23 research outputs found

    Multiscale soil moisture retrievals from microwave remote sensing observations

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    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por María Piles Guillem para optar al grado de Doctora por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Adriano Camps y de la Dra. Mercè Vall-llossera.-- 159 pages[EN] Soil moisture is a key state variable of the Earth’s system; it is the main variable that links the Earth’s water, energy and carbon cycles. Soil moisture variations affect the evolution of weather and climate over continental regions, and accurate observations of the Earth’s changing soil moisture are needed to achieve sustainable land and water management, and to enhance weather and climate forecasting skill, flood prediction and drought monitoring. This Ph.D. Thesis focuses on measuring the Earth’s surface soil moisture from space at a global and regional scale. [...][ES] La humedad del suelo es la variable que regula los intercambios de agua, energía, y carbono entre la tierra y la atmósfera. Mediciones precisas de humedad son necesarias para una gestión sostenible de los recursos de agua del planeta, para mejorar las predicciones meteorológicas y climáticas, y para la detección y monitorización de sequías e inundaciones. Esta tesis se centra en la medición de la humedad superficial de la Tierra desde el espacio, a escalas global y regional. [...]This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under the FPU grant AP2005-4912 and projects ESP2007-65667-C04-02 and AYA2008-05906-C02-01/ESPPeer Reviewe

    Crop Disease Detection Using Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    Pest and crop disease threats are often estimated by complex changes in crops and the applied agricultural practices that result mainly from the increasing food demand and climate change at global level. In an attempt to explore high-end and sustainable solutions for both pest and crop disease management, remote sensing technologies have been employed, taking advantages of possible changes deriving from relative alterations in the metabolic activity of infected crops which in turn are highly associated to crop spectral reflectance properties. Recent developments applied to high resolution data acquired with remote sensing tools, offer an additional tool which is the opportunity of mapping the infected field areas in the form of patchy land areas or those areas that are susceptible to diseases. This makes easier the discrimination between healthy and diseased crops, providing an additional tool to crop monitoring. The current book brings together recent research work comprising of innovative applications that involve novel remote sensing approaches and their applications oriented to crop disease detection. The book provides an in-depth view of the developments in remote sensing and explores its potential to assess health status in crops

