6,552 research outputs found

    Model-Guided Data-Driven Optimization and Control for Internal Combustion Engine Systems

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    The incorporation of electronic components into modern Internal Combustion, IC, engine systems have facilitated the reduction of fuel consumption and emission from IC engine operations. As more mechanical functions are being replaced by electric or electronic devices, the IC engine systems are becoming more complex in structure. Sophisticated control strategies are called in to help the engine systems meet the drivability demands and to comply with the emission regulations. Different model-based or data-driven algorithms have been applied to the optimization and control of IC engine systems. For the conventional model-based algorithms, the accuracy of the applied system models has a crucial impact on the quality of the feedback system performance. With computable analytic solutions and a good estimation of the real physical processes, the model-based control embedded systems are able to achieve good transient performances. However, the analytic solutions of some nonlinear models are difficult to obtain. Even if the solutions are available, because of the presence of unavoidable modeling uncertainties, the model-based controllers are designed conservatively

    An introduction to NASA's turbine engine hot section technology (HOST) project

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    An overview of research to develop and improve the accuracy of current analysis methods so that increased durability can be designed into future engines is presented. Emphasis is placed on improved accuracy in life prediction. Component design, including description of the thermal and aerodynamic environments, the material's mechanical response, the interactions between environmental and structural response, and high temperature instrumentation capable of measuring near-engine environment effects are addressed. Component tests, improved modeling of the physical phenomena, and tests to verify the proved models are also discussed

    Observer Based Cylinder Charge Estimation for Spark-ignition Engines

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    Internal combustion engines require accurate cylinder charge estimation for determining engine torque, controlling air-to-fuel ratio (AFR), and ensuring high after-treatment efficiency. This is challenging due to the highly transient operating conditions that are common in automobile engines. The problem is further complicated by spark ignition (SI) engine technologies such as variable valve timing (VVT) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) which are applied to improve fuel economy and reduce pollutant emissions. With manifold filling/emptying/mixing phenomenon and different actuator response times, these technologies significantly increase the complexity of cylinder charge estimation. Current cylinder charge estimation methodologies require a combination of sensors and empirical models to deal with the high degrees of control freedom existent on the engine. But these methods have the drawbacks of great dependency on accurate calibration and poor transient performance. Most importantly, the current methods isolate feed-forward cylinder charge estimation and feedback AFR control. When there is discrepancy between target lambda value and sensed lambda value at exhaust side, the current control/estimation method will trim the fuel injection amount no matter where the error source is. As a matter of fact, the error might come from the throttle flow estimation, the fuel injection flow estimation, EGR flow estimation, or any combination of these error sources. Increased air-path complexity and drawbacks of traditional methods drive the need for cost effective solutions that produce high air/EGR/fuel charge estimation accuracy with the ability to identify the error source while minimizing sensor cost, computational effort, and calibration time. This research first evaluates the existing work on air charge estimation for SI engines with massive experimental tests covering various operating conditions, which are designed for the algorithm verification of this research. Then several estimation methods which utilize both Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) and Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensors are studied and analyzed. Reduction of calibration effort and improvement of accuracy are observed from the proposed cylinder air charge estimation methods. Following that, a model is built to study the engine gas path dynamics and characteristics and then simplified to provide system dynamic basis for the following estimation algorithm development. Using the developed model, a disturbance observer based cylinder charge estimation technique is developed based on a combination of sensors including MAF, MAP, and exhaust lambda sensors. This developed algorithm significantly improves engine states estimation accuracy compared to conventional Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) methods. Also, the augmentation of disturbance observation is able to pin point the source of the estimation error. Through experimental validation, using the developed estimation method with proper parameters, the error source of estimation can be identified and rectified when disturbance is introduced to throttle flow model, EGR flow model, fuel injection flow model or any combination of these models. The structure of the proposed algorithm should adapt to most SI engine configurations. It can help the engine controller to mitigate modeling errors thus improve the performance of physics model based engine control especially AFR control

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system

    Parameter Identification of Nonlinear System on Combustion Engine Based MVEM using PEM

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    In four-stroke engine injection system, often called spark ignition (SI) engine, the air-fuel ratio (AFR) is taken from the measurement of lambda sensor in the exhaust. This sensor does not directly describe how much AFR in the combustion chamber due to the large transport delay. Therefore, the lambda sensor is used only as a feedback in AFR control "correction", not as the "main" control. The purpose of this research is to identify the parameters of the non-linear system in SI engines to produce AFR estimator. The AFR estimator is expected to be used as a feedback of the main "AFR" control system. The process of identifying the parameters using the Gauss-Newton method, due to its rapid computation to Achieve convergence, is based on prediction error minimization (PEM). The models of AFR estimator is an open-loop system without a universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensors as feedback, called a virtual AFR sensor. The high price of UEGO sensors makes the virtual AFR sensor can be a practical solution to be applied in AFR control. The model in this research is based on the mean value engine models (MVEM) with some modifications. The research dataset was taken from a Hyundai Verna 2002 with the additional UEGO type of lambda sensors. The throttle opening angle (input) is played by stepping on the gas pedal and the signal to the injector (input) is set to a certain quantity to produce the AFR (output) value read by the UEGO sensor. This research produces an open loop estimator model or AFR virtual sensors with normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) = 0.06831 = 6.831%


