11,823 research outputs found

    Improving acoustic vehicle classification by information fusion

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    We present an information fusion approach for ground vehicle classification based on the emitted acoustic signal. Many acoustic factors can contribute to the classification accuracy of working ground vehicles. Classification relying on a single feature set may lose some useful information if its underlying sound production model is not comprehensive. To improve classification accuracy, we consider an information fusion diagram, in which various aspects of an acoustic signature are taken into account and emphasized separately by two different feature extraction methods. The first set of features aims to represent internal sound production, and a number of harmonic components are extracted to characterize the factors related to the vehicle’s resonance. The second set of features is extracted based on a computationally effective discriminatory analysis, and a group of key frequency components are selected by mutual information, accounting for the sound production from the vehicle’s exterior parts. In correspondence with this structure, we further put forward a modifiedBayesian fusion algorithm, which takes advantage of matching each specific feature set with its favored classifier. To assess the proposed approach, experiments are carried out based on a data set containing acoustic signals from different types of vehicles. Results indicate that the fusion approach can effectively increase classification accuracy compared to that achieved using each individual features set alone. The Bayesian-based decision level fusion is found fusion is found to be improved than a feature level fusion approac

    Foreground detection enhancement using Pearson correlation filtering

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    Foreground detection algorithms are commonly employed as an initial module in video processing pipelines for automated surveillance. The resulting masks produced by these algorithms are usually postprocessed in order to improve their quality. In this work, a postprocessing filter based on the Pearson correlation among the pixels in a neighborhood of the pixel at hand is proposed. The flow of information among pixels is controlled by the correlation that exists among them. This way, the filtering performance is enhanced with respect to some state of the art proposals, as demonstrated with a selection of benchmark videos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Nonlinear tube-fitting for the analysis of anatomical and functional structures

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    We are concerned with the estimation of the exterior surface and interior summaries of tube-shaped anatomical structures. This interest is motivated by two distinct scientific goals, one dealing with the distribution of HIV microbicide in the colon and the other with measuring degradation in white-matter tracts in the brain. Our problem is posed as the estimation of the support of a distribution in three dimensions from a sample from that distribution, possibly measured with error. We propose a novel tube-fitting algorithm to construct such estimators. Further, we conduct a simulation study to aid in the choice of a key parameter of the algorithm, and we test our algorithm with validation study tailored to the motivating data sets. Finally, we apply the tube-fitting algorithm to a colon image produced by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and to a white-matter tract image produced using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS384 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Photogrammetry as a surveying thechnique apllied to heritage constructions recording - avantages and limitations

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.A presente dissertação tem por objectivo investigar e evidenciar as vantagens da aplicação da fotogrametria, e possíveis integrações com outros métodos de levantamento, como seja o varrimento laser terrestre, posicionamento por GPS, entre outros, para realizar levantamentos de construções patrimoniais ou eruditas e a respectiva produção de documentação base para viabilizar intervenções de conservação, restauro ou reabilitação. A motivação para a investigação advém da aplicação flexível, versátil, simples, acessível, e baixo-custo da fotogrametria em projectos de levantamento pequenos ou extensos. Tenciona-se igualmente colmatar as desvantagens tradicionais da fotogrametria, nomeadamente a transição entre espaços interiores e exteriores, e registo de espaços estreitos, de difícil acesso, e de geometrias complexas, num único projecto de documentação. Pretende-se ultrapassar estas dificuldades através da utilização máxima das potencialidades da fotogrametria com o uso de imagens olho de peixe e apenas como último recurso utilizar instrumentos complementares. No caso de estudo principal, o Castelo do Convento de Cristo, demonstra-se a aplicação dos métodos investigados. Nos casos de estudo secundários abordam-se problemas parcelares, desde elementos decorativos até à totalidade do edificado: Convento dos Capuchos, em Sintra; Alcáçova e trecho de muralha do Castelo de Sesimbra; Igreja de Stº André, em Mafra; entre outros. Os casos auxiliaram na determinação de procedimentos a generalizar posteriormente. Por fim, propõem-se algoritmos que auxiliam na produção de documentação.ABSTRACT: The present dissertation aims to research and demonstrate the advantages of the application of photogrammetry, and its possible integrations with other methods, such as terrestrial laser scanning, GPS positioning, and among others, to perform surveys of heritage or erudite buildings and respective production of base documentation to enable interventions of conservation, restoration, or rehabilitation. The motivation for researching is due to the flexible, versatile, simple, affordable, and low-cost application of photogrammetry in small and extensive survey projects. It is also intended to overcome the traditional disadvantages of photogrammetry, such as the transition between interior and exterior spaces, and difficulty of recording narrow, hard-to-access, and complex geometric spaces, in a single project. It is intended to overcome such challenges by maximizing the potential uses of photogrammetry with the use of fisheye images and by using other survey instruments as a last resort. In the main case study, the Castle of the Convent of Christ, the application of the investigated methods is demonstrated. In the secondary case studies, partial problems are addressed, ranging from decorative elements to the entire building: Convento dos Capuchos, in Sintra; Citadel and section of a wall of the Castle of Sesimbra; Igreja de St André, in Mafra; among others; The case studies aided in determining general procedures. Finally, algorithms that accelerate the production of documentation are proposed.N/

