661 research outputs found

    The Evolution of China\u27s Foreign Investment Policy and Law

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    This study explores the evolution of China\u27s foreign investment policies and laws between 1978 - 2016. The main goal of this study is to provide an objective narrative about the past and present development of Chinese foreign investment from a legal perspective. The study includes discussions about the creation, development, and reforms of these policies and laws. In addition, this project considers problems and opportunities of Chinese foreign investment regulatory regime. The first chapter is the introduction, which offers detailed explanations for the main focus, issues, and structure of the thesis, the methodology of the study and the reason for conducting this study, an executive summary for each chapter is provided at the end. Second, the third, and the fourth chapter will respectively focus on China\u27s foreign investment regulatory framework during 1978-1991, 1992-2005, 2006-2016. A short summary is provided at the end of chapter four to conclude this study

    The Institutions of Antitrust Law: How Structure Shapes Substance

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    Daniel Crane\u27s The Institutional Structure of Antitrust Enforcement ( Institutional Structure ) may do for antitrust law what Essence of Decision did for public administration. Unlike most literature on antitrust law, this superb volume does not address pressing issues of substantive analysis (e.g., when can dominant firms offer loyalty discounts?). Instead, Institutional Structure studies the design and operation of the institutions of U.S. antitrust enforcement. Professor Crane skillfully advances a basic and powerful proposition: to master analytical principles without deep knowledge of the policy implementation mechanism is dangerously incomplete preparation for understanding the U.S. antitrust system, or any body of competition law. Institutions, Professor Crane observes, are a critical and underappreciated driver of an antitrust policy that interacts in many subtle ways with substantive antitrust rules and decisions (p. xi). Institutional Structure demonstrates that the causes of observed policy outcomes, good and bad, often reside in the institutional framework. Seemingly potent conceptual insights may fizzle, or create mischief, if the institutions that must apply them are deformed. Good policy results depend on the strength of what Allison called the path between preferred solution and actual performance. In the language of modern technology, one cannot deliver broadband-quality policy outcomes through dial-up institutions

    War in the 21st Century and Collected Works

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    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Methodological bases and practice of sustainable development implementation

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    У монографії досліджено актуальні питання формування методології сталого розвитку. Проаналзіровано основні чинники сталого розвитку. Розглянуто економічні інструменти забезпечення сталого розвитку на різних рівнях управління. Запропоновано науково-методичні підходи до забезпечення сталого розвитку. Особливу увагу приділено науково-прикладним аспектам забезпечення сталого розвитку в галузевому та територіальному розрізах. Адресовано фахівцям з питань економіки природокористування, макроекономічного регулювання, регіонального розвитку, економіки підприємства, інноваційного менеджменту та маркетингу, а також науково-педагогічним працівникам, аспірантам і студентам галузі наук економічних і дисципліни наук про управління.В монографии исследованы актуальные вопросы формирования методологии устойчивого развития. Проаналзированы основные факторы устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены экономические инструменты обеспечения устойчивого развития на различных уровнях управления. Предложены научно-методические подходы к обеспечению устойчивого развития. Особое внимание уделено научно-прикладным аспектам обеспечения устойчивого развития в отраслевом и территориальном разрезах. Адресовано специалистам по вопросам экономики природопользования, макроэкономического регулирования, регионального развития, экономики предприятия, инновационного менеджмента и маркетинга, а также научно-педагогическим работникам, аспирантам и студентам области экономических наук и дисцтплины наук об управлении.The monograph deals with new approaches and urgent questions to create methodology of sustainable development. There is suggested usage of economic instruments for sustainable development on different management levels. Authors analyze and suggest scientific and methodological approaches to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to scientific and applied aspects of sustainable development into regional and territorial levels. It can be useful for specialists on environmental economics, innovative management and marketing, business economics, regional development, macro-economic regulation, and also for lecturers, post-graduates and students of HEIs economic specialties

    Hero or Villain: The Data Controller in Privacy Law and Technologies

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    Pre-Industrial Ecological Modernization in Agro-Food and Medicine : Directing the Commodification of Heritage Culture in Cambodia

