1,600 research outputs found

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance. User's guide

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design and military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from the existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by systems designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is the first volume, the User's Guide, containing a description of the program and instructions for its use

    Evaluation of the color image and video processing chain and visual quality management for consumer systems

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    With the advent of novel digital display technologies, color processing is increasingly becoming a key aspect in consumer video applications. Today’s state-of-the-art displays require sophisticated color and image reproduction techniques in order to achieve larger screen size, higher luminance and higher resolution than ever before. However, from color science perspective, there are clearly opportunities for improvement in the color reproduction capabilities of various emerging and conventional display technologies. This research seeks to identify potential areas for improvement in color processing in a video processing chain. As part of this research, various processes involved in a typical video processing chain in consumer video applications were reviewed. Several published color and contrast enhancement algorithms were evaluated, and a novel algorithm was developed to enhance color and contrast in images and videos in an effective and coordinated manner. Further, a psychophysical technique was developed and implemented for performing visual evaluation of color image and consumer video quality. Based on the performance analysis and visual experiments involving various algorithms, guidelines were proposed for the development of an effective color and contrast enhancement method for images and video applications. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this research will help build a better understanding of color processing and color quality management methods in consumer video

    Learning a self-supervised tone mapping operator via feature contrast masking loss

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    High Dynamic Range (HDR) content is becoming ubiquitous due to the rapid development of capture technologies. Nevertheless, the dynamic range of common display devices is still limited, therefore tone mapping (TM) remains a key challenge for image visualization. Recent work has demonstrated that neural networks can achieve remarkable performance in this task when compared to traditional methods, however, the quality of the results of these learning-based methods is limited by the training data. Most existing works use as training set a curated selection of best-performing results from existing traditional tone mapping operators (often guided by a quality metric), therefore, the quality of newly generated results is fundamentally limited by the performance of such operators. This quality might be even further limited by the pool of HDR content that is used for training. In this work we propose a learning-based self-supervised tone mapping operator that is trained at test time specifically for each HDR image and does not need any data labeling. The key novelty of our approach is a carefully designed loss function built upon fundamental knowledge on contrast perception that allows for directly comparing the content in the HDR and tone mapped images. We achieve this goal by reformulating classic VGG feature maps into feature contrast maps that normalize local feature differences by their average magnitude in a local neighborhood, allowing our loss to account for contrast masking effects. We perform extensive ablation studies and exploration of parameters and demonstrate that our solution outperforms existing approaches with a single set of fixed parameters, as confirmed by both objective and subjective metrics

    Image presentation: Implications of Processing and Display

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    cdc:131061Presentation at the NIOSH Scientific Workshop : Application of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses to Digital Chest Radiographic Images (2008 : Mar 12-13 : Washington, DC

    Scene-Dependency of Spatial Image Quality Metrics

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    This thesis is concerned with the measurement of spatial imaging performance and the modelling of spatial image quality in digital capturing systems. Spatial imaging performance and image quality relate to the objective and subjective reproduction of luminance contrast signals by the system, respectively; they are critical to overall perceived image quality. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) describe the signal (contrast) transfer and noise characteristics of a system, respectively, with respect to spatial frequency. They are both, strictly speaking, only applicable to linear systems since they are founded upon linear system theory. Many contemporary capture systems use adaptive image signal processing, such as denoising and sharpening, to optimise output image quality. These non-linear processes change their behaviour according to characteristics of the input signal (i.e. the scene being captured). This behaviour renders system performance “scene-dependent” and difficult to measure accurately. The MTF and NPS are traditionally measured from test charts containing suitable predefined signals (e.g. edges, sinusoidal exposures, noise or uniform luminance patches). These signals trigger adaptive processes at uncharacteristic levels since they are unrepresentative of natural scene content. Thus, for systems using adaptive processes, the resultant MTFs and NPSs are not representative of performance “in the field” (i.e. capturing real scenes). Spatial image quality metrics for capturing systems aim to predict the relationship between MTF and NPS measurements and subjective ratings of image quality. They cascade both measures with contrast sensitivity functions that describe human visual sensitivity with respect to spatial frequency. The most recent metrics designed for adaptive systems use MTFs measured using the dead leaves test chart that is more representative of natural scene content than the abovementioned test charts. This marks a step toward modelling image quality with respect to real scene signals. This thesis presents novel scene-and-process-dependent MTFs (SPD-MTF) and NPSs (SPDNPS). They are measured from imaged pictorial scene (or dead leaves target) signals to account for system scene-dependency. Further, a number of spatial image quality metrics are revised to account for capture system and visual scene-dependency. Their MTF and NPS parameters were substituted for SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. Likewise, their standard visual functions were substituted for contextual detection (cCSF) or discrimination (cVPF) functions. In addition, two novel spatial image quality metrics are presented (the log Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) and Visual log NEQ) that implement SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. The metrics, SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs were validated by analysing measurements from simulated image capture pipelines that applied either linear or adaptive image signal processing. The SPD-NPS measures displayed little evidence of measurement error, and the metrics performed most accurately when they used SPD-NPSs measured from images of scenes. The benefit of deriving SPD-MTFs from images of scenes was traded-off, however, against measurement bias. Most metrics performed most accurately with SPD-MTFs derived from dead leaves signals. Implementing the cCSF or cVPF did not increase metric accuracy. The log NEQ and Visual log NEQ metrics proposed in this thesis were highly competitive, outperforming metrics of the same genre. They were also more consistent than the IEEE P1858 Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) metric when their input parameters were modified. The advantages and limitations of all performance measures and metrics were discussed, as well as their practical implementation and relevant applications

