3,342 research outputs found

    Novel approach for three-dimensional integral documentation of machine rooms in hospitals using portable mobile mapping system

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    10 p.In this paper, a novel method for the documentation and evaluation of the machine roomsin hospitals is presented. The approach is based on data acquired with a portable mobile mappingsystem (PMMS), GeoSlam Zeb-Revo, which has proved to be effective for three-dimensional (3D) mappingof indoor environments, as well as for 3D modeling of individual thermal and fluid-mechanics equipment.An automatic data processing workflow based on the extraction of quantitative and qualitative geometricalfeatures from the point clouds provided by the PMMS is developed with the aim of evaluating the stateand adequate distributions of machineries and, in this way, generating a complete three-dimensional map ofthe industrial environment to be used for maintenance, inspection, and inventory tasks in accordance withsafety standards. The extracted parameters are statistically tested to evaluate the adequacy of the proposedmethodology and, in this way, demonstrate its potential for the application in the context of hospital facilitiesS

    Validation of Portable Mobile Mapping System for inspection tasks in thermal and fluid-mechanical facilities

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    20 p.The three-dimensional registration of industrial facilities has a great importance for maintenance, inspection, and safety tasks and it is a starting point for new improvements and expansions in the industrial facilities context. In this paper, a comparison between the results obtained using a novel portable mobile mapping system (PMMS) and a static terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), widely used for 3D reconstruction in civil and industrial scenarios, is carried out. This comparison is performed in the context of industrial inspection tasks, specifically in the thermal and fluid-mechanics facilities in a hospital. The comparison addresses the general reconstruction of a machine room, focusing on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of different elements (e.g., valves, regulation systems, burner systems and tanks, etc.). The validation of the PMMS is provided considering the TLS as ground truth and applying a robust statistical analysis. Results come to confirm the suitability of the PMMS to perform inspection tasks in industrial facilities.S

    Navigating the Patient Room: Critical Care Nurses' Interaction with the Designed Physical Environment

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    abstract: The physical environment influences the physiology, psychology, and the societal interactions of those who experience it. The environment can also influence human behavior. Critical care nurses are in constant interaction with the physical environment surrounding their patients. High acuity ICU patients are vulnerable and at risk for harm, infection, and poor outcomes while the physical and cognitive workload of nurses presents a demanding and continuous challenge. The goal of this qualitative study was to explore and understand the way critical care nurses navigate within the patient room and interact with its features. The study of critical care nurses interacting with the patient room environment was conducted in five critical care units at three tertiary care institutions in the Eastern United States, along with another unit in the pilot study at a community hospital in the Southwest United States. Nurses were observed in their typical work environment as they performed normal tasks and patient care activities for entire day and night shifts. The study involved ethnographic field observations, individual semi-structured participant interviews, and examination of photographs and floor plans. The exploratory study resulted in a comprehensive model for nurse navigation that includes both cognitive and action components, along with a conceptual framework for nurse behavioral activity. Repetitive patterns of nurse movement were identified and named. The findings produced recommendations for nurses’ effective use of space and architectural design of ICU patient rooms to improve patient outcomes.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Nursing and Healthcare Innovation 201

    Towards Interoperability in E-health Systems: a three-dimensional approach based on standards and semantics

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    Proceedings of: HEALTHINF 2009 (International Conference on Helath Informatics), Porto (Portugal), January 14-17, 2009, is part of BIOSTEC (Intemational Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies)The interoperability problem in eHealth can only be addressed by mean of combining standards and technology. However, these alone do not suffice. An appropiate framework that articulates such combination is required. In this paper, we adopt a three-dimensional (information, conference and inference) approach for such framework, based on OWL as formal language for terminological and ontological health resources, SNOMED CT as lexical backbone for all such resources, and the standard CEN 13606 for representing EHRs. Based on tha framewok, we propose a novel form for creating and supporting networks of clinical terminologies. Additionally, we propose a number of software modules to semantically process and exploit EHRs, including NLP-based search and inference, wich can support medical applications in heterogeneous and distributed eHealth systems.This work has been funded as part of the Spanish nationally funded projects ISSE (FIT-350300-2007-75) and CISEP (FIT-350301-2007-18). We also acknowledge IST-2005-027595 EU project NeO

    Desarrollo de geotecnologías aplicadas a la inspección y monitorización de entornos industriales