    Contributions to GNSS-R earth remote sensing from nano-satellites

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit de CiènciesGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is a multi-static radar using navigation signals as signals of opportunity. It provides wide-swath and improved spatio-temporal sampling over current space-borne missions. The lack of experimental datasets from space covering signals from multiple constellations (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) at dual-band (L1 and L2) and dual-polarization (Right Hand Left Hand Circular Polarization: RHCP and LHCP), over the ocean, land and cryosphere remains a bottleneck to further develop these techniques. 3Cat-2 is a 6 units (3 x 2 elementary blocks of 10 x 10 x 10 cm3) CubeSat mission ayming to explore fundamentals issues towards an improvement in the understanding of the bistatic scattering properties of different targets. Since geolocalization of specific reflections points is determined by the geometry only, a moderate pointing accuracy is still required to correct for the antena pattern in scatterometry measurements. 3Cat-2 launch is foreseen for the first quarter 2016 into a Sun-Synchronous orbit of 510 km height using a Long March II D rocket. This Ph.D. Thesis represents the main contributions to the development of the 3Cat-2 GNSS-R Earth observation mission (6U CubeSat) including a novel type of GNSS-R technique: the reconstructed one. The desing, development of the platform, and a number of ground-based, airborne and stratospheric balloon experiments to validate the technique and to optimize the instrument. In particular, the main contributions of this Ph.D. thesis are: 1) A novel dual-band Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometer that uses the P(Y) and C/A signals scattered over the sea surface to perform highly precise altimetric measurements (PYCARO). 2) The first proof-of-concept of PYCARO was performed during two different ground-based field experiments over a dam and over the sea under different surface roughness conditions. 3) The scattering of GNSS signals over a water surface has been studied when the receiver is at low height, as for GNSS-R coastal altimetry applications. The precise determination of the local sea level and wave state from the coast can provide useful altimetry and wave information as "dry" tide and wave gauges. In order to test this concept an experiment has been conducted at the Canal d'Investigació i Experimentació Marítima (CIEM) wave channel for two synthetic "sea" states. 4) Two ESA-sponsored airborne experiments were perfomed to test the precision and the relative accuracy of the conventional GNSS-R. 5) The empirical results of a GNSS-R experiment on-board the ESA-sponsored BAXUS 17 stratospheric balloon campaign performed North of Sweden over boreal forests showed that the power of the reflected signals is nearly independent of the platform height for a high coherent integration time. 6) An improved version of the PYCARO payload was tested in Octover 2014 for the second time during the ESA-sposored BEXUS-19,. This work achieved the first ever dual-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS-R observations over boreal forests and lakes using GPS, GLONASS and Galileo signals. 7) The first-ever dual-frequency multi-constellation GNSS-R dual-polarization measurements over boreal forests and lakes were obtained from the stratosphere during the BEXUS 19 using the PYCARO reflectometer operated in closed-loop mode.Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) es una técnica de radar multi-estático que usa señales de radio-navegación como señales de oportunidad. Esta técnica proporciona "wide-swath" y un mejor sampleado espacio-temporal en comparación con las misiones espaciales actuales. La falta de datos desde el espacio proporcionando señales de múltiples constelaciones (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) en doble banda (L1 y L2) y en doble polarización (RHCP y LHCP) sobre océano, tierra y criosfera continua siendo un problema por solucionar. 3Cat-2 es un cubesat de 6 unidades con el objetivo de explorar elementos fundamentales para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el scattering bi-estático sobre diferentes medios dispersores. Dado que la geolocalización de puntos de reflexión específicos está determinada solo por geometría, es necesario un requisito moderado de apuntamiento para corregir el diagrama de antena en aplicaciones de dispersometría. El lanzamiento del 3Cat-2 será en Q2 2016 en una órbitra heliosíncrona usando un cohete Long March II D. Esta tesis representa las contribuciones principales al desarrollo del satélite 3Cat2 para realizar observación de la tierra con GNSS-R incluyendo una nueva técnica: "the reconstructed-code GNSS-R". El diseño, desarrollo de la plataforma y un número de experimentos en tierra, desde avión y desde globo estratosférico para validar la técnica y optimizar el instrumento han sido realizados. En particular, las contribuciones de esta Ph.D. son: 1) un novedoso Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometer que usa las señales P(Y) y C/A después de ser dispersadas sobre la superficie del mar para realizar medidas altimétricas muy precisas. (PYCARO). 2) La primera prueba de concepto de PYCARO se hizo en dos experimentos sobre un pantano y sobre el mar bajo diferentes condiciones de rugosidad. 3) La disperión de las señales GNSS sobre una superfice de agua ha sido estudiada para bajas altitudes para aplicaciones GNSS-R altimétricas de costa. La determinación precisa del nivel local del mar y el estado de las olas desde la costa puede proporcionar información útil de altimetría e información de olas. Para hacer un test de este concepto un experimento en el Canal d'Investigació i Experimentació Marítima (CIEM) fue realizado para dos estados sintéticos de rugosidad. 4) Dos experimentos en avión con esponsor de la ESA se realizaron para estudiar la preción y la exactitud relativa de cGNSS-R. 5) Los resultados empíricos del experimento GNSS-R en BEXUS 17 con esponsor de la ESA realizado en el norte de Suecia sobre bosques boreales mostró que la potencia reflejada de las señales es independiente de la altitud de la plataforma para un tiempo de integración coherente muy alto. 6) Una versión mejorada del PYCARO fue testeada en octubre del 2014 por segunda vez durante el BEXUS 19 que también fue patrocidado por la ESA. Este trabajo proporcionó las primeras medidas GNSS-R sobre bosques boreales en doble frecuencia usando varias constelaciones GNSS. 7) Las primeras medidas polarimétricas (RHCP y LHCP) de GNSS-R sobre bosques boreales también fueron conseguidas durante el experimento BEXUS 19.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Earth remote sensing with SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP missions

