91 research outputs found

    The Common Stability Mechanism behind most Self-Supervised Learning Approaches

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    Last couple of years have witnessed a tremendous progress in self-supervised learning (SSL), the success of which can be attributed to the introduction of useful inductive biases in the learning process to learn meaningful visual representations while avoiding collapse. These inductive biases and constraints manifest themselves in the form of different optimization formulations in the SSL techniques, e.g. by utilizing negative examples in a contrastive formulation, or exponential moving average and predictor in BYOL and SimSiam. In this paper, we provide a framework to explain the stability mechanism of these different SSL techniques: i) we discuss the working mechanism of contrastive techniques like SimCLR, non-contrastive techniques like BYOL, SWAV, SimSiam, Barlow Twins, and DINO; ii) we provide an argument that despite different formulations these methods implicitly optimize a similar objective function, i.e. minimizing the magnitude of the expected representation over all data samples, or the mean of the data distribution, while maximizing the magnitude of the expected representation of individual samples over different data augmentations; iii) we provide mathematical and empirical evidence to support our framework. We formulate different hypotheses and test them using the Imagenet100 dataset.Comment: Additional visualizations (.gif): https://github.com/abskjha/CenterVectorSS

    A Holistic Visual Place Recognition Approach Using Lightweight CNNs for Significant ViewPoint and Appearance Changes

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    This article presents a lightweight visual place recognition approach, capable of achieving high performance with low computational cost, and feasible for mobile robotics under significant viewpoint and appearance changes. Results on several benchmark datasets confirm an average boost of 13% in accuracy, and 12x average speedup relative to state-of-the-art methods

    Local and deep texture features for classification of natural and biomedical images

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    Developing efficient feature descriptors is very important in many computer vision applications including biomedical image analysis. In the past two decades and before the popularity of deep learning approaches in image classification, texture features proved to be very effective to capture the gradient variation in the image. Following the success of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptor, many variations of this descriptor were introduced to further improve the ability of obtaining good classification results. However, the problem of image classification gets more complicated when the number of images increases as well as the number of classes. In this case, more robust approaches must be used to address this problem. In this thesis, we address the problem of analyzing biomedical images by using a combination of local and deep features. First, we propose a novel descriptor that is based on the motif Peano scan concept called Joint Motif Labels (JML). After that, we combine the features extracted from the JML descriptor with two other descriptors called Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence among Local Binary Patterns (RIC-LBP) and Joint Adaptive Medina Binary Patterns (JAMBP). In addition, we construct another descriptor called Motif Patterns encoded by RIC-LBP and use it in our classification framework. We enrich the performance of our framework by combining these local descriptors with features extracted from a pre-trained deep network called VGG-19. Hence, the 4096 features of the Fully Connected 'fc7' layer are extracted and combined with the proposed local descriptors. Finally, we show that Random Forests (RF) classifier can be used to obtain superior performance in the field of biomedical image analysis. Testing was performed on two standard biomedical datasets and another three standard texture datasets. Results show that our framework can beat state-of-the-art accuracy on the biomedical image analysis and the combination of local features produce promising results on the standard texture datasets.Includes bibliographical reference

    Super Resolution of Wavelet-Encoded Images and Videos

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    In this dissertation, we address the multiframe super resolution reconstruction problem for wavelet-encoded images and videos. The goal of multiframe super resolution is to obtain one or more high resolution images by fusing a sequence of degraded or aliased low resolution images of the same scene. Since the low resolution images may be unaligned, a registration step is required before super resolution reconstruction. Therefore, we first explore in-band (i.e. in the wavelet-domain) image registration; then, investigate super resolution. Our motivation for analyzing the image registration and super resolution problems in the wavelet domain is the growing trend in wavelet-encoded imaging, and wavelet-encoding for image/video compression. Due to drawbacks of widely used discrete cosine transform in image and video compression, a considerable amount of literature is devoted to wavelet-based methods. However, since wavelets are shift-variant, existing methods cannot utilize wavelet subbands efficiently. In order to overcome this drawback, we establish and explore the direct relationship between the subbands under a translational shift, for image registration and super resolution. We then employ our devised in-band methodology, in a motion compensated video compression framework, to demonstrate the effective usage of wavelet subbands. Super resolution can also be used as a post-processing step in video compression in order to decrease the size of the video files to be compressed, with downsampling added as a pre-processing step. Therefore, we present a video compression scheme that utilizes super resolution to reconstruct the high frequency information lost during downsampling. In addition, super resolution is a crucial post-processing step for satellite imagery, due to the fact that it is hard to update imaging devices after a satellite is launched. Thus, we also demonstrate the usage of our devised methods in enhancing resolution of pansharpened multispectral images