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    Homogeneous charged compression ignition (HCCI) is a promising combustion mode for internal combustion (IC) engines. HCCI engines have very low NOx and soot emission and low fuel consumption compared to traditional engines. The aim of this thesis is divided into two main parts: (1) engine instrumentation with a step towards converting a gasoline turbocharged direct injection (GTDI) engine to an HCCI engine; and (2) developing controller for adjusting the crank angle at 50% mass fuel burn (CA50), exhaust gas temperature Texh, and indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) of a single cylinder Ricardo HCCI engine. The base GTDI engine is modified by adding an air heater, inter-cooler, and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in the intake and exhaust loops. dSPACE control units are programmed for adding monitoring sensors and implementing actuators in the engine. Control logics for actuating electronic throttle control (ETC) valve, EGR valve, and port fuel injector (PFI) are developed using the rapid control prototyping (RCP) feature of dSPACE. A control logic for crank/cam synchronization to determine engine crank angle with respect to firing top dead center (TDC) is implemented and validated using in-cylinder pressure sensor data. A control oriented model (COM) is developed for estimating engine parameters including CA50, Texh, and IMEP for a single cylinder Ricardo engine. The COM is validated using experimental data for steady state and transient engine operating conditions. A novel three-input three-output controller is developed and tested on a detailed physical HCCI engine plant model. Two type of controller design approaches are used for designing HCCI controllers: (1) empirical, and (2) model-based. A discrete sub-optimal sliding mode controller (DSSMC) is designed as a model-based controller to control CA50 and Texh, and a PI controller is designed to control IMEP. The results show that the designed controllers can successfully track the reference trajectories and can reject the external disturbances within the given operating region

    A Study Model Predictive Control for Spark Ignition Engine Management and Testing

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    Pressure to improve spark-ignition (SI) engine fuel economy has driven thedevelopment and integration of many control actuators, creating complex controlsystems. Integration of a high number of control actuators into traditional map basedcontrollers creates tremendous challenges since each actuator exponentially increasescalibration time and investment. Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies have thepotential to better manage this high complexity since they provide near-optimal controlactions based on system models. This research work focuses on investigating somepractical issues of applying MPC with SI engine control and testing.Starting from one dimensional combustion phasing control using spark timing(SPKT), this dissertation discusses challenges of computing the optimal control actionswith complex engine models. A nonlinear optimization is formulated to compute thedesired spark timing in real time, while considering knock and combustion variationconstraints. Three numerical approaches are proposed to directly utilize complex high-fidelity combustion models to find the optimal SPKT. A model based combustionphasing estimator that considers the influence of cycle-by-cycle combustion variations isalso integrated into the control system, making feedback and adaption functions possible.An MPC based engine management system with a higher number of controldimensions is also investigated. The control objective is manipulating throttle, externalEGR valve and SPKT to provide demanded torque (IMEP) output with minimum fuelconsumption. A cascaded control structure is introduced to simplify the formulation and solution of the MPC problem that solves for desired control actions. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) MPC is applied to solve the nonlinear optimization problem in real time. A real-time linearization technique is used to formulate the sub-QP problems with the complex high dimensional engine system. Techniques to simplify the formulation of SQP and improve its convergence performance are also discussed in the context of tracking MPC. Strategies to accelerate online quadratic programming (QP) are explored. It is proposed to use pattern recognition techniques to “warm-start” active set QP algorithms for general linear MPC applications. The proposed linear time varying (LTV) MPC is used in Engine-in-Loop (EIL) testing to mimic the pedal actuations of human drivers who foresee the incoming traffic conditions. For SQP applications, the MPC is initialized with optimal control actions predicted by an ANN. Both proposed MPC methods significantly reduce execution time with minimal additional memory requirement

    A Virtual Sensor for Predicting Diesel Engine Emissions from Cylinder Pressure Data

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    Cylinder pressure sensors provide detailed information on the diesel engine combustion process. This paper presents a method to use cylinder-pressure data for prediction of engine emissions by exploiting data-mining techniques. The proposed method uses principal component analysis to reduce the dimension of the cylinder-pressure data, and a neural network to model the nonlinear relationship between the cylinder pressure and emissions. An algorithm is presented for training the neural network to predict cylinder-individual emissions even though the training data only provides cylinder-averaged target data. The algorithm was applied to an experimental data set from a six-cylinder heavy-duty engine, and it is verified that trends in emissions during transient engine operation are captured successfully by the model