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    The environmental movement, which picked up steam from the 1960s in many rich countries, is manifested in modern-day green politics, pollution regulation, nature protection, the re-emergence of renewable energy, and organic agriculture. Discursively, this was, and still is, a post-industrial movement that arose out of atavistic notions of ‘returning’ to the land and reversing toxic pollution and human alienation from nature. Since the mid-1990s, this discourse has penetrated into theory and practice for development in pre-industrial countries, presenting new and often contradictory lessons for modernization. In particular, the concept of ‘ecological modernization’, which was used starting in the early 1980s to describe technology-based efforts to clean up the pollution and reconcile industrial development with higher environmental expectations, is turned on its head when applied to developing countries, as the focus shifts from intervention to prevention. In developing countries, however, prevention does not strictly correspond with a transfer of Western protocols for, among others, environmental regulation, organic agricultural production and sustainable wild harvesting. Instead, prevention is more about proactive engagement with contemporary agricultural discourses and adaptation of technical advancements that provides a basis for novel and more culturally-embedded food and medicine systems. This dissertation looks at the ‘capability’ (following Amartya Sen) of Cambodian society to reflexively interact with the pressures and opportunities presented by the commodification of food and medicine in light of ongoing discursive debates between industrial and alternative agriculture. It looks at assets available to Cambodians, including the ‘agro-social skill’ arising from rural experience that maintains a differentiated appreciation of agricultural products, as well as the role of historical narratives in creating a common basis of understanding agricultural modernization. Specifically, the dissertation explores the experience of three agricultural product types that are undergoing a contested commodification, namely organic/natural rice, sugar palm products, and traditional medicine. This work evaluates how these traditional product forms are socially reconstructed as heritage or ecological products throughout their commodification by analyzing the ways in which they are marketed, integrated into cultural politics and development, and perceived by rural and urban consumers. The primarily qualitative analysis of trends in production and consumption is also informed by economic analyses of farm productivity and marketing dynamics using a unique method of natural experimentation developed for this work. In conclusion, this dissertation outlines the evolving successes and dilemmas of various initiatives for promoting ecological and heritage products and uncovers mechanisms by which societal ‘capability’ for proactively encountering agricultural modernization and commodification is either eroded or buttressed. The author suggests that the precondition for successful initiatives in the long-term is the preservation and reproduction of agro-social skill, which provides the reflexivity and ideological motivation to consciously direct commodification of heritage culture and, in broader terms, provide agency in managing the encroachment of capitalist relations

    Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society

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    The law struggles to address the constitutional challenges of the algorithmic society. This book is for scholars and lawyers interested in the intersections of law and technology. It addresses the challenges for fundamental rights and democracy, the role of policy and regulation, and the responsibilities of private actors


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    Modern artificial intelligence and machine learning opens up new era towards video surveillance system. Next generation video surveillance in Internet of Things (IoT) environment is an emerging research area because of high bandwidth, big-data generation, resource constraint video surveillance node, high energy consumption for real time applications. In this thesis, various opportunities and functional requirements that next generation video surveillance system should achieve with the power of video analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning are discussed. This thesis also proposes a new video surveillance system architecture introducing fog computing towards IoT based system and contributes the facilities and benefits of proposed system which can meet the forthcoming requirements of surveillance. Different challenges and issues faced for video surveillance in IoT environment and evaluate fog-cloud integrated architecture to penetrate and eliminate those issues. The focus of this thesis is to evaluate the IoT based video surveillance system. To this end, two case studies were performed to penetrate values towards energy and bandwidth efficient video surveillance system. In one case study, an IoT-based power efficient color frame transmission and generation algorithm for video surveillance application is presented. The conventional way is to transmit all R, G and B components of all frames. Using proposed technique, instead of sending all components, first one color frame is sent followed by a series of gray-scale frames. After a certain number of gray-scale frames, another color frame is sent followed by the same number of gray-scale frames. This process is repeated for video surveillance system. In the decoder, color information is formulated from the color frame and then used to colorize the gray-scale frames. In another case study, a bandwidth efficient and low complexity frame reproduction technique that is also applicable in IoT based video surveillance application is presented. Using the second technique, only the pixel intensity that differs heavily comparing to previous frame’s corresponding pixel is sent. If the pixel intensity is similar or near similar comparing to the previous frame, the information is not transferred. With this objective, the bit stream is created for every frame with a predefined protocol. In cloud side, the frame information can be reproduced by implementing the reverse protocol from the bit stream. Experimental results of the two case studies show that the IoT-based proposed approach gives better results than traditional techniques in terms of both energy efficiency and quality of the video, and therefore, can enable sensor nodes in IoT to perform more operations with energy constraints

    Net Neutrality

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Chris Marsden maneuvers through the hype articulated by Netwrok Neutrality advocates and opponents. He offers a clear-headed analysis of the high stakes in this debate about the Internet's future, and fearlessly refutes the misinformation and misconceptions that about' Professor Rob Freiden, Penn State University Net Neutrality is a very heated and contested policy principle regarding access for content providers to the Internet end-user, and potential discrimination in that access where the end-user's ISP (or another ISP) blocks that access in part or whole. The suggestion has been that the problem can be resolved by either introducing greater competition, or closely policing conditions for vertically integrated service, such as VOIP. However, that is not the whole story, and ISPs as a whole have incentives to discriminate between content for matters such as network management of spam, to secure and maintain customer experience at current levels, and for economic benefit from new Quality of Service standards. This includes offering a ‘priority lane' on the network for premium content types such as video and voice service. The author considers market developments and policy responses in Europe and the United States, draws conclusions and proposes regulatory recommendations