10 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Psychomotricity Research Trends: The Current Role of Childhood

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    Psychomotricity is a wide broad term, which encompasses different bodily action approaches to support children and adolescents to achieve their highest potential. A search on the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database was performed on this topic, using traditional bibliometric laws. Finally, 118 publications (112 articles and 6 reviews) documents were found. Annual publications presented an exponentially growing trend (R2 = 84.7%). Spain was the most productive country/region worldwide. Paola Magioncalda, Matteo Martino y Víctor Arufe Giraldez were highlighted as the most prolific co-authors. “Retos Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación” was the most productive journal and the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, was the second most productive; the third in the list was the most productive in the JCR ranking. Thus, research on psychomotricity is experiencing exponential growth, causing this topic to generate great interest among researchers, publishers and journals. The most cited paper was “Neurocognitive Effects of Alcohol Hangover”. The author keywords that were first raised together with psychomotricity were related to rehabilitation and psychomotor development, while the current trend was focused on physical activity and early childhood education

    Bibliometric analysis of studies on whole body electromyostimulation

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    Whole Body Electromyostimulation [WB-EMS] is a training methodology that applies electrostimulation in the main muscle groups of the human body superimposed with active training exercises. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis on WB-EMS to provide an overview of the state of research and provide new insights for research in the field. Method: One hundred and two citations extracted were examined using a bibliometric approach based on data stored in the Web of Science Core Collection, applying traditional bibliometric laws, and using VOSviewer and excel for data and metadata processing. Results: Among the results, this study points out that Germany is the country that produces more scientific knowledge on WB-EMS. Wolfgang Kemmler is the most relevant author in this field. Moreover, Frontier of Physiology is the journal where the authors publish the most. Conclusion: Research on WB-EMS has been growing in recent years. German and Spanish researchers lead two clusters where most studies and collaborations in this field are carried out. These findings will provide a better understanding of the state of WB-EMS research and may guide the emergence of new lines of investigation and research ideas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Science Mapping: A Bibliometric Analysis on Cyberbullying and the Psychological Dimensions of the Self

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    Cyberbullying prevalence is increasing in the world, being a form of abuse that follows victims into their most intimate settings. Cyberbullying affects victims’ mental health, self-esteem, emotions, and academic performance. Cyberbullies present low levels of self-control and empathy. This research aimed to map scientific research on Cyberbullying and the Psychological Dimensions of the Self. A bibliometric analysis of scientific documents published in journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) was performed. Traditional bibliometric laws were applied and VOSviewer was used to generate visualizations. The annual publications followed exponential growth. Computers in Human Behaviour was the journal with the most publications. Researchers from the USA and Spain were the most prolific. Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin were the most cited authors. Hence, there is a growing interest among researchers in Cyberbullying and the emotional aspects of children and adolescents. The USA and Spain were the leading countries in research on this subject. Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin were the most prolific and influential authors.The APC was funded by the Open Access Program of Universidad de Las Américas. Funding was provided by Internal Research Project Nº812022 of Universidad de Las Americas. The author Á.D.-Z. (FPU20/04201) was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport. Grants FPU20/04201 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by “European Social Fund Investing in your future” or by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. We also thank the Universidad de Las Américas for their support of the Open Access initiative

    Scientometric analysis of research on socioemotional wealth

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    Scientometric studies have become very important within the scientific environment in general, and in the family firm area in particular. This study aims at conducting a bibliometric analysis of socioemotional wealth within family firms. To this end, a background search of the terms family firm and socioemotional wealth has been carried out in the Web of Science, specifically in specialized journals published between 1975 and 2019 in the Science Citation Index. The resulting scientometric analyses are of the number of papers and citations, the main authors and journals, the WoS categories, the institutions, the countries and the word co-occurrence. One of the main conclusions of this paper is the abundance of studies that have been conducted on socioemotional wealth in family firms, which is reflected in the number of publications (501) and of citations of these studies (12,090). Another significant revelation is the copious number of authors, with Gómez-Mejía being the most relevant one and De Massis the one with the highest number of publications. Also noteworthy are the many USA-based institutions, with the Mississippi State University and the University of North Carolina being the two most prominent. In addition, studies have been carried out about family firms’ focus, mainly, on performance and ownership

    Scientometric Analysis of Hiking Tourism and Its Relevance for Wellbeing and Knowledge Management

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    Hiking is a sports activity that takes place in the natural environment. From the point of view of well-being, it is an aerobic activity that prevents and improves cardiovascular diseases. According to data provided by the United Nations, within the framework of the International Year of Mountains, mountain tourism represents around 15% to 20% of total world tourism revenue. This approach aims to critically analyze the scientific production on trail tourism (HT) with contributions from authors from around the world from 1991 to 2022, in order to respond to the connection between this research, knowledge management and the sustainable development of the industry. Key knowledge contributions are examined using a scientometric approach as a method (spatial, production, impact, and relational) based on registry data stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI). Regarding the results, there has been an increase in scientific production in the last decade, which is manifested in the quality of the publications

    Recognizing new trends in brain drain studies in the framework of global sustainability

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    Indexación ScopusScholars had been documenting the Brain Drain phenomenon producing scientific literature for more than 50 years. After three decades of slow but steady progress, literature about this concept has accelerated its progress and growth path, in line with the 9th sustainable development goal “Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” Thus, the present article aims to define the current theoretical trends about the analysis of advanced intellectual human capital’s international migratory phenomenon. This study uses a scientometric methodology on a corpus of 1212 articles indexed to the JCR-WoS from Social Sciences. The period cov-ered in the study is from 1965 to 2020. The paper looks to understand how researchers studied the brain drain concept over the last 55 years in various disciplines. The report covers 99 categories from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) index. Results show that there is a scientific research critical mass that is studying the brain drain phenomenon. The analysis shows thematic trends at the sources, discourses, and consolidates classic works and some novel authors. Those new scholars and theoretical trends lead to refocused analysis beyond countries with a high development level. Such movement constitutes a new challenge in this line of research toward studying the effects of the brain drain in the peripheral areas of knowledge production. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/6/319

    Measuring the impact of information on development

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    New options for team research via international computer networks

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    In this paper, international team research (ITR) is discussed as an object for measurement, systems analysis, and management. The paper is intended as a contribution to the development of a “problem” orientation in scientometrics. In the authors' view, scientometric studies can help solve the problem of efficient ITR in several ways-for instance, by identifying needed improvements in (a) international scientific communication in general, (b) scientific interactions within and among research teams as part of the creative process, and (c) the overall international usage of existing scientific knowledge. The paper discusses the machinery of ITR, models of scientific communication, and some original experience in using computers and telecommunications as tools for scientific interaction. All of these are potential objects for scientometric investigation. The paper itself performs some first steps in obtaining economic parameters for the different forms of international team research