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]El desarrollo tecnológico de las últimas dos décadas ha supuesto un cambio radical que está llevando a un nuevo paradigma en el que se entremezclan el mundo físico y el digital. Estos cambios han influido enormemente en la sociedad, modificando las formas de comunicación, acceso a información, ocio, trabajo, etc. Asimismo, la industria ha adoptado estas tecnologías disruptivas, las cuales están contribuyendo a lograr un mayor control y automatización del proceso productivo. En el ámbito industrial, las tareas de mantenimiento son críticas para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de una planta o instalación, ya que influyen directamente en la productividad y pueden suponer un elevado costo adicional. Las nuevas tecnologías están posibilitando la monitorización continua y a la inspección automatizada, proporcionando herramientas auxiliares a los inspectores que mejoran la detección de fallos y permiten anticipar y optimizar la planificación de las tareas de mantenimiento. Con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas que aporten mejoras en las tareas de mantenimiento en industria, la presente tesis doctoral se basa en el estudio de como las geotecnologías pueden aportar soluciones óptimas en la monitorización e inspección. Debido a la gran variedad de entornos industriales, las herramientas de apoyo al mantenimiento deben adaptarse a cada caso en concreto. En este aspecto, y con el fin de demostrar la adaptabilidad de la geomática y las geotecnologías, se han estudiado instalaciones industriales de ámbitos muy diversos, como una sala de máquinas (escenario interior), plantas fotovoltaicas (escenario exterior) y soldaduras (interior y exterior). La escala de los escenarios objeto de estudio ha sido muy variada, desde las escalas más pequeñas, para el estudio de las soldaduras y la sala de máquinas, a las escalas más grandes, en los estudios de evolución de la vegetación y presencia de masas de agua en plantas fotovoltaicas. Las geotecnologías demuestran su versatilidad para trabajar a distintas escalas, con soluciones que permiten un gran detalle y precisión, como la fotogrametría de rango cercano y el sistema de escaneado portátil (Portable Mobile Mapping System - PMMS), y otras que pueden abarcar zonas más amplias del territorio, como es el caso de la teledetección o la fotogrametría con drones. Según lo expuesto anteriormente, el enfoque de la tesis ha sido el estudio de elementos o instalaciones industriales a diferentes escalas. En el primer caso se desarrolló una herramienta para el control de calidad externo de soldaduras utilizando fotogrametría de rango cercano y algoritmos para la detección automática de defectos. En el segundo caso se propuso el uso de un PMMS para optimizar la toma de datos en las tareas de inspección en instalaciones fluidomecánicas. En el tercer caso se utilizó la fotogrametría con drones y la combinación de imágenes RGB y térmicas con algoritmos de visión computacional para la detección de patologías en paneles fotovoltaicos. Finalmente, para la monitorización de la vegetación y la detección de masas de agua en el entorno de plantas fotovoltaicas, se empleó la teledetección mediante el cálculo de índices espectrales. [EN]The technological development of the last two decades has brought about a radical change that is leading to a new paradigm in which the physical and digital worlds are intertwined. These changes have had a great impact on society, modifying communication methods, access to information, leisure, work, etc. In addition, the industry has adopted these disruptive technologies, which are contributing to achieving greater control and automation of the production process. In the industrial sector, maintenance tasks are critical to ensuring the proper operation of a plant or facility, as they directly influence productivity and can involve high additional costs. New technologies are making continuous monitoring and automated inspection possible, providing auxiliary tools to inspectors that improve fault detection and allow for the anticipation and optimization of maintenance task planning. With the aim of developing tools that provide improvements in maintenance tasks in industry, this doctoral thesis is based on the study of how geotechnologies can provide optimal solutions in monitoring and inspection. Due to the great variety of industrial environments, maintenance support tools must adapt to each specific case. In this regard, and in order to demonstrate the adaptability of geomatics and geotechnologies, industrial installations from very diverse areas have been studied, such as a machine room (indoor scenario), photovoltaic plants (outdoor scenario), and welding (indoor and outdoor scenarios). The scale of the studied scenarios has been very varied, ranging from smaller scales for the study of welds and machine rooms, to larger scales in the studies of vegetation evolution and the presence of bodies of water in photovoltaic plants. Geotechnologies demonstrate their versatility to work at different scales, with solutions that allow for great detail and precision, such as close-range photogrammetry and the Portable Mobile Mapping System (PMMS), as well as others that can cover larger areas of the territory, such as remote sensing or photogrammetry with drones. The focus of the thesis has been the study of industrial elements or installations at different scales. In the first case, a tool was developed for external quality control of welding, using close-range photogrammetry and algorithms for automatic defect detection. In the second case, the use of a PMMS is proposed to optimize data collection in fluid-mechanical installation inspection tasks. In the third case, drone photogrammetry and the combination of RGB and thermal images with computer vision algorithms were used for the detection of pathologies in photovoltaic panels. Finally, for the monitoring of vegetation and the detection of water masses in the environment of photovoltaic plants, remote sensing was employed through the calculation of spectral indices


