40 research outputs found

    Review on Android Application – An E-Notice Application

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    E-Notice App helps you access on-line notices on your phone. It is a web board maker, wherever, a gaggle of individuals will simply communicate with one another by protruding virtual notes. These notes will have text, images. The board has perpetually been the place wherever staff/students gathers to urge their latest unharness of company news. E-Notice brings the board to a virtual location wherever staff/students cannot solely browse notices, however, in real time react and answer them-from their own desks! With this electronic notice and announcement system, notification could also be sent out notifying workers that a brand new notice has been denote, wherever, workers might apprehend if it issues him directly. During this approach, E-Notice Application additionally is a listing for all workers within the directory. This eliminates the requirement to stay a separate listing that is tough to keep up thanks to the speedy movement of workers

    ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science SERV

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    ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science

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    ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science

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    Enhancing Teachers’ Competencies through Professional Development Program: Challenges and Benefactions

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    Teachers’ professional development program is considered to play an important role in enhancing teacher competencies. An observational case study is conducted to observe teachers’ learning process and teachers’ outcomes after learning on the program. Five English teachers who have participated in the professional development program in Indonesia and passed the teachers’ competence test on the program have become key informants of this research. The objectives of the research are to investigate the learning process on the program and challenges faced by the teachers in implementing their teaching knowledge and outcome of teachers after participating in the program. The research has found three essential findings. First, the research found that pedagogic competences and professional competences have become the basic formulation for learning materials that are taught in the program. Second, the research found four obstacles and challenges to implement teachers’ knowledge from the program in their classroom, for instance, innovative teaching methods and creative lesson design. The third, the investigation also discovered the challenges and the benefactions in the implementation of professional learning development as one of the solutions in enhancing English teachers’ competences in Indonesia

    Design and Implementation of E-Tax Bureau Supporting Platform

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    随着我国税务信息化建设的快速发展,税务信息系统进入大数据时代,并伴随着的专业化系统多,数据头绪多、关系复杂的特点。国家税制改革对地税工作重心转移的影响日趋明显。地税信息化建设有必要强调拓展服务渠道、丰富服务内容、完善网上报税,逐步为纳税人或自然人提供多元化、个性化、零距离的优质纳税服务. 传统的IT架构平台支撑起来已经感到力不从心,一个便于多次扩展且面向服务的IT架构是整合现有系统资源和数据资源的突破口。建立一个底层将各系统数据和各种服务连接并且具有灵活的扩展性的平台,面向服务SOA体系构架和ESB总线技术成为解决地税信息系统诸多问题的良药。 本文的主要工作如下: 分析了地税信息化发展的...With the rapid informatizing progress of China’s tax system, the tax information system has been ushered into a big data age, which features numerous specialized systems, enormous data and complicated relationship. The impact of the national tax system reform on the focus of local taxation work is getting more and more obvious. It is necessary to expand the service channels, enrich the service co...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323246

    Applying CSE in Diagnosing EFL Learners’ Listening Sub-skills as Learning

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    In the purpose of applying CSE in diagnosing EFL learners’ listening sub-skills as learning, this study integrates cognitive listening sub-skills with relevant topics and genres of listening materials into a matrix at each level of listening proficiency, and then apply it in diagnosing and assessing EFL learner’s weaknesses as a whole. Results show that this matrix can facilitate instructors to make an accurate assessment and instant remedy of EFL learner’s weaknesses in listening comprehension. It also confirms that CSE listening scales works well in instructing and enabling EFL learners to got across their weaknesses

    Design and Implementation of Scientific Research Project Reporting Management System for a University

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    随着国内高等院校在科研领域的投入加大,高校科研项目的申报管理工作量以及管理过程的复杂性也越来越大。高校科研项目申报与管理工作涉及到高校科研工作相关人员管理、科研单位管理、科研项目申报审批、权限管理、报表统计与分析等需求。而传统的依靠人工进行申报管理的方法不仅效率低、时效性差、规范性不足,而且还要花费大量的人力物力,很大程度上阻碍了高校科研工作的快速进行。而且相对于高校内其他管理工作中网络化以及信息化的日益成熟,在管理工作量大、管理过程复杂的科研项目申报管理方面却没有建立相应的信息系统。因此,高校科研项目申报管理系统的研究具有较大意义。 基于上述分析,本文结合某高校科研项目管理实际,设计和实现...With the increasing investment in science and technology research institutions of higher college in our country, the complexity of the application workload management and scientific research project management process is being increasing rapidly. University's scientific research project application and management work related to scientific research work such as related personnel management, scient...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323095

    Unique Challenges Testing SDRs for Space

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    This paper describes the approach used by the Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) Testbed team to qualify three Software Defined Radios (SDR) for operation in space and the characterization of the platform to enable upgrades on-orbit. The three SDRs represent a significant portion of the new technologies being studied on board the SCAN Testbed, which is operating on an external truss on the International Space Station (ISS). The SCaN Testbed provides experimenters an opportunity to develop and demonstrate experimental waveforms and applications for communication, networking, and navigation concepts and advance the understanding of developing and operating SDRs in space. Qualifying a Software Defined Radio for the space environment requires additional consideration versus a hardware radio. Tests that incorporate characterization of the platform to provide information necessary for future waveforms, which might exercise extended capabilities of the hardware, are needed. The development life cycle for the radio follows the software development life cycle, where changes can be incorporated at various stages of development and test. It also enables flexibility to be added with minor additional effort. Although this provides tremendous advantages, managing the complexity inherent in a software implementation requires a testing beyond the traditional hardware radio test plan. Due to schedule and resource limitations and parallel development activities, the subsystem testing of the SDRs at the vendor sites was primarily limited to typical fixed transceiver type of testing. NASA s Glenn Research Center (GRC) was responsible for the integration and testing of the SDRs into the SCaN Testbed system and conducting the investigation of the SDR to advance the technology to be accepted by missions. This paper will describe the unique tests that were conducted at both the subsystem and system level, including environmental testing, and present results. For example, test waveforms were developed to measure the gain of the transmit system across the tunable frequency band. These were used during thermal vacuum testing to enable characterization of the integrated system in the wide operational temperature range of space. Receive power indicators were used for Electromagnetic Interference tests (EMI) to understand the platform s susceptibility to external interferers independent of the waveform. Additional approaches and lessons learned during the SCaN Testbed subsystem and system level testing will be discussed that may help future SDR integrator