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    The first three of a series of new generation satellites operating at L-band microwave frequencies have been launch in the last decade. L-band is particularly sensitive to the presence of water content in the scene under observation, being considered the optimal bandwidth for measuring the Earth's global surface soil moisture (SM) over land and sea surface salinity (SSS) over oceans. Monitoring these two essential climate variables is needed to further improve our understanding of the Earth's water and energy cycles. Additionally, remote sensing at L-band has been proved useful for monitoring the stability in ice sheets and measuring sea ice thickness. The ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS, 2009-2017) is the first mission specifically launched to monitor SM and SSS. It carries on-board a novel synthetic aperture radiometer with multi-angular and full-polarization capabilities. NASA's Aquarius (2011-2015) was the second mission, devoted to SSS monitoring with a combined real aperture radiometer/scatterometer system that allows correcting for sea surface roughness. NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP, 2015-2018) is the second mission dedicated to measure SM. It carries on-board a real aperture full-polarimetric radiometer and a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for enhanced spatial resolution and freeze/thaw detection. This Ph.D. Thesis is focused on analyzing the geophysical information that can be obtained from L-band SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP observations. The research activities are structured as follows: -Inter-comparison of radiometer brightness temperatures at selected targets. A novel methodology to measure the consistency between SMOS and Aquarius radiometric data over the entire dynamic range of observations (land, ice and ocean) is proposed. It allows detecting spatial/temporal differences or biases without latitudinal limitations neither cross-overs. This is a necessary step to combine observations from different instruments in a long term dataset for environmental, meteorological, hydrological or climatological studies. -Ice thickness effects on passive remote sensing of Antarctic continental ice. The relationship between Antarctic ice thickness spatial variations and changes detected by SMOS and Aquarius measurements is explored. The emissivity of Antarctica is analyzed to disentangle the role of the geophysical contributions (snow layers at different depths and subglacial lakes) to the observed signal. The stability of the L-band signal in the East Antarctic Plateau, calibration/validation site for microwave satellite missions, is assessed. -Microwave/optical synergy for multi-scale soil moisture sensing. The relationship of SM and land surface temperature (LST) dynamics is evaluated to better understand the fundamental SM-LST link through evapotranspiration and thermal inertia physical processes. A new approach to measure the critical soil moisture from time-series of spaceborne SM and LST is proposed. The synergistic use of SMOS SM and remotely sensed LST for refining SM disaggregation algorithms is also analyzed. -Comparison of passive and active microwave vegetation parameters. Recent research has shown that microwave vegetation opacity, sensitive to biomass and water content, and albedo, related to canopy structure, can be retrieved from passive L-band observations. The relationships between these two parameters and radar-derived vegetation descriptors have been explored using airborne observations from the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12). The obtained relations could allow for improved SM retrievals in active-passive systems, and also to estimate the vegetation properties at high resolution using SAR observations. The Ph.D. Thesis has been developed within the activities of the Barcelona Expert Centre (BEC). The presented results contribute to the use of L-band remote sensing in different scientific disciplines such as climate, cryosphere, hydrology and ecology.Els primers tres d'una sèrie de satèl·lits de nova generació funcionant a la banda L han sigut llançats a l'última dècada. La banda L es molt sensible a la presència d'aigua a l'escena observada, sent considerada òptima per mesurar la humitat del sòl (SM) i la salinitat del mar (SSS) de manera global a la superfície de la Terra. Monitoritzar aquestes dues variables climàtiques essencials es necessari per millorar el nostre coneixement dels cicles de l'aigua i l'energia. La teledetecció a banda L també ha sigut útil per monitoritzar l'estabilitat de les capes de gel i mesurar el gruix de gel marí. La missió Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS, 2009-2017) de l'ESA és la primera específicament llançada per monitoritzar SM i SSS. Porta un nou radiòmetre d'apertura sintètica amb capacitat multiangular i polarització completa. La missió Aquarius (2011-2015) de la NASA va ser la segona, dedicada a monitoritzar SSS amb un sistema de radiòmetre/escateròmetre d’apertura real que permet corregir la rugositat de la superfície del mar. La missió Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP, 2015-2018) de la NASA és la segona dedicada a mesurar SM. Porta un radiòmetre d'apertura real i polarització completa i un radar d'apertura sintètica (SAR) per una millor resolució espaial i detecció de congelació/descongelació. Aquesta tesi està enfocada en analitzar la informació geofísica que pot obtenir-se de les observacions a banda L d'SMOS, Aquarius i SMAP. La seva investigació està estructurada com: -Intercomparació de temperatures de brillantor en zones seleccionades. Es proposa un nou mètode per mesurar la consistència entre les dades radiomètriques d'SMOS i Aquarius sobre el rang dinàmic complet d'observacions (terra, gel, oceà). Això permet detectar diferències espaials/temporals o biaixos sense limitacions latitudinals ni creuaments. Aquest pas es necessari per combinar observacions de diferents instruments en un llarg conjunt de dades per estudis mediambientals, hidrològics o climatològics. -Efecte de gruix de gel en teledetecció de gel continental a l'Antàrtida. S'explora la relació entre les variacions espaials del gruix de gel antàrtic i els canvis detectats a les mesures d'SMOS i Aquarius. L'emissivitat de l'Antàrtida es analitzada per discernir el rol de les contribucions geofísiques (capes de gel a diferents profunditats i llacs subglacials) al senyal observat. S'avalua l'estabilitat del senyal a banda L sobre la zona est de l'altiplà antàrtic, lloc per calibratge/validació de satèl·lits de microones. -Sinèrgia de microones/òptic per teledetecció de SM multiescala. S'avalua la correlació entre la SM i la temperatura de la superfície del sòl (LST) per entendre millor la relació SM-LST a través de processos físics d'evapotranspiració i inèrcia tèrmica. Es proposa un nou mètode per mesurar la humitat crítica utilitzant sèries temporals de SM i LST de satèl·lit. S'analitza l'ús de la SM de SMOS amb la LST de teledetecció per refinar algorismes de desagregació de SM. -Comparació de paràmetres passius i actius de microones relatius a la vegetació. Recent investigació ha mostrat que l'opacitat, sensible a la biomassa i el contingut d'aigua, i l'albedo, relacionat amb l'estructura, poden ser recuperats d'observacions passives a banda L. S'exploren les relacions entre aquests dos paràmetres i estimadors de vegetació derivats de radar utilitzant les observacions d'avió de l'experiment de validació d'SMAP 2012 (SMAPVEX12). Les relacions obtingudes podrien permetre millors recuperacions de SM en sistemes actius/passius i estimar les propietats de la vegetació a alta resolució utilitzant mesures de SAR. La tesi s'ha desenvolupat dins les activitats del Barcelona Expert Centre (BEC). Els resultats presentats contribueixen a l'ús de la banda L a diferents disciplines científiques com la climatologia, la criosfera, la hidrologia i l'ecologia

