terms of prototype and commercial products is presented. The fourth chapter introduces the concepts of underactuation with the basic explanation and the classical notation used typically in the prosthetic field. In addition, the chapter describe also the most used differential elements in the prosthetic, follow by a statical analysis. Moreover typical transmission tree at inter-finger level as well as the intra- finger underactuation are explained . The fifth chapter presents the prototype called ReHand summarizing the device description and explanation of the working principle. It describes also the kinetostatic analysis for both, inter- and the intra-finger modules. in the last section preliminary results obtained with the exoskeleton are shown and discussed, attention is pointed out on prototype’s problems that have carry out at the second version of the device. The sixth chapter describes the evolution of ReHand, describing the kinematics and dynamics behaviors. In particular, for the mathematical description is introduced the notation used in order to analyze and optimize the geometry of the entire device. The introduced model is also implemented in Matlab Simulink environment. Finally, the chapter presents the new features. The seventh chapter describes the test bench and the methodologies used to evaluate the device statical, and dynamical performances. The chapter presents and discuss the experimental results and compare them with simulated one. Finally in the last chapter the conclusion about the ReHand project are proposed as well as the future development. In particular, the idea to test de device in relevant environments. In addition some preliminary considerations about the thumb and the wrist are introduced, exploiting the possibility to modify the entire layout of the device, for instance changing the actuator location

    Human-robot interaction using a behavioural control strategy

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    PhD ThesisA topical and important aspect of robotics research is in the area of human-robot interaction (HRI), which addresses the issue of cooperation between a human and a robot to allow tasks to be shared in a safe and reliable manner. This thesis focuses on the design and development of an appropriate set of behaviour strategies for human-robot interactive control by first understanding how an equivalent human-human interaction (HHI) can be used to establish a framework for a robotic behaviour-based approach. To achieve the above goal, two preliminary HHI experimental investigations were initiated in this study. The first of which was designed to evaluate the human dynamic response using a one degree-of-freedom (DOF) HHI rectilinear test where the handler passes a compliant object to the receiver along a constrained horizontal path. The human dynamic response while executing the HHI rectilinear task has been investigated using a Box-Behnken design of experiments [Box and Hunter, 1957] and was based on the McRuer crossover model [McRuer et al. 1995]. To mimic a real-world human-human object handover task where the handler is able to pass an object to the receiver in a 3D workspace, a second more substantive one DOF HHI baton handover task has been developed. The HHI object handover tests were designed to understand the dynamic behavioural characteristics of the human participants, in which the handler was required to dexterously pass an object to the receiver in a timely and natural manner. The profiles of interactive forces between the handler and receiver were measured as a function of time, and how they are modulated whilst performing the tasks, was evaluated. Three key parameters were used to identify the physical characteristics of the human participants, including: peak interactive force (fmax), transfer time (Ttrf), and work done (W). These variables were subsequently used to design and develop an appropriate set of force and velocity control strategies for a six DOF StÀubli robot manipulator arm (TX60) working in a human-robot interactive environment. The optimal design of the software and hardware controller implementation for the robot system has been successfully established in keeping with a behaviour-based approach. External force control based on proportional plus integral (PI) and fuzzy logic control (FLC) algorithms were adopted to control the robot end effector velocity and interactive force in real-time. ii The results of interactive experiments with human-to-robot and robot-to-human handover tasks allowed a comparison of the PI and FLC control strategies. It can be concluded that the quantitative measurement of the performance of robot velocity and force control can be considered acceptable for human-robot interaction. These can provide effective performance during the robot-human object handover tasks, where the robot was able to successfully pass the object from/to the human in a safe, reliable and timely manner. However, after careful analysis with regard to human-robot handover test results, the FLC scheme was shown to be superior to PI control by actively compensating for the dynamics in the non-linear system and demonstrated better overall performance and stability. The FLC also shows superior performance in terms of improved sensitivity to small error changes compared to PI control, which is an advantage in establishing effective robot force control. The results of survey responses from the participants were in agreement with the parallel test outcomes, demonstrating significant satisfaction with the overall performance of the human-robot interactive system, as measured by an average rating of 4.06 on a five point scale. In brief, this research has contributed the foundations for long-term research, particularly in the development of an interactive real-time robot-force control system, which enables the robot manipulator arm to cooperate with a human to facilitate the dextrous transfer of objects in a safe and speedy manner.Thai government and Prince of Songkla University (PSU

