12 research outputs found

    Non-termination using Regular Languages

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    We describe a method for proving non-looping non-termination, that is, of term rewriting systems that do not admit looping reductions. As certificates of non-termination, we employ regular (tree) automata.Comment: Published at International Workshop on Termination 201

    Binary Non-Termination in Term Rewriting and Logic Programming

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    We present a new syntactic criterion for the automatic detection of non-termination in an abstract setting that encompasses a simplified form of term rewriting and logic programming.Comment: Presented at WST 202

    Proving Looping and Non-Looping Non-Termination by Finite Automata

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    A new technique is presented to prove non-termination of term rewriting. The basic idea is to find a non-empty regular language of terms that is closed under rewriting and does not contain normal forms. It is automated by representing the language by a tree automaton with a fixed number of states, and expressing the mentioned requirements in a SAT formula. Satisfiability of this formula implies non-termination. Our approach succeeds for many examples where all earlier techniques fail, for instance for the S-rule from combinatory logic

    Proving non-termination by finite automata

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    A new technique is presented to prove non-termination of term rewriting. The basic idea is to find a non-empty regular language of terms that is closed under rewriting and does not contain normal forms. It is automated by representing the language by a tree automaton with a fixed number of states, and expressing the mentioned requirements in a SAT formula. Satisfiability of this formula implies non-termination. Our approach succeeds for many examples where all earlier techniques fail, for instance for the S-rule from combinatory logic

    Sparse Tiling Through Overlap Closures for Termination of String Rewriting

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    A strictly locally testable language is characterized by its set of admissible factors, prefixes and suffixes, called tiles. We over-approximate reachability sets in string rewriting by languages defined by sparse sets of tiles, containing only those that are reachable in derivations. Using the partial algebra defined by a tiling for semantic labeling, we obtain a transformational method for proving local termination. These algebras can be represented efficiently as finite automata of a certain shape. Using a known result on forward closures, and a new characterisation of overlap closures, we can automatically prove termination and relative termination, respectively. We report on experiments showing the strength of the method

    On prefixal one-rule string rewrite systems

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    International audiencePrefixal one-rule string rewrite systems are one-rule string rewrite systems for which the left-hand side of the rule is a prefix of the right-hand side of the rule. String rewrite systems induce a transformation over languages: from a starting word, one can associate all its descendants. We prove, in this work, that the transformation induced by a prefixal one-rule rewrite system always transforms a finite language into a context-free language, a property that is surprisingly not satisfied by arbitrary one-rule rewrite systems. We also give here a decidable characterization of the prefixal one-rule rewrite systems whose induced transformation is a rational transduction

    On One-Rule Grid Semi-Thue Systems

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    International audienceThe family of one-rule grid semi-Thue systems, introduced by Alfons Geser, is the family of one-rule semi-Thue systems such that there exists a letter c that occurs as often in the left-hand side as the right-hand side of the rewriting rule. We prove that for any one-rule grid semi-Thue system S, the set S(w) of all words obtainable from w using repeatedly the rewriting rule of S is a constructible context-free language. We also prove the regularity of the set Loop(S) of all words that start a loop in a one-rule grid semi-Thue systems S.La famille des systèmes de semi-Thue à une seule règle "en grille", introduite par Alfons Geser, est la famille des systèmes de réécriture de mots pour lesquels il existe une lettre apparaissant autant de fois dans la partie gauche et dans la partie droite de leur unique règle. Nous prouvons que, pour tout système S de cette famille, l'ensemble S(w) des mots obtenus à partir du mot w en appliquant itérativement la règle de réécriture de S est un langage algébrique constructible. Nous prouvons également que l'ensemble Loop(S) des mots qui sont à l'origine d'une boucle de réécriture pour un systèmes de semi-Thue à une seule règle "en grille" S est un langage régulier

    12th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2012) : WST 2012, February 19–23, 2012, Obergurgl, Austria / ed. by Georg Moser

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2012), to be held February 19–23, 2012 in Obergurgl, Austria. The goal of the Workshop on Termination is to be a venue for presentation and discussion of all topics in and around termination. In this way, the workshop tries to bridge the gaps between different communities interested and active in research in and around termination. The 12th International Workshop on Termination in Obergurgl continues the successful workshops held in St. Andrews (1993), La Bresse (1995), Ede (1997), Dagstuhl (1999), Utrecht (2001), Valencia (2003), Aachen (2004), Seattle (2006), Paris (2007), Leipzig (2009), and Edinburgh (2010). The 12th International Workshop on Termination did welcome contributions on all aspects of termination and complexity analysis. Contributions from the imperative, constraint, functional, and logic programming communities, and papers investigating applications of complexity or termination (for example in program transformation or theorem proving) were particularly welcome. We did receive 18 submissions which all were accepted. Each paper was assigned two reviewers. In addition to these 18 contributed talks, WST 2012, hosts three invited talks by Alexander Krauss, Martin Hofmann, and Fausto Spoto

    Termination of Narrowing: Automated Proofs and Modularity Properties

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    En 1936 Alan Turing demostro que el halting problem, esto es, el problema de decidir si un programa termina o no, es un problema indecidible para la inmensa mayoria de los lenguajes de programacion. A pesar de ello, la terminacion es un problema tan relevante que en las ultimas decadas un gran numero de tecnicas han sido desarrolladas para demostrar la terminacion de forma automatica de la maxima cantidad posible de programas. Los sistemas de reescritura de terminos proporcionan un marco teorico abstracto perfecto para el estudio de la terminacion de programas. En este marco, la evaluaci on de un t ermino consiste en la aplicacion no determinista de un conjunto de reglas de reescritura. El estrechamiento (narrowing) de terminos es una generalizacion de la reescritura que proporciona un mecanismo de razonamiento automatico. Por ejemplo, dado un conjunto de reglas que denan la suma y la multiplicacion, la reescritura permite calcular expresiones aritmeticas, mientras que el estrechamiento permite resolver ecuaciones con variables. Esta tesis constituye el primer estudio en profundidad de las propiedades de terminacion del estrechamiento. Las contribuciones son las siguientes. En primer lugar, se identican clases de sistemas en las que el estrechamiento tiene un comportamiento bueno, en el sentido de que siempre termina. Muchos metodos de razonamiento automatico, como el analisis de la semantica de lenguajes de programaci on mediante operadores de punto jo, se benefician de esta caracterizacion. En segundo lugar, se introduce un metodo automatico, basado en el marco teorico de pares de dependencia, para demostrar la terminacion del estrechamiento en un sistema particular. Nuestro metodo es, por primera vez, aplicable a cualquier clase de sistemas. En tercer lugar, se propone un nuevo metodo para estudiar la terminacion del estrechamiento desde un termino particular, permitiendo el analisis de la terminacion de lenguajes de programacion. El nuevo metodo generaliza losIborra López, J. (2010). Termination of Narrowing: Automated Proofs and Modularity Properties [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19251Palanci