    Complex permittivity and scattering characteristics of forest fire ash particles at microwave and millimetre wave frequencies

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    The geometric, physical, dynamic and scattering properties of ash particulates resulting from Australian biomass, along with the complex permittivity, have been presented within this dissertation. The rationale behind this work relates to the characterisation of the fundamental scattering properties of ash particulates, with the primary goals being to aid active radar system design and to provide a basic framework for a complex inverse scattering model. The reflectivity coefficient for a volumetrically dispersed medium has been defined by characterising three distinct properties of ash. Firstly, statistical modelling of ash created from various plant and tree species was conducted in order to describe its geometric and material behaviour. Here, similarities between plant and tree species with comparable foliage were noted. Three probability distribution functions (PDF) relating to the projected area, aspect ratio and through thickness dimensions for large ash particles (>0.2mm2) have been mapped. Material investigation has included analysis of the effects of temperature on biomass and the resultant geometric changes this incurs. Furthermore, the effects of natural moisture absorption rates and porosity estimations using measured and micro-computer-tomography (Micro-CT) techniques have been presented. An analysis of the dynamic behaviour of ash particles within a defined volume of space displaying different modes provides the second area of investigation. Particular focus has been given to the ascent and descent phases of the ash particles, with analysis of three dynamic stability modes; namely tumbling, fluttering and chaotic random. Probability distribution functions for orientation and analysis of velocities and Reynolds numbers have been established using video processing techniques. The complex permittivity of ash at both low and high temperatures has been measured. Here, an empirically derived mixing law has been established to theoretically model the complex permittivity of ash. This model also takes into account concentrations of water that may be absorbed by the highly porous material. By applying the knowledge gained from the analysis of ash particles, extensive modelling and measurement work has been carried out to determine their reflectivity. Simulated modelling of the ash has been achieved using a hybrid simulation scheme to accurately implement statistical models over a wide range of frequencies (1-40GHz)

    Workshop on the Martian Surface and Atmosphere Through Time

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    The purpose of the workshop was to bring together the Mars Surface and Atmosphere Through Time (MSATT) Community and interested researchers to begin to explore the interdisciplinary nature of, and to determine the relationships between, various aspects of Mars science that involve the geological and chemical evolution of its surface, the structure and dynamics of its atmosphere, interactions between the surface and atmosphere, and the present and past states of its volatile endowment and climate system

    The Twenty-Fifth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Part 3: P-Z

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    Various papers on lunar and planetary science are presented, covering such topics as: impact craters, tektites, lunar geology, lava flow, geodynamics, chondrites, planetary geology, planetary surfaces, volcanology, tectonics, topography, regolith, metamorphic rock, geomorphology, lunar soil, geochemistry, petrology, cometary collisions, geochronology, weathering, and meteoritic composition

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 60)

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    This bibliography lists 485 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between October 1 and December 31, 1988. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, oceanography and marine resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, and instrumentation and sensors

    Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

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    This Open Access volume aims to methodologically improve our understanding of biodiversity by linking disciplines that incorporate remote sensing, and uniting data and perspectives in the fields of biology, landscape ecology, and geography. The book provides a framework for how biodiversity can be detected and evaluated—focusing particularly on plants—using proximal and remotely sensed hyperspectral data and other tools such as LiDAR. The volume, whose chapters bring together a large cross-section of the biodiversity community engaged in these methods, attempts to establish a common language across disciplines for understanding and implementing remote sensing of biodiversity across scales. The first part of the book offers a potential basis for remote detection of biodiversity. An overview of the nature of biodiversity is described, along with ways for determining traits of plant biodiversity through spectral analyses across spatial scales and linking spectral data to the tree of life. The second part details what can be detected spectrally and remotely. Specific instrumentation and technologies are described, as well as the technical challenges of detection and data synthesis, collection and processing. The third part discusses spatial resolution and integration across scales and ends with a vision for developing a global biodiversity monitoring system. Topics include spectral and functional variation across habitats and biomes, biodiversity variables for global scale assessment, and the prospects and pitfalls in remote sensing of biodiversity at the global scale