157 research outputs found

    The Development of Methods to Estimate and Reduce Design Rework

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    Design rework includes unnecessary repetition in design tasks to correct design problems. Resolving design matters in advance, through in-depth understanding of the design planning and rework issues and development of effective predictive tools could contribute to higher business profit margins and a faster product time-to-market. This research aims to develop three novel and structured methods to predict the design rework occurrence and effort at the very early design stage, which may otherwise remain undiscovered until the testing and refinement phase. The major contribution obtained from the Design Rework Probability of Occurrence Estimation method, DRePOE, is the development of design rework drivers. The developed drivers have been synthesised with data from interview results, direct observations, and archival records obtained from eleven world-class aerospace and automotive components manufacturers. To predict the probability of occurrence, the individual score of each driver was compared against historical records utilising the analogy-based method. The Design Rework Effort Estimation method, DREE, was developed to interconnect functional structures and identify failure relationships among components. A significant contribution of The DREE method is its capability to assess the design rework effort at the component level under the worst-case scenario. Next a Prioritisation Design by Design Rework Effort Based method, PriDDREB, was developed to provide a tool to forecast the maximum design rework given the constraint. This method provides a tool to determine and prioritise the components that may require a significant design rework effort. The three methods developed were validated with an automotive water pump, a turbocharger, and a McPherson strut suspension system in accordance with the validation square method. It is demonstrated that DRePOE, DREE, PriDDREB methods can offer the product design team a means to predict the probability of design rework occurrence and assess the required effort during the testing and refinement phase at the very early design phase

    Air induction noise investigation during turbocharger surge events in petrol engines

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    Turbocharging is used as a means to downsize petrol engines, thereby, producing more power for a lower engine size, when compared with a naturally aspirated engine. Due to the presence of a throttle valve in the intake system in petrol engines, flow is restricted at the outlet pipe of the compressor during low load engine operation. For example, during transient tip out tip in maneuvers. Hence, there is a chance of the turbocharger operating in near surge or surge conditions and, thus, generating surge noise. This Thesis describes an experimental and simulation method to predict and measure the turbocharger surge noise. Initially, experimental transient tip-in and tip-out maneuver was performed on a non turbocharged car with a petrol engine. The measured noise level in the intake manifold, at a low frequency of up to 1200 Hz, was analysed and was shown not to represent surge noise. Next, a one dimensional simulation method was applied to simulate the noise of the engine and this demonstrated an increase in the acoustic pressure level in the intake manifold during the tip in and tip out maneuver. However, a surge noise pattern was not observed in the analysis of acoustic pressure signals in the intake system using Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). The simulation procedure was also used to inform the design of an experimental rig to recreate the surge noise under laboratory conditions. An experimental turbocharger noise rig, designed and built for this purpose, is explained in the Thesis. Important component parts likely to be involved in the surge noise generation such as the intake system, compressor, throttle body, compressor recirculation valve and measurement and control systems were integrated into the test rig. Background noise contributions from the electric motor, AC mains, supercharger pulley, throttle body, inverter fan, throttle body gearing and structural vibration of the supporting structure were identified from the analysed frequency components of the signals from surface microphone measurements taken at the intake system. This helped to clearly identify the surge noise frequency components (3250 Hz) in the STFT analysis. The fundamental mechanism of noise generation was identified using an analysis of the experimental results and a frequency calculation for vortex shedding and the radial acoustic resonances. One of the main conclusions of the Thesis is that the compressor recirculation valve (CRV) open or close position, the CRV delay time and the throttle position are major contributing factors to the cause of the surge noise. Another major conclusion is that the radial acoustic resonance may be a mechanism of surge noise generation. Finally, a passive solution to reduce the surge noise is proposed. A pipe with cross ribs is designed as a passive solution using the radial acoustic resonance calculation and the corresponding nodal patterns. This solution demonstrated a measured intake system noise reduction of up to 10dB under compressor surge conditions

    A novel framework for enhancing marine dual fuel engines environmental and safety performance via digital twins

