5,224 research outputs found

    Audio‐Visual Speaker Tracking

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    Target motion tracking found its application in interdisciplinary fields, including but not limited to surveillance and security, forensic science, intelligent transportation system, driving assistance, monitoring prohibited area, medical science, robotics, action and expression recognition, individual speaker discrimination in multi‐speaker environments and video conferencing in the fields of computer vision and signal processing. Among these applications, speaker tracking in enclosed spaces has been gaining relevance due to the widespread advances of devices and technologies and the necessity for seamless solutions in real‐time tracking and localization of speakers. However, speaker tracking is a challenging task in real‐life scenarios as several distinctive issues influence the tracking process, such as occlusions and an unknown number of speakers. One approach to overcome these issues is to use multi‐modal information, as it conveys complementary information about the state of the speakers compared to single‐modal tracking. To use multi‐modal information, several approaches have been proposed which can be classified into two categories, namely deterministic and stochastic. This chapter aims at providing multimedia researchers with a state‐of‐the‐art overview of tracking methods, which are used for combining multiple modalities to accomplish various multimedia analysis tasks, classifying them into different categories and listing new and future trends in this field

    Video analytics for security systems

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    This study has been conducted to develop robust event detection and object tracking algorithms that can be implemented in real time video surveillance applications. The aim of the research has been to produce an automated video surveillance system that is able to detect and report potential security risks with minimum human intervention. Since the algorithms are designed to be implemented in real-life scenarios, they must be able to cope with strong illumination changes and occlusions. The thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section deals with event detection and edge based tracking while the second section describes colour measurement methods developed to track objects in crowded environments. The event detection methods presented in the thesis mainly focus on detection and tracking of objects that become stationary in the scene. Objects such as baggage left in public places or vehicles parked illegally can cause a serious security threat. A new pixel based classification technique has been developed to detect objects of this type in cluttered scenes. Once detected, edge based object descriptors are obtained and stored as templates for tracking purposes. The consistency of these descriptors is examined using an adaptive edge orientation based technique. Objects are tracked and alarm events are generated if the objects are found to be stationary in the scene after a certain period of time. To evaluate the full capabilities of the pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking methods, the model is tested using several hours of real-life video surveillance scenarios recorded at different locations and time of day from our own and publically available databases (i-LIDS, PETS, MIT, ViSOR). The performance results demonstrate that the combination of pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking gave over 95% success rate. The results obtained also yield better detection and tracking results when compared with the other available state of the art methods. In the second part of the thesis, colour based techniques are used to track objects in crowded video sequences in circumstances of severe occlusion. A novel Adaptive Sample Count Particle Filter (ASCPF) technique is presented that improves the performance of the standard Sample Importance Resampling Particle Filter by up to 80% in terms of computational cost. An appropriate particle range is obtained for each object and the concept of adaptive samples is introduced to keep the computational cost down. The objective is to keep the number of particles to a minimum and only to increase them up to the maximum, as and when required. Variable standard deviation values for state vector elements have been exploited to cope with heavy occlusion. The technique has been tested on different video surveillance scenarios with variable object motion, strong occlusion and change in object scale. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only tracks the object with comparable accuracy to existing particle filter techniques but is up to five times faster. Tracking objects in a multi camera environment is discussed in the final part of the thesis. The ASCPF technique is deployed within a multi-camera environment to track objects across different camera views. Such environments can pose difficult challenges such as changes in object scale and colour features as the objects move from one camera view to another. Variable standard deviation values of the ASCPF have been utilized in order to cope with sudden colour and scale changes. As the object moves from one scene to another, the number of particles, together with the spread value, is increased to a maximum to reduce any effects of scale and colour change. Promising results are obtained when the ASCPF technique is tested on live feeds from four different camera views. It was found that not only did the ASCPF method result in the successful tracking of the moving object across different views but also maintained the real time frame rate due to its reduced computational cost thus indicating that the method is a potential practical solution for multi camera tracking applications