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    A shape memory alloy-based biomimetic robotic hand : design, modelling and experimental evaluation

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    Every year more the 400,000 people are subject to an upper limb amputation. Projections foresee that this number may double by the 2050. Infections, trauma, cancer, or complications that arise in blood vessels represent the main causes for amputations. The access to prosthetic care is worldwide extremely limited. This is mainly due to the high cost both of commercially available prostheses and of the rehabilitation procedure which every prostheses user has to endure. Aside from high costs, commercially available hand prostheses have faced high rejection rates, mainly due to the their heavy weight, noisy operation and also to the unnatural feel of the fingers. To overcome these limitations, new materials, such as Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), have been considered as potential candidate actuators for these kind of devices. In order to provide a contribution in the development of performant and easily affordable hand prostheses, the development of a novel and cost-effective five-fingered hand prototype actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires is presented in this work. The dissertation starts with the description of a first generation of a SMA actuated finger. Structure assemblage and performances in term of force, motion and reactiveness are investigated to highlight advantages and disadvantages of the prototype. In order to improve the achievable performances, a second generation of SMA actuated finger having soft features is introduced. Its structure, a five-fingered hand prosthesis having intrinsically elastic fingers, capable to grasp several types of objects with a considerable force, and an entirely 3D printed structure is then presented. Comparing this prototype with the most important prostheses developed so far, relevant advantages especially in term of noiseless actuation, cost, weight, responsiveness and force can be highlighted. A finite element based framework is then developed, to enable additional structure optimization and further improve the SMA finger performances. On the same time, a concentrated parameters physics-based model is formulated to allow, in the future, an easier control of the device, characterized by strong nonlinearities mainly due to the Shape Memory alloy hysteretic behavior.Jedes Jahr werden weltweit bei mehr als 400.000 Menschen Amputationen der oberen Gliedmaßen durchgefĂŒhrt. Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass sich diese Zahl bis zum Jahr 2050 verdoppeln wird. Hauptursachen der Amputationen sind Infektionen, UnfĂ€lle, Krebs oder Durchblutungsstörungen. Der Zugang zu prothetischer Versorgung ist besonders in den EntwicklungslĂ€ndern stark eingeschrĂ€nkt. Dies liegt vor allem an den hohen Kosten sowohl der im Handel erhĂ€ltlichen Prothesen als auch des Rehabilitationsprozesses, den jeder ProthesentrĂ€ger durchlaufen muss. Neben den hohen Kosten haben kommerziell erhĂ€ltliche Handprothesen aufgrund ihres hohen Gewichts, des lauten Betriebes und auch des unnatĂŒrlichen GefĂŒhls hohe Ablehnungsraten. Um diese EinschrĂ€nkungen zu ĂŒberwinden, wurden neue Materialien, wie z.B. FormgedĂ€chtnislegierungen (SMAs), als potenzielle Materialien fĂŒr den Antrieb von Prothesen untersucht . Um einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von leistungsfĂ€higen und erschwinglichen Handprothesen zu leisten, wird in dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung eines neuartigen und kostengĂŒnstigen FĂŒnf-Finger-Handprototyps vorgestellt, der durch DrĂ€hte aus FormgedĂ€chtnislegierungen aktiviert wird. Die Doktorarbeit beginnt mit der Beschreibung der ersten Generation eines SMA-aktivierten Fingers. Zuerst wird der Aufbau und das Wirkungsprinzip des SMA Fingers erlĂ€utert und die Leistungs- und BewegungsfĂ€higkeit des Systems untersucht sowie Vor- und Nachteile des Prototyps dargestellt. Anschließend, um die erreichbare LeistungsfĂ€higkeit zu verbessern, wird eine zweite Generation von SMA-gesteuerten Fingern vorgestellt, die eine vollstĂ€ndig in 3D gedruckte Struktur aufweisen. Diese FĂŒnffinger-Handprothese mit inhĂ€rent elastischen Fingern ermöglicht nicht nur das Greifen unterschiedlich geformter Objekte sondern auch das Heben und Halten schwerer GegenstĂ€nde. Dieser neuartige Prototyp wird mit den wichtigsten bisher entwickelten Prothesen verglichen und die relevanten Vorteile insbesondere in Bezug auf gerĂ€uschlose Ansteuerung, Kosten, Gewicht, Reaktionszeit und Kraft hervorgehoben. Abschließend wird ein Finite-Elemente-Modell entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen die Fingerstruktur weiter optimiert und die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des SMA-Fingers noch verbessert werden kann. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein Konzentriertes-Parameter-Modell formuliert, um, in der Zukunft, eine leichtere Regelung des Systems zu ermöglichen. Dieses ist notwendig, da der SMA-Finger starke NichtlinearitĂ€ten aufweist, die auf das hysteretische Verhalten der FormgedĂ€chtnislegierung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind