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) advent and digitalisation has enabled the effective application of the digital twins (DT) in various industries, including shipping, with expected benefits on the systems safety, efficiency and environmental footprint. The present research study establishes a novel framework that aims to optimise the marine DF engines performance-emissions trade-offs and enhance their safety, whilst delineating the involved interactions and their effect on the performance and safety. The framework employs a DT, which integrates a thermodynamic engine model along with control function and safety systems modelling. The DT was developed in GT-ISE© environment. Both the gas and diesel operating modes are investigated under steady state and transient conditions. The engine layout is modified to include Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Air Bypass (ABP) systems for ensuring compliance with ‘Tier III’ emissions requirements. The optimal DF engine settings as well as the EGR/ABP systems settings for optimal engine efficiency and reduced emissions are identified in both gas and diesel modes, by employing a combination of optimisation techniques including multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGA) and Design of Experiments (DoE) parametric runs. This study addresses safety by developing an intelligent engine monitoring and advanced faults/failure diagnostics systems, which evaluates the sensors measurements uncertainty. A Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (FMEA) is employed to identify the engine safety critical components, which are used to specify operating scenarios for detailed investigation with the developed DT. The integrated DT is further expanded, by establishing a Faulty Operation Simulator (FOS) to simulate the FMEA scenarios and assess the engine safety implications. Furthermore, an Engine Diagnostics System (EDS) is developed, which offers intelligent engine monitoring, advanced diagnostics and profound corrective actions. This is accomplished by developing and employing a Data-Driven (DD) model based on Neural Networks (NN), along with logic controls, all incorporated in the EDS. Lastly, the manufacturer’s and proposed engine control systems are combined to form an innovative Unified Digital System (UDS), which is also included in the DT. The analysis of marine (DF) engines with the use of an innovative DT, as presented herein, is paving the way towards smart shipping.The Internet of Things (IoT) advent and digitalisation has enabled the effective application of the digital twins (DT) in various industries, including shipping, with expected benefits on the systems safety, efficiency and environmental footprint. The present research study establishes a novel framework that aims to optimise the marine DF engines performance-emissions trade-offs and enhance their safety, whilst delineating the involved interactions and their effect on the performance and safety. The framework employs a DT, which integrates a thermodynamic engine model along with control function and safety systems modelling. The DT was developed in GT-ISE© environment. Both the gas and diesel operating modes are investigated under steady state and transient conditions. The engine layout is modified to include Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Air Bypass (ABP) systems for ensuring compliance with ‘Tier III’ emissions requirements. The optimal DF engine settings as well as the EGR/ABP systems settings for optimal engine efficiency and reduced emissions are identified in both gas and diesel modes, by employing a combination of optimisation techniques including multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGA) and Design of Experiments (DoE) parametric runs. This study addresses safety by developing an intelligent engine monitoring and advanced faults/failure diagnostics systems, which evaluates the sensors measurements uncertainty. A Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (FMEA) is employed to identify the engine safety critical components, which are used to specify operating scenarios for detailed investigation with the developed DT. The integrated DT is further expanded, by establishing a Faulty Operation Simulator (FOS) to simulate the FMEA scenarios and assess the engine safety implications. Furthermore, an Engine Diagnostics System (EDS) is developed, which offers intelligent engine monitoring, advanced diagnostics and profound corrective actions. This is accomplished by developing and employing a Data-Driven (DD) model based on Neural Networks (NN), along with logic controls, all incorporated in the EDS. Lastly, the manufacturer’s and proposed engine control systems are combined to form an innovative Unified Digital System (UDS), which is also included in the DT. The analysis of marine (DF) engines with the use of an innovative DT, as presented herein, is paving the way towards smart shipping

    Marine Power Systems

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    Marine power systems have been designed to be a safer alternative to stationary plants in order to adhere to the regulations of classification societies. Marine steam boilers recently achieved 10 MPa pressure, in comparison to stationary plants, where a typical boiler pressure of 17 MPa was the standard for years. The latest land-based, ultra-supercritical steam boilers reach 25 MPa pressure and 620 °C temperatures, which increases plant efficiency and reduces fuel consumption. There is little chance that such a plant concept could be applied to ships. The reliability of marine power systems has to be higher due to the lack of available spare parts and services that are available for shore power systems. Some systems are still very expensive and are not able to be widely utilized for commercial merchant fleets such as COGAS, mainly due to the high cost of gas turbines. Submarine vehicles are also part of marine power systems, which have to be reliable and accurate in their operation due to their distant control centers. Materials that are used in marine environments are prone to faster corrosive wear, so special care also should be taken in this regard. The main aim of this Special Issue is to discuss the options and possibilities of utilizing energy in a more economical way, taking into account the reliability of such a system in operation

