388 research outputs found

    Sharpening of the multistage modified comb filters

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    This paper describes the application of filter sharpening method to the modified comb filter (MCF) in the case of decimation factor, which is product of two or more positive integers. It is shown that in the case of multistage decimation with MCF, filters in each stage are also MCF. Applying the sharpening to the decimation filter in the last stage provides very good results, with savings in the number of operations comparing to the case of sharpening of the complete filter. Direct-form FIR polyphase filter structure is proposed for the filters in each stage


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    The aim of this paper is to construct non-recursive filters, extensively used type of digital filters in digital signal processing applications, based on Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials. The paper proposes the use of the fourth-kind Chebyshev polynomials as functions in generating new filters. In this kind, low-pass filters with linear phase responses are obtained. Comprenhansive study of the frequency response characteristics of the generated filter functions is presented. The effects of coefficient quantization as one type of quantization that influences a filter characteristic are investigated here also. The quantized-coefficient errors are considered based on the number of bits and the implementation algorithm

    Digital frequency domain multiplexing readout electronics for the next generation of millimeter telescopes

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    Frequency domain multiplexing (fMux) is an established technique for the readout of transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers in millimeter-wavelength astrophysical instrumentation. In fMux, the signals from multiple detectors are read out on a single pair of wires reducing the total cryogenic thermal loading as well as the cold component complexity and cost of a system. The current digital fMux system, in use by POLARBEAR, EBEX, and the South Pole Telescope, is limited to a multiplexing factor of 16 by the dynamic range of the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device pre-amplifier and the total system bandwidth. Increased multiplexing is key for the next generation of large format TES cameras, such as SPT-3G and POLARBEAR2, which plan to have on the of order 15,000 detectors. Here, we present the next generation fMux readout, focusing on the warm electronics. In this system, the multiplexing factor increases to 64 channels per module (2 wires) while maintaining low noise levels and detector stability. This is achieved by increasing the system bandwidth, reducing the dynamic range requirements though active feedback, and digital synthesis of voltage biases with a novel polyphase filter algorithm. In addition, a version of the new fMux readout includes features such as low power consumption and radiation-hard components making it viable for future space-based millimeter telescopes such as the LiteBIRD satellite.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. To be published in Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9153. Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014, conference 915

    Low power techniques and architectures for multicarrier wireless receivers

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    Merenje komponenti električne snage po standardu IEEE 1459-2010

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    Merenje u nesinusoidalnim uslovima je u centru istraživanja i mnogo se napora ulaže da se pojam reaktivne snage star više od sedamdeset godina definiše na nov način. Postoji niz pristupa rešavanju problema definisanja snaga i/ili pokušaja koncipiranja merne instrumentacije za merenje snaga u sistemima naizmenične struje pod nesinusoidalnim uslovima. Jedini standard koji se odnosi na specifične zahteve za tačnost i odgovarajuće uslove testiranja u prisustvu harmonijskih izobličenja je IEEE Std. 1459-2010, koji ne daje definiciju reaktivne snage u nesinusoidalnim uslovima. Koncept ovog IEEE standarda je baziran na raz-dvajanju snage na fundamentalni i nefundamentalni deo. U literaturi su prisutne različite tehnike za imple-mentaciju standarda IEEE Std. 1459-2010. Ovaj standard je implementiran pomoću dva osnovna prilaza: (1) dvostepeni algoritam sa estimacijom harmonijskih spektara naponskog i strujnog signala u prvom koraku i računanjem nepoznatih komponenti snage u drugom koraku i (2) filterska implementacija kombinovana sa Clarke-Park transformacijom u slučaju trofaznog sistema. U radu je prikazana nova metoda za merenje električnih veličina definisanih standardom IEEE 1459-2010 koristeći drugi pristup. Ključni elementi su adaptivni pojasni i niskopropusni FIR filteri koji izdvajaju fundamentalnu i jednosmernu komponentu. U radu su korišćene tehnike oversemplinga i decimacionih filtera, čime se izbegavaju problemi vezani za osetljivost na zaokruživanje koeficijenata FIR kaskadnih filtera velikog reda, smanjuje obim numeričkih računanja i povećava tačnost merenja. Estimacija simetričnih komponenti vrši se pomoću matrice adaptivnih faznih korektora. U cilju procene performansi algoritma izvršene su računarske simulacije i dati njihovi rezultati.In this paper, the design and implementation of a novel recursive method for the power measurement ac-cording to the IEEE Standard 1459-2010 have been described. The most important parts are adaptive band and low-pass FIR filters that extract fundamental and dc components, respectively. In addition, by using oversampling techniques and decimation filters, coefficient sensitivity problems of the large-order FIR comb cascade structure are overridden and the parameter estimation accuracy is improved. The symmetrical components are estimated through a transformation matrix of adaptive phase shifters. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques is demonstrated by simulation results