    Trying to break new ground in aerial archaeology

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    Aerial reconnaissance continues to be a vital tool for landscape-oriented archaeological research. Although a variety of remote sensing platforms operate within the earth’s atmosphere, the majority of aerial archaeological information is still derived from oblique photographs collected during observer-directed reconnaissance flights, a prospection approach which has dominated archaeological aerial survey for the past century. The resulting highly biased imagery is generally catalogued in sub-optimal (spatial) databases, if at all, after which a small selection of images is orthorectified and interpreted. For decades, this has been the standard approach. Although many innovations, including digital cameras, inertial units, photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms, geographic(al) information systems and computing power have emerged, their potential has not yet been fully exploited in order to re-invent and highly optimise this crucial branch of landscape archaeology. The authors argue that a fundamental change is needed to transform the way aerial archaeologists approach data acquisition and image processing. By addressing the very core concepts of geographically biased aerial archaeological photographs and proposing new imaging technologies, data handling methods and processing procedures, this paper gives a personal opinion on how the methodological components of aerial archaeology, and specifically aerial archaeological photography, should evolve during the next decade if developing a more reliable record of our past is to be our central aim. In this paper, a possible practical solution is illustrated by outlining a turnkey aerial prospection system for total coverage survey together with a semi-automated back-end pipeline that takes care of photograph correction and image enhancement as well as the management and interpretative mapping of the resulting data products. In this way, the proposed system addresses one of many bias issues in archaeological research: the bias we impart to the visual record as a result of selective coverage. While the total coverage approach outlined here may not altogether eliminate survey bias, it can vastly increase the amount of useful information captured during a single reconnaissance flight while mitigating the discriminating effects of observer-based, on-the-fly target selection. Furthermore, the information contained in this paper should make it clear that with current technology it is feasible to do so. This can radically alter the basis for aerial prospection and move landscape archaeology forward, beyond the inherently biased patterns that are currently created by airborne archaeological prospection

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    Methods for Volumetric Reconstruction of Visual Scenes

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    In this paper, we present methods for 3D volumetric reconstruction of visual scenes photographed by multiple calibrated cameras placed at arbitrary viewpoints. Our goal is to generate a 3D model that can be rendered to synthesize new photo-realistic views of the scene. We improve upon existing voxel coloring/space carving approaches by introducing new ways to compute visibility and photo-consistency, as well as model infinitely large scenes. In particular, we describe a visibility approach that uses all possible color information from the photographs during reconstruction, photo-consistency measures that are more robust and/or require less manual intervention, and a volumetric warping method for application of these reconstruction methods to large-scale scenes

    Space Station Human Factors Research Review. Volume 4: Inhouse Advanced Development and Research

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    A variety of human factors studies related to space station design are presented. Subjects include proximity operations and window design, spatial perceptual issues regarding displays, image management, workload research, spatial cognition, virtual interface, fault diagnosis in orbital refueling, and error tolerance and procedure aids