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    This paper aims at evaluating the possibility of using wearable mobile mapping solutions as a tool for detecting deflections in timber floors. These construction systems are prone to present this type of damage due to the mechanical properties of the wood (relatively low flexural stiffness and creep behaviour). During this study we have evaluated the chance of introducing an additional stage to the general workflow. This stage is devoted to reduce the noise of the 3D point cloud by using the Statistical Outlier Removal filter in combination with a noise-reduction filter such as the Anisotropic filter, the PointCleannet or the Scored-based denoised networks (Deep Learning methods). According with our results, the use of this strategies improves the quality of the 3D point cloud form a qualitative and quantitative point of view. However, these improvements seem to be not sufficient for using this product as a universal source of information for deflection analysis. In this sense, and according with the sensor and study case exploited, this type of point clouds could be used in floors with 5-8-meter length and a relative deflection of about L/200 or higher

    Mobile Health Technologies

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    Mobile Health Technologies, also known as mHealth technologies, have emerged, amongst healthcare providers, as the ultimate Technologies-of-Choice for the 21st century in delivering not only transformative change in healthcare delivery, but also critical health information to different communities of practice in integrated healthcare information systems. mHealth technologies nurture seamless platforms and pragmatic tools for managing pertinent health information across the continuum of different healthcare providers. mHealth technologies commonly utilize mobile medical devices, monitoring and wireless devices, and/or telemedicine in healthcare delivery and health research. Today, mHealth technologies provide opportunities to record and monitor conditions of patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and diabetes mellitus. The intent of this book is to enlighten readers about the theories and applications of mHealth technologies in the healthcare domain

    An Activity-Centric Approach to Configuration Work in Distributed Interaction

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    The widespread introduction of new types of computing devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, large interactive displays or even wearable devices, has led to setups in which users are interacting with a rich ecology of devices. These new device ecologies have the potential to introduce a whole new set of cross-device and cross-user interactions as well as to support seamless distributed workspaces that facilitate coordination and communication with other users. Because of the distributed nature of this paradigm, there is an intrinsic difficulty and overhead in managing and using these kind of complex device ecologies, which I refer to as configuration work. It is the effort required to set up, manage, communicate, understand and use information, applications and services that are distributed over all devices in use and people involved. Because current devices and their containing software are still document- and application-centric, they fail to capture and support the rich activities and context in which they are being used. This leaves users without a stable concept for cross-device information management, forcing them to perform a large amount of manual configuration work. In this dissertation, I explore an activity-centric approach to configuration work in distributed interaction. The central goal of this dissertation is to develop and apply concepts and ideas from Activity-Centric Computing to distributed interaction. Using the triangulation approach, I explore these concepts on a conceptual, empirical and technological level and present a framework and use cases for designing activitycentric configurations in multi-device information systems. The dissertation presents two major contributions: First, I introduce the term configuration work as an abstract analytical unit that describes and captures the problems and challenges of distributed interaction. Using both empirical data and related work, I argue that configuration work is composed of: curation work, task resumption lag, mobility work, physical handling and articulation work. Using configuration work as a problem description, I operationalize Activity Theory and Activity-Centric Computing to mitigate and reduce configuration work in distributed interaction. By allowing users to interact with computational representations of their real-world activities, creating complex multi-user device ecologies and switching between cross-device information configurations will be more efficient, more effective and provide better support for users’ mental model about a multi-user and multi-device environment. Using activity configuration as a central concept, I introduce a framework that describes how digital representations of human activity can be distributed, fragmented and used across multiple devices and users. Second, I present a technical infrastructure and four applications that apply the concepts of activity configuration. The infrastructure is a general purpose platform for the design, development and deployment of distributed activitycentric systems. The infrastructure simplifies the development of activity-centric systems as it presents complex distributed computing processes and services into high level activity system abstractions. Using this infrastructure and conceptual framework, I describe four fully working applications that explore multi-device interactions in two specific domains: office work and hospital work. The systems are evaluated and tested with end-users in a number of lab and field studies

    Modern Information Systems

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    The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters. This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies of the information systems' development