362 research outputs found

    Nominal aspect in Marori

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    This paper discusses nonverbal TAM (Tense-Aspect-Mood), focusing on the completive perfective stative aspect marked by -on in Marori (a Papuan language of Southern New Guinea). The nonverbal aspect is grammatical in nature, with its coding local but possibly imposing a nonlocal morphosyntactic constraint on the clausal auxiliary verb. In terms of Nordlinger and Sadler�s (2004) typology, Marori nonverbal aspect marking belongs to two types: the Independent Nominal and the Propositional Nominal Aspect types. It is demonstrated that its broad aspectual meaning, in terms of Reichenbach�s notation, is [E-R, S], which is exactly the same as the Present Perfect in English. While having this similar broad meaning as with English, its morphosyntactic realisation and constraints in the grammar are quite different. An LFG analysis accounting for the distribution of -on is proposed, making use of the inside-out mechanism to account for the non-local constraint of -on, which extends to the clausal TAM

    Diminutive and Nominal Aspect in Spanish

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    Indexación: Revista UNABEn este trabajo se aborda el tema del aspecto nominal y cómo este influye en la formación del diminutivo de base nominal en español. Con un acercamiento funcional a los datos, el análisis aporta evidencia de que el español dispone de dos recursos para diminutivizar nombres: el morfológico, mediante el uso del sufijo -it, que puede ser aplicado a cualquier clase de nombre y puede ser usado para disminuir de manera tanto objetiva como subjetiva a los nombres contables concretos, mientras que el segundo recurso, que llamaremos morfosintáctico y que consiste en añadir el mismo sufijo al núcleo nominal de una frase delimitadora, propio de los nombres de masa, es más flexible en cuanto a los efectos semánticos que puede producir.This paper addresses the issue of diminutives in Spanish and how the nominal aspect influences their formation as well as the values they can assume. The analysis provides evidence that Spanish has two resources to create a diminutive from a noun; first, the suffix -it, called morphological, which can be applied to any kind of name and can be used to diminish concrete countable nouns both objectively and subjectively; while the second, the morphosyntactic resource, which adds the same suffix to the nominal head of a bounded phrase —a characteristic of mass nouns—, is more flexible concerning the semantic effects it can produce.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/A7.-CASTILLO-ORTIZ.pd

    Direct Measurement of Neutron-Star Recoil in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant Puppis A

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    A sequence of three Chandra X-ray Observatory High Resolution Camera images taken over a span of five years reveals arc-second-scale displacement of RX J0822-4300, the stellar remnant (presumably a neutron star) near the center of the Puppis A supernova remnant. We measure its proper motion to be 0.165+/-0.025 arcsec/yr toward the west-southwest. At a distance of 2 kpc, this corresponds to a transverse space velocity of ~1600 km/s. The space velocity is consistent with the explosion center inferred from proper motions of the oxygen-rich optical filaments, and confirms the idea that Puppis A resulted from an asymmetric explosion accompanied by a kick that imparted roughly 3*10^49 ergs of kinetic energy (some 3 percent of the kinetic energy for a typical supernova) to the stellar remnant. We discuss constraints on core-collapse supernova models that have been proposed to explain neutron star kick velocities

    Dynamical Stability of Slip-stacking Particles

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    We study the stability of particles in slip-stacking configuration, used to nearly double proton beam intensity at Fermilab. We introduce universal area factors to calculate the available phase space area for any set of beam parameters without individual simulation. We find perturbative solutions for stable particle trajectories. We establish Booster beam quality requirements to achieve 97\% slip-stacking efficiency. We show that slip-stacking dynamics directly correspond to the driven pendulum and to the system of two standing-wave traps moving with respect to each other.Comment: Supplemental Material appended to pape

    Orientational Imaging of Subwavelength Au Particles with Higher Order Laser Modes

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    We present a new method for the imaging of single metallic nanoparticles that provides information about their shape and orientation. Using confocal microscopy in combination with higher order laser modes, scattering images of individual particles are recorded. Gold nanospheres and nonorods render characteristic patterns reflecting the different particle geometries. In the case of nanorods, the scattering patterns also reveal the orientation of the particles. This novel technique provides a promising tool for the visualization of nonbleaching labels in the biosciences

    The detection of variability from the candidate IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E1048.1-5937