    Back-end Design of the Readout System for Cryogenic Particle Detectors

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    Diese Arbeit widmet sich dem Design und der Entwicklung des digitalen Back-Ends (D-BE) für Raumtemperatur-Ausleseelektronik, die in kryogenen Quantendetektoren verwendet wird. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Anwendungen im Zusammenhang mit Experimenten zur Kosmischen Hintergrundstrahlung (CMB, im Englischen \textit{Cosmic Microwave Background radiation} genannt), jedoch ist die Technologie anpassbar für Partikeldetektionsexperimente. Zwei Schlüsselprojekte stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Forschung: das QUBIC-Projekt zur Erkennung der B-Mode-Polarisation des CMB und das ECHo-Experiment, das darauf abzielt, eine neue Obergrenze für die Bestimmung der Neutrinomasse im Sub-eV-Bereich festzulegen. In diesen Projekten werden Übergangskanten-Sensoren (TES) und magnetische Mikrokalorimeter (MMCs) eingesetzt. Im Fall des QUBIC-Projekts werden die TES unter Verwendung von Zeitaufteilungsmultiplexing (TDM) gemultiplext. Es wurde jedoch ein Vorschlag für einen neuen Bolo\-meter-Typ namens Magnetischer Mikrobolometer (MMB) in der QUBIC-Kollaboration vorgestellt, der die Implementierung eines Frequenzaufteilungsmultiplexing (FDM)-Sys\-tems ermöglicht. Dies könnte durch die Verwendung eines Mikrowellen-Supraleiter-Quan\-teninterferenzgerät (SQUID)-Multiplexers (μ\muMUX) erreicht werden, ähnlich wie bei den MMCs im ECHo-Experiment. Zur Erleichterung der Auslese der gemultiplexten Detektoren wird ein mehrtoniges Signal erzeugt, wobei jede Frequenztonkomponente einen μ\muMUX-Kanal innerhalb des Kryostaten überwacht. Dieses Signal passiert dann einen rauscharmen Verstärker (LNA, im Englischen \textit{Low-Noise Amplifier} genannt), der in der Regel in der 4 K-Stufe liegt, bevor es das Hochfrequenz-Front-End (RF-FE) erreicht. Das RF-FE umfasst Hochfrequenzelektronik, die sowohl mit dem D-BE als auch mit der Elektronik im Kryostaten verbunden ist. Diese Arbeit stellt eine neuartige Anwendung des Goertzel-Filters zur Kanalisierung von mehrtonigen Signalen vor. Durch Simulationen, die mit einem in dieser Arbeit entwickelten auf Python basierenden Softwarepaket durchgeführt wurden, wurde die optimale Konfiguration für die Signalgenerierung und -erfassung in Bezug auf Rauschleistung, Abschirmung gegen Übersprechen und Systemlinearität ermittelt. Diese Arbeit zeigt, wie dieser Ansatz effizient in einem Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementiert werden kann, was die Skalierbarkeit bei der Auslese mehrerer Sensoren ermöglicht. Diese Skalierung is im Besonderen in Anwendungen wie Radioteleskopen für CMB-Messungen, kryogenen Kalorimetern für die Partikeldetektion und Quantencomputing entscheidend. Umfangreiche Validierungsexperimente zeigen, wie die Implementierung dieses Filtersatzes die Kanalisierung des mehrtonigen Eingangssignals zur Wiederherstellung der von den Detektoren aufgezeichneten Daten ermöglicht

    Design Considerations When Accelerating an FPGA-Based Digital Microphone Array for Sound-Source Localization

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    The use of microphone arrays for sound-source localization is a well-researched topic. The response of such sensor arrays is dependent on the quantity of microphones operating on the array. A higher number of microphones, however, increase the computational demand, making real-time response challenging. In this paper, we present a Filter-and-Sum based architecture and several acceleration techniques to provide accurate sound-source localization in real-time. Experiments demonstrate how an accurate sound-source localization is obtained in a couple of milliseconds, independently of the number of microphones. Finally, we also propose different strategies to further accelerate the sound-source localization while offering increased angular resolution

    The design and implementation of a wideband digital radio receiver

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    Historically radio has been implemented using largely analogue circuitry. Improvements in mixed signal and digital signal processing technology are rapidly leading towards a largely digital approach, with down-conversion and filtering moving to the digital signal processing domain. Advantages of this technology include increased performance and functionality, as well as reduced cost. Wideband receivers place the heaviest demands on both mixed signal and digital signal processing technology, requiring high spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) and signal processing bandwidths. This dissertation investigates the extent to which current digital technology is able to meet these demands and compete with the proven architectures of analogue receivers. A scalable generalised digital radio receiver capable of operating in the HF and VHF bands was designed, implemented and tested, yielding instantaneous bandwidths in excess of 10 MHz with a spurious-free dynamic range exceeding 80 decibels below carrier (dBc). The results achieved reflect favourably on the digital receiver architecture. While the necessity for minimal analogue circuitry will possibly always exist, digital radio architectures are currently able to compete with analogue counterparts. The digital receiver is simple to manufacture, based on the use of largely commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, and exhibits extreme flexibility and high performance when compared with comparably priced analogue receivers