379 research outputs found

    Speech enhancement by perceptual adaptive wavelet de-noising

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    This thesis work summarizes and compares the existing wavelet de-noising methods. Most popular methods of wavelet transform, adaptive thresholding, and musical noise suppression have been analyzed theoretically and evaluated through Matlab simulation. Based on the above work, a new speech enhancement system using adaptive wavelet de-noising is proposed. Each step of the standard wavelet thresholding is improved by optimized adaptive algorithms. The Quantile based adaptive noise estimate and the posteriori SNR based threshold adjuster are compensatory to each other. The combination of them integrates the advantages of these two approaches and balances the effects of noise removal and speech preservation. In order to improve the final perceptual quality, an innovative musical noise analysis and smoothing algorithm and a Teager Energy Operator based silent segment smoothing module are also introduced into the system. The experimental results have demonstrated the capability of the proposed system in both stationary and non-stationary noise environments

    Perceptually Motivated Wavelet Packet Transform for Bioacoustic Signal Enhancement

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    A significant and often unavoidable problem in bioacoustic signal processing is the presence of background noise due to an adverse recording environment. This paper proposes a new bioacoustic signal enhancement technique which can be used on a wide range of species. The technique is based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet decomposition using a species-specific Greenwood scale function. Spectral estimation techniques, similar to those used for human speech enhancement, are used for estimation of clean signal wavelet coefficients under an additive noise model. The new approach is compared to several other techniques, including basic bandpass filtering as well as classical speech enhancement methods such as spectral subtraction, Wiener filtering, and Ephraim–Malah filtering. Vocalizations recorded from several species are used for evaluation, including the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia), with both additive white Gaussian noise and environment recording noise added across a range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Results, measured by both SNR and segmental SNR of the enhanced wave forms, indicate that the proposed method outperforms other approaches for a wide range of noise conditions

    Offline and real time noise reduction in speech signals using the discrete wavelet packet decomposition

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    This thesis describes the development of an offline and real time wavelet based speech enhancement system to process speech corrupted with various amounts of white Gaussian noise and other different noise types

    Speech Enhancement with Adaptive Thresholding and Kalman Filtering

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    Speech enhancement has been extensively studied for many years and various speech enhance- ment methods have been developed during the past decades. One of the objectives of speech en- hancement is to provide high-quality speech communication in the presence of background noise and concurrent interference signals. In the process of speech communication, the clean speech sig- nal is inevitably corrupted by acoustic noise from the surrounding environment, transmission media, communication equipment, electrical noise, other speakers, and other sources of interference. These disturbances can significantly degrade the quality and intelligibility of the received speech signal. Therefore, it is of great interest to develop efficient speech enhancement techniques to recover the original speech from the noisy observation. In recent years, various techniques have been developed to tackle this problem, which can be classified into single channel and multi-channel enhancement approaches. Since single channel enhancement is easy to implement, it has been a significant field of research and various approaches have been developed. For example, spectral subtraction and Wiener filtering, are among the earliest single channel methods, which are based on estimation of the power spectrum of stationary noise. However, when the noise is non-stationary, or there exists music noise and ambient speech noise, the enhancement performance would degrade considerably. To overcome this disadvantage, this thesis focuses on single channel speech enhancement under adverse noise environment, especially the non-stationary noise environment. Recently, wavelet transform based methods have been widely used to reduce the undesired background noise. On the other hand, the Kalman filter (KF) methods offer competitive denoising results, especially in non-stationary environment. It has been used as a popular and powerful tool for speech enhancement during the past decades. In this regard, a single channel wavelet thresholding based Kalman filter (KF) algorithm is proposed for speech enhancement in this thesis. The wavelet packet (WP) transform is first applied to the noise corrupted speech on a frame-by-frame basis, which decomposes each frame into a number of subbands. A voice activity detector (VAD) is then designed to detect the voiced/unvoiced frames of the subband speech. Based on the VAD result, an adaptive thresholding scheme is applied to each subband speech followed by the WP based reconstruction to obtain the pre-enhanced speech. To achieve a further level of enhancement, an iterative Kalman filter (IKF) is used to process the pre-enhanced speech. The proposed adaptive thresholding iterative Kalman filtering (AT-IKF) method is evaluated and compared with some existing methods under various noise conditions in terms of segmental SNR and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) as two well-known performance indexes. Firstly, we compare the proposed adaptive thresholding (AT) scheme with three other threshold- ing schemes: the non-linear universal thresholding (U-T), the non-linear wavelet packet transform thresholding (WPT-T) and the non-linear SURE thresholding (SURE-T). The experimental results show that the proposed AT scheme can significantly improve the segmental SNR and PESQ for all input SNRs compared with the other existing thresholding schemes. Secondly, extensive computer simulations are conducted to evaluate the proposed AT-IKF as opposed to the AT and the IKF as standalone speech enhancement methods. It is shown that the AT-IKF method still performs the best. Lastly, the proposed ATIKF method is compared with three representative and popular meth- ods: the improved spectral subtraction based speech enhancement algorithm (ISS), the improved Wiener filter based method (IWF) and the representative subband Kalman filter based algorithm (SIKF). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method as compared to some previous works both in terms of segmental SNR and PESQ
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