41,815 research outputs found


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    There are many applications where multiple images are fused to form a single summary greyscale or colour output, including computational photography (e.g. RGB-NIR), diffusion tensor imaging (medical), and remote sensing. Often, and intuitively, image fusion is carried out in the derivative domain (based on image gradients). In this thesis, we propose new derivative domain image fusion methods and metrics, and carry out experiments on a range of image fusion applications. After reviewing previous relevant methods in derivative domain image fusion, we make several new contributions. We present new applications for the Spectral Edge image fusion method, in thermal image fusion (using a FLIR smartphone accessory) and near-infrared image fusion (using an integrated visible and near-infrared sensor). We propose extensions of standard objective image fusion quality metrics for M to N channel image fusion measuring image fusion performance is an unsolved problem. Finally, and most importantly, we propose new methods in image fusion, which give improved results compared to previous methods (based on metric and subjective comparisons): we propose an iterative extension to the Spectral Edge image fusion method, producing improved detail transfer and colour vividness, and we propose a new derivative domain image fusion method, based on finding a local linear combination of input images to produce an output image with optimum gradient detail, without artefacts - this mapping can be calculated by finding the principal characteristic vector of the outer product of the Jacobian matrix of image derivatives, or by solving a least-squares regression (with regularization) to the target gradients calculated by the Spectral Edge theorem. We then use our new image fusion method on a range of image fusion applications, producing state of the art image fusion results with the potential for real-time performance

    Multimodal music information processing and retrieval: survey and future challenges

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    Towards improving the performance in various music information processing tasks, recent studies exploit different modalities able to capture diverse aspects of music. Such modalities include audio recordings, symbolic music scores, mid-level representations, motion, and gestural data, video recordings, editorial or cultural tags, lyrics and album cover arts. This paper critically reviews the various approaches adopted in Music Information Processing and Retrieval and highlights how multimodal algorithms can help Music Computing applications. First, we categorize the related literature based on the application they address. Subsequently, we analyze existing information fusion approaches, and we conclude with the set of challenges that Music Information Retrieval and Sound and Music Computing research communities should focus in the next years

    Fingerprint Verification Using Spectral Minutiae Representations

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    Most fingerprint recognition systems are based on the use of a minutiae set, which is an unordered collection of minutiae locations and orientations suffering from various deformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. The spectral minutiae representation introduced in this paper is a novel method to represent a minutiae set as a fixed-length feature vector, which is invariant to translation, and in which rotation and scaling become translations, so that they can be easily compensated for. These characteristics enable the combination of fingerprint recognition systems with template protection schemes that require a fixed-length feature vector. This paper introduces the concept of algorithms for two representation methods: the location-based spectral minutiae representation and the orientation-based spectral minutiae representation. Both algorithms are evaluated using two correlation-based spectral minutiae matching algorithms. We present the performance of our algorithms on three fingerprint databases. We also show how the performance can be improved by using a fusion scheme and singular points

    Variational Downscaling, Fusion and Assimilation of Hydrometeorological States via Regularized Estimation

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    Improved estimation of hydrometeorological states from down-sampled observations and background model forecasts in a noisy environment, has been a subject of growing research in the past decades. Here, we introduce a unified framework that ties together the problems of downscaling, data fusion and data assimilation as ill-posed inverse problems. This framework seeks solutions beyond the classic least squares estimation paradigms by imposing proper regularization, which are constraints consistent with the degree of smoothness and probabilistic structure of the underlying state. We review relevant regularization methods in derivative space and extend classic formulations of the aforementioned problems with particular emphasis on hydrologic and atmospheric applications. Informed by the statistical characteristics of the state variable of interest, the central results of the paper suggest that proper regularization can lead to a more accurate and stable recovery of the true state and hence more skillful forecasts. In particular, using the Tikhonov and Huber regularization in the derivative space, the promise of the proposed framework is demonstrated in static downscaling and fusion of synthetic multi-sensor precipitation data, while a data assimilation numerical experiment is presented using the heat equation in a variational setting

    Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression

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    Generally, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) process data on a regular grid, e.g. data generated by ordinary cameras. Designing CNNs for sparse and irregularly spaced input data is still an open research problem with numerous applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and surveillance. In this paper, we propose an algebraically-constrained normalized convolution layer for CNNs with highly sparse input that has a smaller number of network parameters compared to related work. We propose novel strategies for determining the confidence from the convolution operation and propagating it to consecutive layers. We also propose an objective function that simultaneously minimizes the data error while maximizing the output confidence. To integrate structural information, we also investigate fusion strategies to combine depth and RGB information in our normalized convolution network framework. In addition, we introduce the use of output confidence as an auxiliary information to improve the results. The capabilities of our normalized convolution network framework are demonstrated for the problem of scene depth completion. Comprehensive experiments are performed on the KITTI-Depth and the NYU-Depth-v2 datasets. The results clearly demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior performance while requiring only about 1-5% of the number of parameters compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 14 pages, 14 Figure