168 research outputs found

    A Note on Distance-Based Entropy of Dendrimers

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    This paper introduces a variant of entropy measures based on vertex eccentricity and applies it to all graphs representing the isomers of octane. Taking into account the vertex degree as well (degree-ecc-entropy), we find a good correlation with the acentric factor of octane isomers. In particular, we compute the degree-ecc-entropy for three classes of dendrimer graphs

    Spectral properties of geometric-arithmetic index

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    The concept of geometric-arithmetic index was introduced in the chemical graph theory recently, but it has shown to be useful. One of the main aims of algebraic graph theory is to determine how, or whether, properties of graphs are reflected in the algebraic properties of some matrices. The aim of this paper is to study the geometric-arithmetic index GA(1) from an algebraic viewpoint. Since this index is related to the degree of the vertices of the graph, our main tool will be an appropriate matrix that is a modification of the classical adjacency matrix involving the degrees of the vertices. Moreover, using this matrix, we define a GA Laplacian matrix which determines the geometric-arithmetic index of a graph and satisfies properties similar to the ones of the classical Laplacian matrix. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This research was supported in part by a Grant from Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (MTM 2013-46374-P), Spain, and a Grant from CONACYT (FOMIX-CONACyT-UAGro 249818), MĂ©xico

    Constraints on Multipartite Quantum Entropies

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    The von Neumann entropy plays a vital role in quantum information theory. As the Shannon entropydoes in classical information theory, the von Neumann entropy determines the capacities of quan-tum channels. Quantum entropies of composite quantum systems are important for future quantumnetwork communication their characterization is related to the so calledquantum marginal problem.Furthermore, they play a role in quantum thermodynamics. In this thesis the set of quantum entropiesof multipartite quantum systems is the main object of interest. The problem of characterizing this setis not new – however, progress has been sparse, indicating that the problem may be considered hardand that new methods might be needed. Here, a variety of different and complementary aprroachesare taken.First, I look at global properties. It is known that the von Neumann entropy region – just likeits classical counterpart – forms aconvex cone. I describe the symmetries of this cone and highlightgeometric similarities and differences to the classical entropy cone.In a different approach, I utilize thelocalgeometric properties ofextremal raysof a cone. I showthat quantum states whose entropy lies on such an extremal ray of the quantum entropy cone have avery simple structure.As the set of all quantum states is very complicated, I look at a simple subset calledstabilizerstates. I improve on previously known results by showing that under a technical condition on the localdimension, entropies of stabilizer states respect an additional class of information inequalities that isvalid for random variables from linear codes.In a last approach I find a representation-theoretic formulation of the classical marginal problemsimplifying the comparison with its quantum mechanical counterpart. This novel correspondenceyields a simplified formulation of the group characterization of classical entropies (IEEE Trans. Inf.Theory, 48(7):1992–1995, 2002) in purely combinatorial terms

    Local convertibility of the ground state of the perturbed Toric code

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    We present analytical and numerical studies of the behaviour of the α\alpha-Renyi entropies in the Toric code in presence of several types of perturbations aimed at studying the simulability of these perturbations to the parent Hamiltonian using local operations and classical communications (LOCC) - a property called local-convertibility. In particular, the derivatives, with respect to the perturbation parameter, present different signs for different values of α\alpha within the topological phase. From the information-theoretic point of view, this means that such ground states cannot be continuously deformed within the topological phase by means of catalyst assisted local operations and classical communications (LOCC). Such LOCC differential convertibility is on the other hand always possible in the trivial disordered phase. The non-LOCC convertibility is remarkable because it can be computed on a system whose size is independent of correlation length. This method can therefore constitute an experimentally feasible witness of topological order.Comment: 19 Pages,11 Figures. Updated to the published versio

    Holographic duality from random tensor networks

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    Tensor networks provide a natural framework for exploring holographic duality because they obey entanglement area laws. They have been used to construct explicit toy models realizing many interesting structural features of the AdS/CFT correspondence, including the non-uniqueness of bulk operator reconstruction in the boundary theory. In this article, we explore the holographic properties of networks of random tensors. We find that our models naturally incorporate many features that are analogous to those of the AdS/CFT correspondence. When the bond dimension of the tensors is large, we show that the entanglement entropy of boundary regions, whether connected or not, obey the Ryu-Takayanagi entropy formula, a fact closely related to known properties of the multipartite entanglement of assistance. Moreover, we find that each boundary region faithfully encodes the physics of the entire bulk entanglement wedge. Our method is to interpret the average over random tensors as the partition function of a classical ferromagnetic Ising model, so that the minimal surfaces of Ryu-Takayanagi appear as domain walls. Upon including the analog of a bulk field, we find that our model reproduces the expected corrections to the Ryu-Takayanagi formula: the minimal surface is displaced and the entropy is augmented by the entanglement of the bulk field. Increasing the entanglement of the bulk field ultimately changes the minimal surface topologically in a way similar to creation of a black hole. Extrapolating bulk correlation functions to the boundary permits the calculation of the scaling dimensions of boundary operators, which exhibit a large gap between a small number of low-dimension operators and the rest. While we are primarily motivated by AdS/CFT duality, our main results define a more general form of bulk-boundary correspondence which could be useful for extending holography to other spacetimes.Comment: 57 pages, 13 figure

    Dynamical Systems Theory

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    The quest to ensure perfect dynamical properties and the control of different systems is currently the goal of numerous research all over the world. The aim of this book is to provide the reader with a selection of methods in the field of mathematical modeling, simulation, and control of different dynamical systems. The chapters in this book focus on recent developments and current perspectives in this important and interesting area of mechanical engineering. We hope that readers will be attracted by the topics covered in the content, which are aimed at increasing their academic knowledge with competences related to selected new mathematical theoretical approaches and original numerical tools related to a few problems in dynamical systems theory
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