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    A mobile image enhancement technology for visually impaired

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    In this thesis, an image enhancement application is developed for low-vision patients when they use iPhones to see images/watch videos. The thesis has two contributions. The first contribution is the new image enhancement algorithm which combines human vision features. The new image enhancement algorithm is modified from a wavelet transform based image enhancement algorithm developed by Dr. Jinshan Tang. Different from the original algorithm, the new image enhancement algorithm combines human visual feature into the algorithm and thus can make the new algorithm more effective. Experimental simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better visual results than the algorithm without combining visual features. The second contribution of this thesis is the development of a mobile image enhancement application. In this application, users with low-vision can see clearer images on an iPhone which is installed with the application I have developed

    Optimal prefilters for display enhancement

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    Creating images from a set of discrete samples is arguably the most common operation in computer graphics and image processing, lying, for example, at the heart of rendering and image downscaling techniques. Traditional tools for this task are based on classic sampling theory and are modeled under mathematical conditions which are, in most cases, unrealistic; for example, sinc reconstruction – required by Shannon theorem in order to recover a signal exactly – is impossible to achieve in practice because LCD displays perform a box-like interpolation of the samples. Moreover, when an image is made for a human to look at, it will necessarily undergo some modifications due to the human optical system and all the neural processes involved in vision. Finally, image processing practitioners noticed that sinc prefiltering – also required by Shannon theorem – often leads to visually unpleasant images. From these facts, we can deduce that we cannot guarantee, via classic sampling theory, that the signal we see in a display is the best representation of the original image we had in first place. In this work, we propose a novel family of image prefilters based on modern sampling theory, and on a simple model of how the human visual system perceives an image on a display. The use of modern sampling theory guarantees us that the perceived image, based on this model, is indeed the best representation possible, and at virtually no computational overhead. We analyze the spectral properties of these prefilters, showing that they offer the possibility of trading-off aliasing and ringing, while guaranteeing that images look sharper then those generated with both classic and state-of-the-art filters. Finally, we compare it against other solutions in a selection of applications which include Monte Carlo rendering and image downscaling, also giving directions on how to apply it in different contexts.Exibir imagens a partir de um conjunto discreto de amostras é certamente uma das operações mais comuns em computação gráfica e processamento de imagens. Ferramentas tradicionais para essa tarefa são baseadas no teorema de Shannon e são modeladas em condições matemáticas que são, na maior parte dos casos, irrealistas; por exemplo, reconstrução com sinc – necessária pelo teorema de Shannon para recuperar um sinal exatamente – é impossível na prática, já que displays LCD realizam uma reconstrução mais próxima de uma interpolação com kernel box. Além disso, profissionais em processamento de imagem perceberam que prefiltragem com sinc – também requerida pelo teorema de Shannon – em geral leva a imagens visualmente desagradáveis devido ao fenômeno de ringing: oscilações próximas a regiões de descontinuidade nas imagens. Desses fatos, deduzimos que não é possível garantir, via ferramentas tradicionais de amostragem e reconstrução, que a imagem que observamos em um display digital é a melhor representação para a imagem original. Neste trabalho, propomos uma família de prefiltros baseada em teoria de amostragem generalizada e em um modelo de como o sistema ótico do olho humano modifica uma imagem. Proposta por Unser and Aldroubi (1994), a teoria de amostragem generalizada é mais geral que o teorema proposto por Shannon, e mostra como é possível pré-filtrar e reconstruir sinais usando kernels diferentes do sinc. Modelamos o sistema ótico do olho como uma câmera com abertura finita e uma lente delgada, o que apesar de ser simples é suficiente para os nossos propósitos. Além de garantir aproximação ótima quando reconstruindo as amostras por um display e filtrando a imagem com o modelo do sistema ótico humano, a teoria de amostragem generalizada garante que essas operações são extremamente eficientes, todas lineares no número de pixels de entrada. Também, analisamos as propriedades espectrais desses filtros e de técnicas semelhantes na literatura, mostrando que é possível obter um bom tradeoff entre aliasing e ringing (principais artefatos quando lidamos com amostragem e reconstrução de imagens), enquanto garantimos que as imagens finais são mais nítidas que aquelas geradas por técnicas existentes na literatura. Finalmente, mostramos algumas aplicações da nossa técnica em melhoria de imagens, adaptação à distâncias de visualização diferentes, redução de imagens e renderização de imagens sintéticas por método de Monte Carlo