    Real-time implementation of a sensor validation scheme for a heavy-duty diesel engine

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    With ultra-low exhaust emissions standards, heavy-duty diesel engines (HDDEs) are dependent upon a myriad of sensors to optimize power output and exhaust emissions. Apart from acquiring and processing sensor signals, engine control modules should also have capabilities to report and compensate for sensors that have failed. The global objective of this research was to develop strategies to enable HDDEs to maintain nominal in-use performance during periods of sensor failures. Specifically, the work explored the creation of a sensor validation scheme to detect, isolate, and accommodate sensor failures in HDDEs. The scheme not only offers onboard diagnostic (OBD) capabilities, but also control of engine performance in the event of sensor failures. The scheme, known as Sensor Failure Detection Isolation and Accommodation (SFDIA), depends on mathematical models for its functionality. Neural approximators served as the modeling tool featuring online adaptive capabilities. The significance of the SFDIA is that it can enhance an engine management system (EMS) capability to control performance under any operating conditions when sensors fail. The SFDIA scheme updates models during the lifetime of an engine under real world, in-use conditions. The central hypothesis for the work was that the SFDIA scheme would allow continuous normal operation of HDDEs under conditions of sensor failures. The SFDIA was tested using the boost pressure, coolant temperature, and fuel pressure sensors to evaluate its performance. The test engine was a 2004 MackRTM MP7-355E (11 L, 355 hp). Experimental work was conducted at the Engine and Emissions Research Laboratory (EERL) at West Virginia University (WVU). Failure modes modeled were abrupt, long-term drift and intermittent failures. During the accommodation phase, the SFDIA restored engine power up to 0.64% to nominal. In addition, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions were maintained at up to 1.41% to nominal