    On symmetry in visual perception

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    This thesis is concerned with the role of symmetry in low-level image segmentation. Early detection of local image properties that could indicate the presence of an object would be useful in segmentation, and it is proposed here that approximate bilateral symmetry, which is common to many natural and man made objects, is a candidate local property. To be useful in low-level image segmentation the representation of symmetry must be relatively robust to noise interference, and the symmetry must be detectable without prior knowledge of the location and orientation of the pattern axis. The experiments reported here investigated whether bilateral symmetry can be detected with and without knowledge of the axis of symmetry, in several different types of pattern. The pattern properties found to aid symmetry detection in random dot patterns were the presence of compound features, formed from locally dense clusters of dots, and contrast uniformity across the axis. In the second group of experiments, stimuli were designed to enhance the features found to be important for global symmetry detection. The pattern elements were enlarged, and grey level was varied between matched pairs, thereby making each pair distinctive. Symmetry detection was found to be robust to variation in the size of matched elements, but was disrupted by contrast variation within pairs. It was concluded that the global pattern structure is contained in the parallelism between extended, cross axis regions of uniform contrast. In the third group of experiments, detection performance was found to improve when the parallel structure was strengthened by the presence of matched strings, rather than pairs of elements. It is argued that elongation, parallelism, and approximate alignment between pattern constituents are visual properties that are both presegmentally detectable, and sufficient for the representation of global symmetric structure. A simple computational property of these patterns is described

    Hybrid machine learning approaches for scene understanding: From segmentation and recognition to image parsing

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    We alleviate the problem of semantic scene understanding by studies on object segmentation/recognition and scene labeling methods respectively. We propose new techniques for joint recognition, segmentation and pose estimation of infrared (IR) targets. The problem is formulated in a probabilistic level set framework where a shape constrained generative model is used to provide a multi-class and multi-view shape prior and where the shape model involves a couplet of view and identity manifolds (CVIM). A level set energy function is then iteratively optimized under the shape constraints provided by the CVIM. Since both the view and identity variables are expressed explicitly in the objective function, this approach naturally accomplishes recognition, segmentation and pose estimation as joint products of the optimization process. For realistic target chips, we solve the resulting multi-modal optimization problem by adopting a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and then improve the computational efficiency by implementing a gradient-boosted PSO (GB-PSO). Evaluation was performed using the Military Sensing Information Analysis Center (SENSIAC) ATR database, and experimental results show that both of the PSO algorithms reduce the cost of shape matching during CVIM-based shape inference. Particularly, GB-PSO outperforms other recent ATR algorithms, which require intensive shape matching, either explicitly (with pre-segmentation) or implicitly (without pre-segmentation). On the other hand, under situations when target boundaries are not obviously observed and object shapes are not preferably detected, we explored some sparse representation classification (SRC) methods on ATR applications, and developed a fusion technique that combines the traditional SRC and a group constrained SRC algorithm regulated by a sparsity concentration index for improved classification accuracy on the Comanche dataset. Moreover, we present a compact rare class-oriented scene labeling framework (RCSL) with a global scene assisted rare class retrieval process, where the retrieved subset was expanded by choosing scene regulated rare class patches. A complementary rare class balanced CNN is learned to alleviate imbalanced data distribution problem at lower cost. A superpixels-based re-segmentation was implemented to produce more perceptually meaningful object boundaries. Quantitative results demonstrate the promising performances of proposed framework on both pixel and class accuracy for scene labeling on the SIFTflow dataset, especially for rare class objects

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationImage segmentation entails the partitioning of an image domain, usually two or three dimensions, so that each partition or segment has some meaning that is relevant to the application at hand. Accurate image segmentation is a crucial challenge in many disciplines, including medicine, computer vision, and geology. In some applications, heterogeneous pixel intensities; noisy, ill-defined, or diffusive boundaries; and irregular shapes with high variability can make it challenging to meet accuracy requirements. Various segmentation approaches tackle such challenges by casting the segmentation problem as an energy-minimization problem, and solving it using efficient optimization algorithms. These approaches are broadly classified as either region-based or edge (surface)-based depending on the features on which they operate. The focus of this dissertation is on the development of a surface-based energy model, the design of efficient formulations of optimization frameworks to incorporate such energy, and the solution of the energy-minimization problem using graph cuts. This dissertation utilizes a set of four papers whose motivation is the efficient extraction of the left atrium wall from the late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-MRI) image volume. This dissertation utilizes these energy formulations for other applications, including contact lens segmentation in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) data and the extraction of geologic features in seismic data. Chapters 2 through 5 (papers 1 through 4) explore building a surface-based image segmentation model by progressively adding components to improve its accuracy and robustness. The first paper defines a parametric search space and its discrete formulation in the form of a multilayer three-dimensional mesh model within which the segmentation takes place. It includes a generative intensity model, and we optimize using a graph formulation of the surface net problem. The second paper proposes a Bayesian framework with a Markov random field (MRF) prior that gives rise to another class of surface nets, which provides better segmentation with smooth boundaries. The third paper presents a maximum a posteriori (MAP)-based surface estimation framework that relies on a generative image model by incorporating global shape priors, in addition to the MRF, within the Bayesian formulation. Thus, the resulting surface not only depends on the learned model of shapes,but also accommodates the test data irregularities through smooth deviations from these priors. Further, the paper proposes a new shape parameter estimation scheme, in closed form, for segmentation as a part of the optimization process. Finally, the fourth paper (under review at the time of this document) presents an extensive analysis of the MAP framework and presents improved mesh generation and generative intensity models. It also performs a thorough analysis of the segmentation results that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method qualitatively, quantitatively, and clinically. Chapter 6, consisting of unpublished work, demonstrates the application of an MRF-based Bayesian framework to segment coupled surfaces of contact lenses in optical coherence tomography images. This chapter also shows an application related to the extraction of geological structures in seismic volumes. Due to the large sizes of seismic volume datasets, we also present fast, approximate surface-based energy minimization strategies that achieve better speed-ups and memory consumption
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