    Dynamic Clustering via Asymptotics of the Dependent Dirichlet Process Mixture

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    This paper presents a novel algorithm, based upon the dependent Dirichlet process mixture model (DDPMM), for clustering batch-sequential data containing an unknown number of evolving clusters. The algorithm is derived via a low-variance asymptotic analysis of the Gibbs sampling algorithm for the DDPMM, and provides a hard clustering with convergence guarantees similar to those of the k-means algorithm. Empirical results from a synthetic test with moving Gaussian clusters and a test with real ADS-B aircraft trajectory data demonstrate that the algorithm requires orders of magnitude less computational time than contemporary probabilistic and hard clustering algorithms, while providing higher accuracy on the examined datasets.Comment: This paper is from NIPS 2013. Please use the following BibTeX citation: @inproceedings{Campbell13_NIPS, Author = {Trevor Campbell and Miao Liu and Brian Kulis and Jonathan P. How and Lawrence Carin}, Title = {Dynamic Clustering via Asymptotics of the Dependent Dirichlet Process}, Booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)}, Year = {2013}

    Detection-assisted Object Tracking by Mobile Cameras

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    Tracking-by-detection is a class of new tracking approaches that utilizes recent development of object detection algorithms. This type of approach performs object detection for each frame and uses data association algorithms to associate new observations to existing targets. Inspired by the core idea of the tracking-by-detection framework, we propose a new framework called detection-assisted tracking where object detection algorithm provides help to the tracking algorithm when such help is necessary; thus object detection, a very time consuming task, is performed only when needed. The proposed framework is also able to handle complicated scenarios where cameras are allowed to move, and occlusion or multiple similar objects exist. We also port the core component of the proposed framework, the detector, onto embedded smart cameras. Contrary to traditional scenarios where the smart cameras are assumed to be static, we allow the smart cameras to move around in the scene. Our approach employs histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) object detector for foreground detection, to enable more robust detection on mobile platform. Traditional background subtraction methods are not suitable for mobile platforms where the background changes constantly. Adviser: Senem Velipasalar and Mustafa Cenk Gurso

    Non-overlapping Distributed Tracking System Utilizing Particle Filter

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    Tracking people across multiple cameras is a challenging research area in visual computing, especially when these cameras have non-overlapping field of views. The important task is to associate a current subject with other prior appearances of the same subject across time and space in a camera network. Several known techniques rely on Bayesian approaches to perform the matching task. However, these approaches do not scale well when the dimension of the problem increases; e.g. when the number of subject or possible path increases. The aim of this paper is to propose a unified tracking framework using particle filters to efficiently switch between visual tracking (field of view tracking) and track prediction (non-overlapping region tracking). The particle filter tracking system utilizes a map (known environment) to assist the tracking process when targets leave the field of view of any camera. We implemented and tested this tracking approach in an in-house multiple cameras system as well as using on-line data. Promising results were obtained which suggested the feasibility of such an approach

    Probabilistic three-dimensional object tracking based on adaptive depth segmentation

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    Object tracking is one of the fundamental topics of computer vision with diverse applications. The arising challenges in tracking, i.e., cluttered scenes, occlusion, complex motion, and illumination variations have motivated utilization of depth information from 3D sensors. However, current 3D trackers are not applicable to unconstrained environments without a priori knowledge. As an important object detection module in tracking, segmentation subdivides an image into its constituent regions. Nevertheless, the existing range segmentation methods in literature are difficult to implement in real-time due to their slow performance. In this thesis, a 3D object tracking method based on adaptive depth segmentation and particle filtering is presented. In this approach, the segmentation method as the bottom-up process is combined with the particle filter as the top-down process to achieve efficient tracking results under challenging circumstances. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency, as well as robustness of the tracking algorithm utilizing real-world range information

    Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive People Detection for Video Sequences by Maximizing Mutual Information

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    Applying people detectors to unseen data is challenging since patterns distributions, such as viewpoints, motion, poses, backgrounds, occlusions and people sizes, may significantly differ from the ones of the training dataset. In this paper, we propose a coarse-to-fine framework to adapt frame by frame people detectors during runtime classification, without requiring any additional manually labeled ground truth apart from the offline training of the detection model. Such adaptation make use of multiple detectors mutual information, i.e., similarities and dissimilarities of detectors estimated and agreed by pair-wise correlating their outputs. Globally, the proposed adaptation discriminates between relevant instants in a video sequence, i.e., identifies the representative frames for an adaptation of the system. Locally, the proposed adaptation identifies the best configuration (i.e., detection threshold) of each detector under analysis, maximizing the mutual information to obtain the detection threshold of each detector. The proposed coarse-to-fine approach does not require training the detectors for each new scenario and uses standard people detector outputs, i.e., bounding boxes. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art detectors whose optimal threshold configurations are previously determined and fixed from offline training dataThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish government under the project TEC2014-53176-R (HAVideo