    Modelling and analysis methodology of SI IC engines turbocharged by VGT

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    [ES] Se espera que la nueva generación de motores de encendido provocado represente la mayor parte del mercado en el contexto de la propulsión de vehículos con o sin hibridación. Sin embargo, la tecnología actual todavía tiene desafíos críticos por delante para cumplir con los nuevos estándares de emisiones de CO2 y contaminantes. Consecuentemente están surgiendo nuevas tecnologías para mejorar la eficiencia de los motores y que estos cumplan con las nuevas normativas anti-contaminación. Entre otras, una de las tendencias más seguidas en la actualidad es la reducción de tamaño de los motores, concepto conocido como "downsizing", bajo la técnica de la turbosobrealimentación. Las nuevas tecnologías de turbocompresores, como las turbinas de geometría variable (TGV), se empiezan a considerar para su aplicación en las exigentes condiciones de funcionamiento de los nuevos motores de encendido provocado. En este trabajo, a partir de datos experimentales obtenidos en la sala de ensayos del motor, se propone una metodología de calibración del modelo completo de motor 1-D: se realiza un análisis teórico dirigido a asegurar el control total sobre cualquier aspecto de la simulación. En otras palabras, el modelo de motor 1-D se ajustó completamente con respecto a los datos experimentales del motor. Además, se demuestra la necesidad del postprocesamiento y validación de datos experimentales relacionados con mapas de turbocompresores, ya que se requiere desacoplar fenómenos como la transferencia de calor y las pérdidas por fricción de los denominados mapas experimentales de turbocompresores. De acuerdo con esto, se presenta una metodología para la obtención de mapas de turbocompresores, basada en una campaña experimental dividida en varias tipologias de ensayos y seguida de la etapa de modelado. La etapa de modelado se lleva a cabo utilizando modelos de turbocompresores integrales ya desarrollados o disponibles en la literatura. Adicionalmente se aborda la mejora en la precisión de las simulaciones cuando se comparan mapas de turbocompresores postprocesados con mapas puramente experimentales. Aprovechando el modelo de motor 1-D altamente validado y físicamente representativo así como los mapas validados del turbocompresor, se discute cómo las incertidumbres experimentales o las variables "fuera de control" pueden afectar los resultados experimentales. Se propone una metodología para superar este punto desde la perspectiva del modelado. Lo anterior permite realizar comparativas que en las se analiza exclusivamente el impacto de diferentes tecnologías de turbina o unidades de turbinas. Además, tomando como base el modelo ya desarrollado, es posible explorar diferentes cálculos de optimización, estrategias de control y proporcionar comparaciones de tecnología de turbinas en plenas cargas y cargas parciales de motor en un amplio rango de revoluciones. También se aborda el impacto de la altitud y se evalúan los transitorios de carga para dos tecnologías de turbinas analizadas: VGT y WG. Como conclusión, se demuestra que la tecnología VGT muestra menos limitaciones en condiciones de trabajo extremas, como en la curva de plena carga, donde la tecnología WG representa una limitación en términos de máxima potencia. Las diferencias a plena carga se vuelven aún más evidentes en condiciones de trabajo en altitud. Cuando se trata de cargas parciales, las diferencias en el consumo de combustible son menores, pero potencialmente beneficiosas para los VGT.[CA] S'espera que la nova generació de motors d'encesa per espurna representi la major part del mercat en el context de la propulsió de vehicles amb o sense hibridació. No obstant això, la tecnologia actual encara té reptes crítics per davant per complir amb els nous estàndards d'emissions de CO2 i contaminants. Conseqüentment estan sorgint noves tecnologies per millorar l'eficiència dels motors i que aquests compleixin amb les noves normatives anti-contaminació. Entre d'altres, una de les tendències més seguides en l'actualitat és la reducció de grandària dels motors, concepte conegut com "downsizing", sota la tècnica de la turbosobrealimentación. Les noves tecnologies de turbocompressors, com les VGT, es comencen a considerar per la seva aplicació en les exigents condicions de funcionament dels nous motors d'encesa per espurna. En aquest treball, a partir de dades experimentals obtingudes a la sala d'assajos de l'motor, es proposa una metodologia de calibratge del model complet de motor 1-D: es realitza una anàlisi teòrica dirigit a assegurar el control total sobre qualsevol aspecte de la simulació. En altres paraules, el model de motor 1-D es va ajustar completament respecte a les dades experimentals del motor. A més, es demostra la necessitat del posprocesamiento i validació de dades experimentals relacionats amb mapes de turbocompressors, ja que es requereix desacoblar fenòmens com la transferència de calor i les pèrdues per fricció dels denominats mapes experimentals de turbocompressors. D'acord amb això, es presenta una metodologia per a l'obtenció de mapes de turbocompressors, basada en una campanya experimental dividida en diverses tipologies d'assajos i seguida de l'etapa de modelatge. L'etapa de modelatge es porta a terme utilitzant models de turbocompressors integrals ja desenvolupats disponibles a la literatura. A més a s'aborda la millora en la precisió de les simulacions quan es comparen mapes de turbocompressors postprocessats amb mapes purament experimentals. Aprofitant el model de motor 1-D validat i físicament representatiu així com els mapes validats del turbocompressor, es discuteix com les incerteses experimentals o les variables "fora de control" poden afectar els resultats experimentals. Es proposa una metodologia per superar aquest punt des de la perspectiva de la modelització. L'anterior permet realitzar exclusivament la comparació de tecnologies / unitats de turbines. A més, prenent com a base el model ja desenvolupat, és possible explorar diferents càlculs d'optimització, estratègies de control i proporcionar comparacions de tecnologia de turbines a càrregues completes i parcials del motor en un ampli rang de revolucions del motor. També s'aborda l'impacte de l'altitud i s'avaluen els transitoris de càrrega per a dues tecnologies de turbines analitzades: VGT i WG. com a conclusió, es demostra que la tecnologia VGT mostra menys limitacions en condicions de treball extremes, com en la corba de plena càrrega, on la tecnologia WG representa una limitació en termes de màxima potència. Les diferències a plena càrrega es tornen encara més evidents en condicions de treball en altitud. Quan es tracta de càrregues parcials, les diferències en el consum de combustible són menors, però potencialment beneficioses per als VGT.[EN] The new generation of spark ignition (SI) engines is expected to represent most of the future market share in the context of power-train with or without hybridization. Nevertheless, the current technology has still critical challenges in front to meet incoming CO2 and pollutant emissions standards. Consequently, new technologies are emerging to improve engine efficiency and meet new pollutant regulations. Among others, one of the most followed trends is engine size reduction, known as downsizing, based on the turbocharging technique. New turbocharger technologies, such as variable geometry turbines (VGT), are evaluated for their application under the demanding operating conditions of SI engines. In this work, from experimental data obtained in an engine test cell, a 1-D complete engine model calibration methodology was conducted: a theoretical analysis aimed at ensuring full control on any aspect of the simulation. In other words, the 1-D engine model was fully fitted with respect to the experimental engine data. Furthermore, it is evidenced the requirement of post-processing and validating the experimental data dealing with turbocharger maps, since phenomena such as heat transfer and friction losses are required to be decoupled from the so-called experimental turbocharger maps. Accordingly, a methodology for turbocharger maps obtention is presented, based on an experimental campaign divided into several test typologies and followed by the modelling stage. The modelling stage is carried out making usage of already developed integral turbocharger models available in the literature. Additionally, the improvement in the accuracy of the simulations when post-processed turbocharger maps are compared against purely experimental maps is addressed. Taking advantage of the highly validated and physically representative 1-D gas-dynamics engine model and turbocharger validated maps, it is discussed how experimental uncertainties or "out-of-control" variables may impact the experimental results. A methodology is proposed to overcome this point from the modelling perspective. The previous allows performing exclusively turbine technologies/units comparison. In addition, taking as a basis the already developed model, it is possible to explore different optimization calculations, control strategies and provide turbine technology comparisons at engine full and partial loads in a wide range of engine speed. Also, the altitude impact is addressed and load transients are evaluated for two analysed turbine technologies: VGT and WG. In all, it was found that VGT technology shows fewer limitations in extreme working conditions, such as full load curve, where the WG technology represents a limitation in terms of the maximum power output. Full load differences become even more evident in altitude working conditions. When it comes to partial loads, differences in fuel consumption are minor but potentially beneficial for VGTs.Gómez Vilanova, A. (2022). Modelling and analysis methodology of SI IC engines turbocharged by VGT [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181929TESI

