24 research outputs found

    Convergence theorems for common fixed point of the family of nonself and nonexpansive mappings in real Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we construct cyclic-Mann type of iterative method for approximating a common fixed point of the finite family of nonself and nonexpansive mappings satisfying inward condition on a non-empty, closed and convex subset of a real uniformly convex Banach space . We also construct the averaging algorithm to the class of nonexpansive mappings in 2-uniformly smooth Banach space. We prove weak and strong convergence results for the iterative method. The results of this work extend results in the literature

    Viscosity Method for Hierarchical Fixed Point Problems with an Infinite Family of Nonexpansive Nonself-Mappings

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    A viscosity method for hierarchical fixed point problems is presented to solve variational inequalities, where the involved mappings are nonexpansive nonself-mappings. Solutions are sought in the set of the common fixed points of an infinite family of nonexpansive nonself-mappings. The results generalize and improve the recent results announced by many other authors

    Fixed point results of some nonlinear maps with applications

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    Variational inequalities and fixed point problems : a survey

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    U ovoj disertaciji predstavljena je i razrađena teorija neizrazitog vođenja i održavanja procesa toplinskog komfora u mjernom laboratoriju. Izložen je novi sustavski pristup vođenja s posebnim naglaskom na čovjeka- mjeritelja, koji je sastavni dio regulacijskog kruga Konvencionalnom vođenju procesa održavanja toplinskog komfora predviđena je korekcija u skladu s subjektivnim doživljajem, zadržavajući pri tom referentne vrijednosti unutar intervala dopuštenih standardom. Kao rezultat istraživanja odlučeno je i realizirano da se psihološki doživljaj komfora ugradi primjenom neizrazitog slijeda vođenja. Tijekom istraživanja, za potrebe vođenja toplinskog komfora, izrađen je lingvistički deduktivni model, kojim se opisuju svi eventualni lingvistički zahtjevi za promjenom komfora. Pored ovog modela izrađen je i model toplinske i materijalne akumulacije u promatranom prostoru, kako bi se dokazala mogućnost primjene razvijene teorije za vođenje procesa toplinskog komfora. Važan dio predloženog sustava jest inteligentno mjerilo entalpije, izvedeno na temelju istraživanja termodinamike vlažnog zraka. Zamišljen je i realiziran takav inteligentni mjerni uređaj koji povezuje mjerne podatke o tlaku, temperaturi i vlažnosti zraka u promatranom prostoru, sa zbirkom znanja ugrađenom u mikroračunalo, pa kontinuirano računa trenutačne vrijednosti entalpije. Ovaj rad je novi doprinos u teoriji vođenja toplinskog komfora, koja se do sada zasnivala isključivo na stabilizaciji termodinamičkih varijabli stanja.This work presents new process control theory, applied to maintaining thermal comfort in measurement laboratory. In this system approach to process control, human is an essential part of feedback controller. His subjective feeling of thermal comfort is base for applying fuzzy logic; his linguistic information's about temperature and relative humidity in laboratory substitute measurements of a classic feedback controller. Control decisions are result of fuzzy calculations, and controlled variables must be maintained within limits given by Standard. Linguistic deductive model that describes all possible linguistic demands for thermal comfort changes is developed during the research. Also, mathematical model of heat and material accumulation in a laboratory is developed, to confirm applicability of proposed theory for control of thermal comfort process. Important part of proposed system is an intelligent instrument for enthalpy measurement, developed on basis of humid air thermodynamics research. This intelligent measuring instrument combines pressure, temperature and relative humidity measurement data in a laboratory with knowledge base situated in a microprocessor, and continuously calculates enthalpy. This work presents new contribution to theory of thermal comfort control, which was until now based exclusively on stabilisation of thermodynamic variables

    Convergence and fixed point theorems in convex metric spaces : a survey

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