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    We report on the detection of variability from the proposed IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1E1048.1-5937 based on Chandra and ESO optical/IR deep observations carried out in 2001-2002. Within the narrow Chandra uncertainty region for 1E1048.1-5937 we found only one relatively faint (J=22.1+/-0.3, J-Ks=2.4) source, while the recently proposed IR counterpart was not detected down to a limiting Ks magnitude of about 20.7 (3sigma confidence level). This implies a remarkable IR brightening of this object, Delta Ks>1.3, on a timescale of about 50 days. Although our knowledge of the IR properties of AXPs is rather limited (there is only another source, 1E2259+586, for which IR variability has been detected), the observed IR variability of the proposed counterpart strengthens its association with 1E1048.1-5937. Our results make the IR (and presumably optical) variability a likely common characteristic of AXPs, and provide new constraints on this class of objects.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for publication on ApJ Letters. emulateapj5.sty macro use

    Probing microplasticity in small scale FCC crystals via Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

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    In small-scale metallic systems, collective dislocation activity has been correlated with size effects in strength and with a step-like plastic response under uniaxial compression and tension. Yielding and plastic flow in these samples is often accompanied by the emergence of multiple dislocation avalanches. Dislocations might be active pre-yield, but their activity typically cannot be discerned because of the inherent instrumental noise in detecting equipment. We apply Alternate Current (AC) load perturbations via Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) during quasi-static uniaxial compression experiments on single crystalline Cu nano-pillars with diameters of 500 nm, and compute dynamic moduli at frequencies 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 10 Hz under progressively higher static loads until yielding. By tracking the collective aspects of the oscillatory stress-strain-time series in multiple samples, we observe an evolving dissipative component of the dislocation network response that signifies the transition from elastic behavior to dislocation avalanches in the globally pre-yield regime. We postulate that microplasticity, which is associated with the combination of dislocation avalanches and slow viscoplastic relaxations, is the cause of the dependency of dynamic modulus on the driving rate and the quasi-static stress. We construct a continuum mesoscopic dislocation dynamics model to compute the frequency response of stress over strain and obtain a consistent agreement with experimental observations. The results of our experiments and simulations present a pathway to discern and quantify correlated dislocation activity in the pre-yield regime of deforming crystals.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Analytical and scale model research aimed at improved hangglider design

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    Research consisted of a theoretical analysis which attempts to predict aerodynamic characteristics using lifting surface theory and finite-element structural analysis as well as an experimental investigation using 1/5 scale elastically similar models in the NASA Ames 2m x 3m (7' x 10') wind tunnel. Experimental data were compared with theoretical results in the development of a computer program which may be used in the design and evaluation of ultralight gliders

    Synthetic fibres and steel fibres in concrete with regard to bond strength and toughness

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    The ability of fibre reinforced concrete composites to absorb energy has long been recognised as one of the most important benefits of the incorporation of fibres into plain concrete” (Golpalaratham and Gettu 1995). Steel and synthetic fibres have been used in concrete floor slabs with success in providing crack control. Slab design using synthetic fibres relies heavily upon manufacturers design guidance whereas steel fibres have better developed independent design guides available to assist their correct use (The Concrete Society 2007a). This paper examines the pull out values of both steel and Type 2 synthetic fibres embedded in concrete and equates their dosage when used in beams to provide near equal toughness values, thus providing the designer with a synthetic/steel fibre ratio by mass of fibre addition for equal performance. According to Nataraja, et al (2000), the most common method to measure toughness, is to use the load-deflection curve. One of the most widely used load-deflection tests has been ASTM 1018, which was used herein to evaluate the post crack toughness; by stating toughness as independent indices and residual strengths based upon the deflection at the formation of the first crack in the beam in relation to fixed points of further deflections under load. The ASTM test was chosen as it has been widely used and it is readily understood by many readers. The research demonstrates that near equal post crack toughness can be achieved in concrete beams using steel and synthetic fibres, at different doses

    A Business Cycle Model with Sticky Pricing and Endogenous Capital

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    In this paper, we will study some business cycle models with sticky pricing and endogenous and firm-specific capital. We also manage to incorporate capital utilization into the models. As revealed by the simulation results, the cyclical behaviors of our business cycle models are quite normal compared with the literature and those of the actual economy except the simulated correlations between inflation and output. Such simulation result is mainly because in symmetric equilibriums, money in our models turns out to be superneutral.
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