    Homogeneous Lean Combustion in Downsized Spark-Ignited Engines

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    Emissions of greenhouse-gasses and noxious compounds from internal combustion engines propelling personal transportation vehicles is an imminent issue in the society. Therefore, it is vital to find means of reducing these emissions to decrease the impacts of transportation. Despite the current rapid electrification of the light duty vehicle fleet, it is expected that there will still be a substantial share of vehicles, produced and sold, that are propelled either solely or partly by combustion engines in the next decades to come. An advantage of combustion engines is that they consume hydrocarbon fuels, which are energy dense and can be produced from renewable sources enabling elimination of net carbon emissions. These fuels can be distributed using the current infrastructure, allowing for a fast transition into a low-carbon transportation system. The sources of renewables are however limited, and production of renewable fuels requires energy, which is why the fuel efficiency of combustion engines is key.This thesis addresses the need for reduced emissions from personal transportation vehicles by investigating homogeneous lean combustion in downsized spark-ignited engines as a means of improving combustion engine fuel efficiency. Lean combustion offers substantial efficiency improvements to the current already well-developed combustion systems. However, historically, it has been proven difficult to achieve robust lean combustion that achieves both efficiency improvements and sufficiently low emissions of nitrogen oxides. In this thesis, the focus has been to investigate the potentially synergetic combination of high engine loads above 10 bar brake mean effective pressure, a common attribute of downsized engines, and lean combustion. The idea is that lean combustion reduces knocking combustion, a harmful event that limits engine efficiency due to cylinder pressure limitations. Simultaneously, it is hypothesized that higher engine loads will lead to faster and more stable combustion, allowing important reductions in nitrogen oxides.Using engine experiments and simulations, homogeneous lean combustion has been investigated. From the experiments it could be concluded that lean combustion can be sustained at high loads. One of the world’s first two-stage turbochargers designed solely for lean combustion was utilized for this purpose and found to be successful. However, it was discovered that lean combustion does not eliminate knocking combustion completelyKeywords: engine, efficiency, emissions, lean, combustion, nor did high load operation eliminate cyclic dispersion of combustion, which imposes limitations. Using improved in-cylinder charge motion and alternative fuels, these limitations can be mitigated, allowing for stable, efficient, low nitrogen oxide high load lean combustion

    Advanced Technologies for the Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines

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    This Special Issue puts together recent findings in advanced technologies for the optimization of internal combustion engines in order to help the scientific community address the efforts towards the development of higher-power engines with lower fuel consumption and pollutant emissions