138,729 research outputs found

    Evolution of isolated turbulent trailing vortices

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    In this work, the temporal evolution of a low swirl-number turbulent Batchelor vortex is studied using pseudospectral direct numerical simulations. The solution of the governing equations in the vorticity-velocity form allows for accurate application of boundary conditions. The physics of the evolution is investigated with an emphasis on the mechanisms that influence the transport of axial and angular momentum. Excitation of normal mode instabilities gives rise to coherent large scale helical structures inside the vortical core. The radial growth of these helical structures and the action of axial shear and differential rotation results in the creation of a polarized vortex layer. This vortex layer evolves into a series of hairpin-shaped structures that subsequently breakdown into elongated fine scale vortices. Ultimately, the radially outward propagation of these structures results in the relaxation of the flow towards a stable high-swirl configuration. Two conserved quantities, based on the deviation from the laminar solution, are derived and these prove to be useful in characterizing the polarized vortex layer and enhancing the understanding of the transport process. The generation and evolution of the Reynolds stresses is also addressed

    A vector field method for relativistic transport equations with applications

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    We adapt the vector field method of Klainerman to the study of relativistic transport equations. First, we prove robust decay estimates for velocity averages of solutions to the relativistic massive and massless transport equations, without any compact support requirements (in xx or vv) for the distribution functions. In the second part of this article, we apply our method to the study of the massive and massless Vlasov-Nordstr\"om systems. In the massive case, we prove global existence and (almost) optimal decay estimates for solutions in dimensions n4n \geq 4 under some smallness assumptions. In the massless case, the system decouples and we prove optimal decay estimates for the solutions in dimensions n4n \geq 4 for arbitrarily large data, and in dimension 33 under some smallness assumptions, exploiting a certain form of the null condition satisfied by the equations. The 33-dimensional massive case requires an extension of our method and will be treated in future work.Comment: 72 pages, 3 figure

    Hydrodynamics of probabilistic ballistic annihilation

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    We consider a dilute gas of hard spheres in dimension d2d \geq 2 that upon collision either annihilate with probability pp or undergo an elastic scattering with probability 1p1-p. For such a system neither mass, momentum, nor kinetic energy are conserved quantities. We establish the hydrodynamic equations from the Boltzmann equation description. Within the Chapman-Enskog scheme, we determine the transport coefficients up to Navier-Stokes order, and give the closed set of equations for the hydrodynamic fields chosen for the above coarse grained description (density, momentum and kinetic temperature). Linear stability analysis is performed, and the conditions of stability for the local fields are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 3 eps figures include

    Spin Transport in a Quantum Wire

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    We study the effect of electron-electron backscattering interactions on spin transport in a quantum wire. Even if these interactions have no significant effect on charge transport, they strongly influence the transport of spin. We use the quantum Boltzmann equation in the collision approximation to derive equations of motion for spin current and magnetization. In the limit of small perturbations from equilibrium, we explain the existence of `precessional' and `diffusive' behaviors. We also discuss the low-temperature non-linear decay of an uniform spin current outside the hydrodynamic regime.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, REVTE

    The Stability of the Minkowski space for the Einstein-Vlasov system

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    We prove the global stability of the Minkowski space viewed as the trivial solution of the Einstein-Vlasov system. To estimate the Vlasov field, we use the vector field and modified vector field techniques developed in [FJS15; FJS17]. In particular, the initial support in the velocity variable does not need to be compact. To control the effect of the large velocities, we identify and exploit several structural properties of the Vlasov equation to prove that the worst non-linear terms in the Vlasov equation either enjoy a form of the null condition or can be controlled using the wave coordinate gauge. The basic propagation estimates for the Vlasov field are then obtained using only weak interior decay for the metric components. Since some of the error terms are not time-integrable, several hierarchies in the commuted equations are exploited to close the top order estimates. For the Einstein equations, we use wave coordinates and the main new difficulty arises from the commutation of the energy-momentum tensor, which needs to be rewritten using the modified vector fields.Comment: 139 page

    Small data solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system and the vector field method

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    The aim of this article is to demonstrate how the vector field method of Klainerman can be adapted to the study of transport equations. After an illustration of the method for the free transport operator, we apply the vector field method to the Vlasov-Poisson system in dimension 3 or greater. The main results are optimal decay estimates and the propagation of global bounds for commuted fields associated with the conservation laws of the free transport operators, under some smallness assumption. Similar decay estimates had been obtained previously by Hwang, Rendall and Vel\'azquez using the method of characteristics, but the results presented here are the first to contain the global bounds for commuted fields and the optimal spatial decay estimates. In dimension 4 or greater, it suffices to use the standard vector fields commuting with the free transport operator while in dimension 3, the rate of decay is such that these vector fields would generate a logarithmic loss. Instead, we construct modified vector fields where the modification depends on the solution itself. The methods of this paper, being based on commutation vector fields and conservation laws, are applicable in principle to a wide range of systems, including the Einstein-Vlasov and the Vlasov-Nordstr\"om system

    Momentum dissipation and effective theories of coherent and incoherent transport

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    We study heat transport in two systems without momentum conservation: a hydrodynamic system, and a holographic system with spatially dependent, massless scalar fields. When momentum dissipates slowly, there is a well-defined, coherent collective excitation in the AC heat conductivity, and a crossover between sound-like and diffusive transport at small and large distance scales. When momentum dissipates quickly, there is no such excitation in the incoherent AC heat conductivity, and diffusion dominates at all distance scales. For a critical value of the momentum dissipation rate, we compute exact expressions for the Green's functions of our holographic system due to an emergent gravitational self-duality, similar to electric/magnetic duality, and SL(2,R) symmetries. We extend the coherent/incoherent classification to examples of charge transport in other holographic systems: probe brane theories and neutral theories with non-Maxwell actions.Comment: v1: 41 pages + appendices, 7 figures. v2: references and clarifications added. v3: reference adde

    Gaussian Kinetic Model for Granular Gases

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    A kinetic model for the Boltzmann equation is proposed and explored as a practical means to investigate the properties of a dilute granular gas. It is shown that all spatially homogeneous initial distributions approach a universal "homogeneous cooling solution" after a few collisions. The homogeneous cooling solution (HCS) is studied in some detail and the exact solution is compared with known results for the hard sphere Boltzmann equation. It is shown that all qualitative features of the HCS, including the nature of over population at large velocities, are reproduced semi-quantitatively by the kinetic model. It is also shown that all the transport coefficients are in excellent agreement with those from the Boltzmann equation. Also, the model is specialized to one having a velocity independent collision frequency and the resulting HCS and transport coefficients are compared to known results for the Maxwell Model. The potential of the model for the study of more complex spatially inhomogeneous states is discussed.Comment: to be submitted to Phys. Rev.