7 research outputs found

    Gradual Program Analysis

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    Dataflow analysis and gradual typing are both well-studied methods to gain information about computer programs in a finite amount of time. The gradual program analysis project seeks to combine those two techniques in order to gain the benefits of both. This thesis explores the background information necessary to understand gradual program analysis, and then briefly discusses the research itself, with reference to publication of work done so far. The background topics include essential aspects of programming language theory, such as syntax, semantics, and static typing; dataflow analysis concepts, such as abstract interpretation, semilattices, and fixpoint computations; and gradual typing theory, such as the concept of an unknown type, liftings of predicates, and liftings of functions

    NPEFix: Automatic Runtime Repair of Null Pointer Exceptions in Java

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    Null pointer exceptions, also known as null dereferences are the number one exceptions in the field. In this paper, we propose 9 alternative execution semantics when a null pointer exception is about to happen. We implement those alternative execution strategies using code transformation in a tool called NPEfix. We evaluate our prototype implementation on 11 field null dereference bugs and 519 seeded failures and show that NPEfix is able to repair at runtime 10/11 and 318/519 failures

    On Leveraging Tests to Infer Nullable Annotations

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    Issues related to the dereferencing of null pointers are a pervasive and widely studied problem, and numerous static analyses have been proposed for this purpose. These are typically based on dataflow analysis, and take advantage of annotations indicating whether a type is nullable or not. The presence of such annotations can significantly improve the accuracy of null checkers. However, most code found in the wild is not annotated, and tools must fall back on default assumptions, leading to both false positives and false negatives. Manually annotating code is a laborious task and requires deep knowledge of how a program interacts with clients and components. We propose to infer nullable annotations from an analysis of existing test cases. For this purpose, we execute instrumented tests and capture nullable API interactions. Those recorded interactions are then refined (santitised and propagated) in order to improve their precision and recall. We evaluate our approach on seven projects from the spring ecosystems and two google projects which have been extensively manually annotated with thousands of @Nullable annotations. We find that our approach has a high precision, and can find around half of the existing @Nullable annotations. This suggests that the method proposed is useful to mechanise a significant part of the very labour-intensive annotation task

    Casper: Debugging Null Dereferences with Dynamic Causality Traces

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    Fixing a software error requires understanding its root cause. In this paper, we introduce "causality traces", crafted execution traces augmented with the information needed to reconstruct the causal chain from the root cause of a bug to an execution error. We propose an approach and a tool, called Casper, for dynamically constructing causality traces for null dereference errors. The core idea of Casper is to inject special values, called "ghosts", into the execution stream to construct the causality trace at runtime. We evaluate our contribution by providing and assessing the causality traces of 14 real null dereference bugs collected over six large, popular open-source projects. Over this data set, Casper builds a causality trace in less than 5 seconds

    Empirically-Grounded Construction of Bug Prediction and Detection Tools

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    There is an increasing demand on high-quality software as software bugs have an economic impact not only on software projects, but also on national economies in general. Software quality is achieved via the main quality assurance activities of testing and code reviewing. However, these activities are expensive, thus they need to be carried out efficiently. Auxiliary software quality tools such as bug detection and bug prediction tools help developers focus their testing and reviewing activities on the parts of software that more likely contain bugs. However, these tools are far from adoption as mainstream development tools. Previous research points to their inability to adapt to the peculiarities of projects and their high rate of false positives as the main obstacles of their adoption. We propose empirically-grounded analysis to improve the adaptability and efficiency of bug detection and prediction tools. For a bug detector to be efficient, it needs to detect bugs that are conspicuous, frequent, and specific to a software project. We empirically show that the null-related bugs fulfill these criteria and are worth building detectors for. We analyze the null dereferencing problem and find that its root cause lies in methods that return null. We propose an empirical solution to this problem that depends on the wisdom of the crowd. For each API method, we extract the nullability measure that expresses how often the return value of this method is checked against null in the ecosystem of the API. We use nullability to annotate API methods with nullness annotation and warn developers about missing and excessive null checks. For a bug predictor to be efficient, it needs to be optimized as both a machine learning model and a software quality tool. We empirically show how feature selection and hyperparameter optimizations improve prediction accuracy. Then we optimize bug prediction to locate the maximum number of bugs in the minimum amount of code by finding the most cost-effective combination of bug prediction configurations, i.e., dependent variables, machine learning model, and response variable. We show that using both source code and change metrics as dependent variables, applying feature selection on them, then using an optimized Random Forest to predict the number of bugs results in the most cost-effective bug predictor. Throughout this thesis, we show how empirically-grounded analysis helps us achieve efficient bug prediction and detection tools and adapt them to the characteristics of each software project

    Static Analysis in Practice

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    Static analysis tools search software looking for defects that may cause an application to deviate from its intended behavior. These include defects that compute incorrect values, cause runtime exceptions or crashes, expose applications to security vulnerabilities, or lead to performance degradation. In an ideal world, the analysis would precisely identify all possible defects. In reality, it is not always possible to infer the intent of a software component or code fragment, and static analysis tools sometimes output spurious warnings or miss important bugs. As a result, tool makers and researchers focus on developing heuristics and techniques to improve speed and accuracy. But, in practice, speed and accuracy are not sufficient to maximize the value received by software makers using static analysis. Software engineering teams need to make static analysis an effective part of their regular process. In this dissertation, I examine the ways static analysis is used in practice by commercial and open source users. I observe that effectiveness is hampered, not only by false warnings, but also by true defects that do not affect software behavior in practice. Indeed, mature production systems are often littered with true defects that do not prevent them from functioning, mostly correctly. To understand why this occurs, observe that developers inadvertently create both important and unimportant defects when they write software, but most quality assurance activities are directed at finding the important ones. By the time the system is mature, there may still be a few consequential defects that can be found by static analysis, but they are drowned out by the many true but low impact defects that were never fixed. An exception to this rule is certain classes of subtle security, performance, or concurrency defects that are hard to detect without static analysis. Software teams can use static analysis to find defects very early in the process, when they are cheapest to fix, and in so doing increase the effectiveness of later quality assurance activities. But this effort comes with costs that must be managed to ensure static analysis is worthwhile. The cost effectiveness of static analysis also depends on the nature of the defect being sought, the nature of the application, the infrastructure supporting tools, and the policies governing its use. Through this research, I interact with real users through surveys, interviews, lab studies, and community-wide reviews, to discover their perspectives and experiences, and to understand the costs and challenges incurred when adopting static analysis tools. I also analyze the defects found in real systems and make observations about which ones are fixed, why some seemingly serious defects persist, and what considerations static analysis tools and software teams should make to increase effectiveness. Ultimately, my interaction with real users confirms that static analysis is well received and useful in practice, but the right environment is needed to maximize its return on investment

    Null Dereference Analysis in Practice

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    Many analysis techniques have been proposed to determine when a potentially null value may be dereferenced. But we have observed in practice that not every potential null dereference is a “bug ” that developers want to fix. In this paper we discuss some of the challenges of using a null dereference analysis in practice, and reasons why developers may not feel it necessary to change code to prevent ever possible null dereference. We revisit previous work on XYLEM, an interprocedural null dereference analysis for Java, and discuss the challenge of comparing the results of different static analysis tools. We also report experimental results for XYLEM, Coverity Prevent, Fortify SCA, Eclipse and FindBugs, and observe that the different tools tradeoff the need to flag all potential null dereferences with the need to minimize the number of cases that are implausible in practice. We conclude by discussing whether it would be useful to extend the Java type system to distinguish between nullable and nonnull types, and prohibit unchecked dereferences of nullable types