    Contours and contrast

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    Contrast in photographic and computer-generated imagery communicates colour and lightness differences that would be perceived when viewing the represented scene. Due to depiction constraints, the amount of displayable contrast is limited, reducing the image's ability to accurately represent the scene. A local contrast enhancement technique called unsharp masking can overcome these constraints by adding high-frequency contours to an image that increase its apparent contrast. In three novel algorithms inspired by unsharp masking, specialized local contrast enhancements are shown to overcome constraints of a limited dynamic range, overcome an achromatic palette, and to improve the rendering of 3D shapes and scenes. The Beyond Tone Mapping approach restores original HDR contrast to its tone mapped LDR counterpart by adding highfrequency colour contours to the LDR image while preserving its luminance. Apparent Greyscale is a multi-scale two-step technique that first converts colour images and video to greyscale according to their chromatic lightness, then restores diminished colour contrast with high-frequency luminance contours. Finally, 3D Unsharp Masking performs scene coherent enhancement by introducing 3D high-frequency luminance contours to emphasize the details, shapes, tonal range and spatial organization of a 3D scene within the rendering pipeline. As a perceptual justification, it is argued that a local contrast enhancement made with unsharp masking is related to the Cornsweet illusion, and that this may explain its effect on apparent contrast.Seit vielen Jahren ist die realistische Erzeugung von virtuellen Charakteren ein zentraler Teil der Computergraphikforschung. Dennoch blieben bisher einige Probleme ungelöst. Dazu zählt unter anderem die Erzeugung von Charakteranimationen, welche unter der Benutzung der traditionellen, skelettbasierten Ansätze immer noch zeitaufwändig sind. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt auch die passive Erfassung von Schauspielern in alltäglicher Kleidung dar. Darüber hinaus existieren im Gegensatz zu den zahlreichen skelettbasierten Ansätzen nur wenige Methoden zur Verarbeitung und Veränderung von Netzanimationen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Algorithmen zur Lösung jeder dieser Aufgaben. Unser erster Ansatz besteht aus zwei Netz-basierten Verfahren zur Vereinfachung von Charakteranimationen. Obwohl das kinematische Skelett beiseite gelegt wird, können beide Verfahren direkt in die traditionelle Pipeline integriert werden, wobei die Erstellung von Animationen mit wirklichkeitsgetreuen Körperverformungen ermöglicht wird. Im Anschluss präsentieren wir drei passive Aufnahmemethoden für Körperbewegung und Schauspiel, die ein deformierbares 3D-Modell zur Repräsentation der Szene benutzen. Diese Methoden können zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion von zeit- und raummässig kohärenter Geometrie, Bewegung und Oberflächentexturen benutzt werden, die auch zeitlich veränderlich sein dürfen. Aufnahmen von lockerer und alltäglicher Kleidung sind dabei problemlos möglich. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen die qualitativ hochwertigen Rekonstruktionen die realistische Darstellung von 3D Video-Sequenzen. Schließlich werden zwei neuartige Algorithmen zur Verarbeitung von Netz-Animationen beschrieben. Während der erste Algorithmus die vollautomatische Umwandlung von Netz-Animationen in skelettbasierte Animationen ermöglicht, erlaubt der zweite die automatische Konvertierung von Netz-Animationen in so genannte Animations-Collagen, einem neuen Kunst-Stil zur Animationsdarstellung. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebenen Methoden können als Lösungen spezieller Probleme, aber auch als wichtige Bausteine größerer Anwendungen betrachtet werden. Zusammengenommen bilden sie ein leistungsfähiges System zur akkuraten Erfassung, zur Manipulation und zum realistischen Rendern von künstlerischen Aufführungen, dessen Fähigkeiten über diejenigen vieler verwandter Capture-Techniken hinausgehen. Auf diese Weise können wir die Bewegung, die im Zeitverlauf variierenden Details und die Textur-Informationen eines Schauspielers erfassen und sie in eine mit vollständiger Information versehene Charakter-Animation umwandeln, die unmittelbar weiterverwendet werden kann, sich aber auch zur realistischen Darstellung des Schauspielers aus beliebigen Blickrichtungen eignet

    Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) System for Ancient Documentary Artefacts

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    This tutorial summarises our uses of reflectance transformation imaging in archaeological contexts. It introduces the UK AHRC funded project reflectance Transformation Imaging for Anciant Documentary Artefacts and demonstrates imaging methodologies
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