    Research on a semiautonomous mobile robot for loosely structured environments focused on transporting mail trolleys

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    In this thesis is presented a novel approach to model, control, and planning the motion of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot that applies stable pushes and pulls to a nonholonomic cart (York mail trolley) in a loosely structured environment. The method is based on grasping and ungrasping the nonholonomic cart, as a result, the robot changes its kinematics properties. In consequence, two robot configurations are produced by the task of grasping and ungrasping the load, they are: the single-robot configuration and the robot-trolley configuration. Furthermore, in order to comply with the general planar motion law of rigid bodies and the kinematic constraints imposed by the robot wheels for each configuration, the robot has been provided with two motorized steerable wheels in order to have a flexible platform able to adapt to these restrictions. [Continues.

    Soft Robotics: Design for Simplicity, Performance, and Robustness of Robots for Interaction with Humans.

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    This thesis deals with the design possibilities concerning the next generation of advanced Robots. Aim of the work is to study, analyse and realise artificial systems that are essentially simple, performing and robust and can live and coexist with humans. The main design guideline followed in doing so is the Soft Robotics Approach, that implies the design of systems with intrinsic mechanical compliance in their architecture. The first part of the thesis addresses design of new soft robotics actuators, or robotic muscles. At the beginning are provided information about what a robotic muscle is and what is needed to realise it. A possible classification of these systems is analysed and some criteria useful for their comparison are explained. After, a set of functional specifications and parameters is identified and defined, to characterise a specific subset of this kind of actuators, called Variable Stiffness Actuators. The selected parameters converge in a data-sheet that easily defines performance and abilities of the robotic system. A complete strategy for the design and realisation of this kind of system is provided, which takes into account their me- chanical morphology and architecture. As consequence of this, some new actuators are developed, validated and employed in the execution of complex experimental tasks. In particular the actuator VSA-Cube and its add-on, a Variable Damper, are developed as the main com- ponents of a robotics low-cost platform, called VSA-CubeBot, that v can be used as an exploratory platform for multi degrees of freedom experiments. Experimental validations and mathematical models of the system employed in multi degrees of freedom tasks (bimanual as- sembly and drawing on an uneven surface), are reported. The second part of the thesis is about the design of multi fingered hands for robots. In this part of the work the Pisa-IIT SoftHand is introduced. It is a novel robot hand prototype designed with the purpose of being as easily usable, robust and simple as an industrial gripper, while exhibiting a level of grasping versatility and an aspect comparable to that of the human hand. In the thesis the main theo- retical tool used to enable such simplification, i.e. the neuroscience– based notion of soft synergies, are briefly reviewed. The approach proposed rests on ideas coming from underactuated hand design. A synthesis method to realize a desired set of soft synergies through the principled design of adaptive underactuated mechanisms, which is called the method of adaptive synergies, is discussed. This ap- proach leads to the design of hands accommodating in principle an arbitrary number of soft synergies, as demonstrated in grasping and manipulation simulations and experiments with a prototype. As a particular instance of application of the method of adaptive syner- gies, the Pisa–IIT SoftHand is then described in detail. The design and implementation of the prototype hand are shown and its effec- tiveness demonstrated through grasping experiments. Finally, control of the Pisa/IIT Hand is considered. Few different control strategies are adopted, including an experimental setup with the use of surface Electromyographic signals

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion
